Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cat's Paw

It is most interesting the line drag which develops when one starts finding public sites and posting about the forced diversion of Marine One. Simply looking at Maryland military bases makes one such a popular date that the immense serve at Google starts timing out.

I personally do not like Maryland. It is a liberal state, filled up with black racists, and all fed from the federal toilet flush. If you do not get that point, the pretty states like Virginia get the CIA and other clean income revenue producers, but Maryland gets the military cripples at hospital, the munition proving grounds, biological weapons, maintenance and big noisy jets allowing the locals to breathe in low grade kerosene.
Maryland is just the anus of the region compared to the glamorous Pennsylvania, Delaware and Virginia........next to West Virginia, Maryland is the black lung ugly twin come down to the flats from the hillbilly cousins.

I really do not know why the military calls these industrial complex welfare sites like Fort Meade a base, as all they are, is nothing but alphabet agencies in big ugly buildings with even larger parking lots.
So when Marine One diverts, it hardly goes to Octopus central, but instead flags to the unnamed secure posts, as it all gets complicated in the travel plans never fly at the same altitude, same route, same time.........or have alternative LZ's, as patterns are forbidden and rightly so in keeping beloved leader alive.

Speaking of which, about Marine One's weather diversion without speaking of Marine One to keep things secret and not Wes Clarke posting in Iran:
UH-60Q can perform all weather terrain battlefield evacuation, combat search and rescue, hospital ship lifeline missions, deep operations support, forward surgical team transport, medical logistics resupply, medical personnel movement, patient regulating, disaster/humanitarian relief, and MAST/HELP state support.

That is Hughie II or as you know it the Blackhawk in her Q capabilities, and when the child of Hughie can fly in all weather under combat conditions, you know Marine One has like abilities.

Alright so you can bank that the White House lied about Marine One, and everyone in the beltway knew it, and the public did not figure it out, even after Drudge posted it for a weekend, until this blog exclusively explained to the wide eyed questioning children.

Now this becomes step two, as this was part of the Obama coup which Ulsterman has been covering in the information being fed to him, so it gets into the "kook sphere" as Limbaugh would call it, and all his mimics keep smearing bloggers in the same little loon parrot of the big bird on the perch.
This provides the groundwork, so the puppy press of Obama does not have to report Obama crimes and Limbaugh can fondle his blondeberry when the boy benchers are not sending out recruits to dig up information on Americans not towing the line.
I find Ulsterman most interesting in the amount of time which is spent trying to discredit him with one specific charge of "he is making it all up and is Deep Tutu". I noted one Obat even posted how Ulsterman transformed from bull dyke donna brazil (yeah I know her real name) and how it all suddenly became foul mouthed...........
Duh when people are feeling out a source to feed their material to, they just don't start with "F*ck you Ulster" and expect with that slap to get the blogger to trust them.........nopers one behaves oneself in first contacts, then one starts insulting the journalist with little blog comments to make them tow the line and then goes brash in revealing their real mouth.

What Ulsterman is recording is the Letterman cocktail crowd banter. This is how those people talk from Karl Rove to Barbara Walters.

Speaking of Letterman, Jerome Corsi noted that the pedophile joker mentioned about Obama's forged birth abstract. The reason this is important is Letterman is not just a CBS employee........he signed on to be the bird on a wire like Jon Stewart to communicate to the liberal dolts in pushing whatever cartel policy was of that moment.
They know Obama forged that birth abstract and this all dovetails into the questions to Jay Carney about Hillary getting into the race.
There are allot of turds being floated in this cesspool now and hints are manifesting all around that the elite have had enough of these black people around............that Martin King memorial is about thee most racist thing ever on display in that Sphinx Mao, having King look down on the world. Only this blog informed and warned blacks, that they were being set up in 2008 with this white guy Obama, so the elites would never have to do anything with them for a generation.
Blacks are being replaced with tan Mexicans, as Mexicans take up less space, work harder, die more readily and do not in the long run take retirement.
Mr. Obama was intended to be the first non black black in power, and he is going to be the first non black blamed as black to keep all blacks out of power for a generation........and by that time Pedro will have become so numerous that the black vote will be tossed to the GOP like Asians as they won't matter.

I suppose the sodom sojourners are not getting the above in connection, but there has been communication taking place in Hillary Clinton is the one who is being pushed to replace Obama. Letterman is telling everyone, including Obama that his forgery is the issue and he does not belong.
The diversion of Marine One..............follows on Boehner telling Obama to pound sand and then the NFL told Obama to pound sand..........and children the NFL is that Rooney bunch with Bob Kraft racists who went after Doc Limbaugh and loved designer negro Obama.

Obama got punted twice in two days, and it is now third down, and when Marine One is diverted because an event was sending a message, the yardage makes a Hail Mary the only option as what does Obama do with 4th and 500 to go.

I actually pity Obama in his position now, as he has had things done for him his entire life, in always being the token black kid who was special olympics.
That joke of his is going to come back and bite him, as just as the mentally retarded if they were put into Harvard, given book deals and put into the White House.............someone who is retarded in that position would not be able to cope with that kind of responsibility when the people who are carrying your water suddenly stop.
It is like that round table Ulsterman exposed in the shrinking Obama..........what that meeting revealed is the chameleon Obama is. He knows how to blow into a room like a storm to impress, but after the windbag blows out, he has no ability to follow through, so he becomes bored after his performance and Jarrett has to tell the room what Obama thinks.

I can not believe the liberals of Wall Street are this stupid like hick Arkansas when the Clintons 'had their public meetings' and already had all the policy set..........that is what Obama is up to with Wall Street, in Obama already has the policy handed to him, he has not read it, and all the round table was about, was to make the brokers think they had input.
Obama does this all the time in promising all to all, and leaving all holding the bag.
He suckers the willing.

These are the patterns like Rovian Limbaugh hinting of Obama resigning...........the same thing Dr. Corsi wrote of months ago from his sources. All those bugs which Obama ripped out that Rove planted are back in place, as that is why the information is flowing from the Bush front again and the Clintons are playing cute in keeping quiet.

Nothing has changed in this ok. It is still the RFK coup on LBJ. Yes the price went up, Obama's contract was bought, and now it is a matter of leveraging Hillary in ASAP without her being blamed by blacks with Jeb jr. hiding about the place trying to get the GOP to lose in 2012. Hillary apparently only got a 4 year deal and Jeb is supposed to take over in 2016, according to the Prescott Bush plan.
I know Pres is tits up, but charlie I miss that old guy, as he had class being the head guy. This 41 lacks luster and 43 with that puffy lips Rove is bright, but they just don't have the thousand dollar 1950's suit and look out of place in one now.

I do pity Obama now though, as he is in a rat hole like Saddam Hussein. His visitors need to start tossing Dorito bags on the floor and Limbaugh tea half drunk about the second floor rec room, to give bunker Obama that feel.
Hitler had all that plan in money invested in the west, his intel infiltrating, his 4th Reich, but Obama just has cats pawing at him not taking him serious as not even his benefactors do.

It must have been like that in Indonesia with Asians throwing rocks at him, and Stan Ann just acting like oblivious Valdasherie..........the novelty of Obama has worn off, and now the elite who he pushed out of the way are pushing back and the patricians just want Obama to go away.

Now Obama is going to implement racism..........who cares really about that, as blacks being rioters will burn themselves out, and they get banging on enough Asians, Mexicans and Whites, the rioters will be facing lead poisoning on the streets of Miami and Chicago.

It is all just falling apart for Obama, and Marine One was Mr. Obama's opportunity to exit the building on his own accord. If he does not resign, then this moves to the next notch Darrell Issa is being employed for and what Deep Tutu is engaged in, as Eric Holder is removed and justice becomes a landmine, in which Bill Daley deep throats Mr. Obama in saying, "Mr. Obama sir, if you do steal this next election, you will be ruined by 2014 in thee same coup which Richard Nixon faced........and this time Mr. Obama, you will face prison as your legacy".

For those who chirp about Obama resigning or such things......you must comprehend, that all there is, is spinster Hillary to heal a nation with Huma nursing and a geezer father just does not have the energy to do all of this.........and Boehner is not stupid in wanting to be President in this Gerald Ford disaster. Obama is in there, but they want him out after some humiliation. Then comes Joe Biden.........a disaster as even with teleprompter he can not lie right, so there sits the White House, the prize no one wants as Obama has made it the black hole which will suck the life out of any politician who replaces him in 2012.

The elites want to make this a staged election so they can put more elites into power. They do not want Sarah Palin power, and that is what Ron Paul and all this parade of Huntsman's are about.
Do not count out Sarah Palin, as I know things and have hinted some here, but I will not reveal all that is being burned in this on her behalf as there are God and American forces at work in this in redeeming the Virgin Daughter sold into slave whore bondage in 2008.

The patricians full intend to prop Obama up and if he does not resign, which they really do not want........but a sort of "not seeking election", they intend to vent on him, rip him, tear him, humiliate him and repay him in a most deliberate way.

That is what Marine One was about. It was under the cover of Naps Napolitano's intelligence threat coming in, and the elite just made Barack Hussein Obama divert his helo, and then ride to Camp David in armoured car..........as a message that the elite can take his vacations and his helo away anytime they choose, and they can take the White House away too in handcuffs.

No one at the top wants that Oval Office which Mr. Obama has fouled in racism........that is why he is there yet, and will be there as a servant to the Europeans who installed him.
"They" though have this tweetie bird in a cage, and like cats they got their paws stuck in that cage batting at him as Obama hunkers down with Reggie and the big screen.

Obama is going to look like one of those 30 year old stuffed pheasants your gram had before this is over...........the cat's paws are inside the cages and they are making sport of this, as this is their game they love to play.

*Check the archives kiddies for Birdie Obama and the Tweetie artwork to just witness how many years ago Inspiration by God's Grace predicted all of this on this nothing blog.

Did I not tell you I lived in the future? Oh yea of little faith.........hope you believe God when He tells you things.

agtG 270Y

Tweedle lee dee dee dee
Tweedle lee dee dee dee
Tweedle lee dee dee dee
Tweedle lee dee dee dee

Every little swallow, every chickadee
Every little bird in the tall oak tree
The wise old owl, the big black crow
Flapping them wings sayin' go bird go

A wordy little raven at the bird's first dance
Taught him how to do the bop and it was grand
He started goin' steady and bless my soul
He out popped the buzzard and the oriole

He rocks in the tree-top all a day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singin' the song
All the little birds on J-Bird St.
Love to hear the robin goin' tweet tweet tweet

Rockin' robin (tweet tweet tweet)
Rockin' robin (tweet tweet tweet)
Oh rockin' robin well you really gonna rock tonight.

A matter of witness

One sometime reads as matter of public record in newspapers, legal recordings like this:

Be it known, my former whore wife, whom I'm divorcing is no longer my responsiblity, and therefore, I'm not responsible for any of her debt, criminal actions or acts of satan associated with this slut.

B. Hussein Obama I

America at large
Kenya squatter

In that, this blog issues the following Spiritual Legal warning bound in Heaven and God's earth.

Be it known, to all the Limbaugh leaners to Obama trolls to the intelligence services and whoever else has delayed, impersonated, wasted my time, disrupted, lied about, impeded or anything else which has hindered this blog in it's commission from God, that hereby upon your sins, they are bound in Jesus Name forever, and you are now responsible for the hindering of this Witness in all sins others have been not stopped from and all End Times events which might have been lessened, except for your willing demon influenced space taking imposition on the work which goes on here.

I do not care if you do not get this blog. I do not care if you think this blog crazy. I do not care if you are unaware of the commission. I do not care if Obama is your messiah and you hang on every word Mockingbird feeds you. I honestly do not care about you as your following the contrary to Christ is your choice, and you will meet judgment and that Christ with sins bound, and you will be either removed from sheol and destroyed in gehenna or tortmented as a spirit with demons forever.

You have chosen your outcome, and you have assaulted God's outcome here.

Vengeance is the Lords and the Lord will repay here, and in Judment eternal sentence will be issued, no matter your ignorance, your elite connections or you money.

The very mandate the God of my Lord has imposed upon me, is now put upon all you disobedient, degenerate and deviant delingquints, and I could not be more pleased to have this burden shifted.
In His Name, this is sealed, Amen and Amen.

That should just about cover it and as here am I, Inspired, it is my context and meaning, and not the whining guilty who will attempt to wiggle out of this.

Dust off my shoes.

agtG 308Y

The Sexy Lemmings

I was observing an Orly Taitz page run by a Jon Elmer and I really felt compassion for the Obama lemmings or Obots on that site as they were frantically starting fires and looking quite rodent.
I really do not know these folks names, most are have their faces stuck into their avatar close, and appear very fat, greasy and shiney.........you know as people who consume large portions of fries from a fast food chain can only look with that oily corn oil diet.
One female comes to mind as being the kind of heifer Muchelle. herself, would become glowing over as the Obama's and Biden's also have that corn oil sheen all over their bodies.

One just has to be moved by compassion for these Obama folks, as they are the prescription for death by greasy suicide........and when they look like vegan Bill Clinton, he looks like he died about 3 years ago and is mummified.

In any case, this is some advice dedicated to one of the most low self esteem egos in Obamaville in I believe his name was Steve Feinstein, as this name kept popping up on alerts in strangely when Jerome Corsi exposed the black Obots, they were bright enough to flee, but these white greasy folks, stayed around and waited for the volcano to explode on them.
The KKK would not like this, but here are fat greasy white Obots not as bright as the black greasy fat bots who are gay.

As stated, this is some advice for the Obama lemming great and small.

Obama is not going to be able to steal the 2012 election as he did in 2008 or as Jewish contractors carried out the work for him against John McCain with Karl Rove's help. This means that B. Hussein has made a host of enemies in these United States..........you know from Bank One being threatened with the pitchfork mob to a great deal of the oil industry.

Americans after being assaulted by Obama's policies are going to be in a mood for what this blog has advocated in a real Andrew Jackson unleashing of the Justice Department on a wholesale retribution on the Obamites.
See the Clinton people are very much a part of this, as are the Edwards people, the powerful black leadership, the Jewish leadership.........you know everyone except the traitorous gays have all been wiped out by Obama and politically raped by his hordes, so there is real unction for some good old "pound of flesh" to be filleted on Obama and his lemmings.

Now Obama is a bright boy in this, in he has sent out these shiny Steve Feinsteins to make a rat stink, as a diversion, which when it tracks back in federal investigations is going to be termed domestic terrorism in a conspiracy initiated by the regime.
Yes 20 years to life, and in some cases murderous threats were made, so it would be execution, is what Obama is going to implement in throwing his rats over the side of his ship to save hisself.

This is the advice therefore for the Obama lemmings. In criminal proceedings, you really need a friend in law enforcement...........you have none as the judges and prosecutors who are pro Obama in tying up the court cases are going to be indicted too.
No help will come from a Republican Congress or President, as this is not George W. Bush covering for the Clintons...........this is going to be a blood letting and Karl Rove is going to be offered up for his part in this mess, along with his crew like Steve Schmidt etc...

So the Obama lemmings, the Obots, are going to have to have something to negociate with, and the way law enforcement works is they are usually interested in the next bigger fish, so evidence a lemming will provide might just get them into a walk around prison, instead of an orange jump suit prison in Texas where they will walk around with their hand on some really nasty black or latino's pocket pulled out, while not sucking their loli or having things shoved up their rectums.

Of course, maybe with all that grease these lemmings consume, they might like the sodomite crowd, so all they would need to negotiate for is a case of Vaseline or chapstick in the female versions, as Big Edna does not like chapped lips on her vulva.
Oh and please to the female Obats, as you might not realize this............do not negotiate for Blistex, as Blistex will burn your lips and burn Big Edna's lips down below, and Big Edna with a burning pussy is not a happy Big Edna, and you do not want to be blowing on that kittie all night cooling it off.

See you learn things here, and this blog is always there to help even Obots in the cell they have created for themselves.

So you Obots, great and small, you really need to save those emails with full headers into a file, online in emails, you need to burn a copy, that means onto a CD or a flash and you need to print up several copies to keep in your safe and to keep with your attorney, which you probably should put on retainer when the hammer comes down.
You will have to check on accidentally recording your superiors in how legal that is, when they send you out on terror assignments..........and of course all funds or graft you receive should be photographed and if your superior has touched the funds or graft, keep that for fingerprints and DNA, as law enforcement will appreciate your providing a tight case for them to prosecute.

Look the last thing you want to do is be a Jim McDougal stumbling around and being a pest, who needs to have pesticide applied to them. Simply with your attorney work your deal and get out of the spotlight, so you do not get whacked.
Oh and lemmings, do not be stupid little rodents in getting a liberal attorney you trust, as Obama has already retained Vernon Jordan..........as that is why he was dining with him up at Martha's Vinyard........your liberal attorney is going to report your pleas and plans, and your files will disappear as you become a Donald Young of Vince Foster.
So get a good savage Republican attorney who won't betray you..........and you probably should know that you should not tell your attorney in your initial phase things like, "This is my Obama terror files of all the terrorism I conducted for the regime.......so keep my crimes secret, for when the feds come and arrest me, so I can work a deal", as attorneys have to report things like crimes.

To the lemmings though, you really could also go another route in going to a news organization, like World Net Daily and giving them all of your evidence, so they could expose all of this and you could then claim you were a "whistleblower" and the future Government might look upon you being a stooge with appreciation.
This of course will be your decision, as you are on the cliff and you are going to jump one way or the other, and you are going to have to jump for the best deal.

So lemmings, gather your evidence, as you are good at stalking Americans as you have proven in all the files you post, and then save it for when you are arrested, or turn yourself into the authorities the moment you see January 20th...........granted you should really contact like WND as you might just disappear in all the Obamite residue in the justice system which will linger, but this is an adult world you rats jumped into, and now you must decide how best to betray your betrayers to save what is left of your pathetic existences.

I realize your little mole brains are turning now, and you are thinking of other types of evidence you have and can collect........like recording meetings you attend with those 60 Minutes odd eye specks the reporters always wear, in all the things you can get your fellow terror cells and leaders to admit to...........you know just like that BATF mole getting the Hutatree folks to say things they did, so Obama could use that as a political event.

I will leave that up to you, but you have now been warned in something you have not thought of, as that is why Obama chose you, as you are rat minds, who do not think of such things, that your are the scapegoats Obama will throw to the courts for his escape.

That is about it, as making it this plain is about all this law upholding Citizen can do, in doing a good deed in trying to save you, by having all you Obots great and small, gather your evidence on each other, so you can save yourselves at the appointed hour which is coming.

So don't become Donald Young, be Deep Throat.........at least to keep you out of becoming Deep Anal in prison, unless you desire such a thing.

We now return you to..................the Jan Morgan program, produced by........yes it is Debra Hart on 89 LAME as we care about you lemmings.
