Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Footprints of Insurrection - The ANTIGOV Deranged


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

How many ways can one spell insurrection in is any of the facets not being cut in this gemstone of the ANTIGOV "resistance" which is a not so clever word for rebellion against the Constitution.

Deranged Leftists, Communists Call For Violence
Assassination Of Musk And Trump

In Less Than a Month the Deep State Has Initiated
75 Bogus Lawfare Cases Against the Trump Admin

President William McKinley was murdered (foreign birthed Obama raped this dead American President's legacy by changing the name of Mount McKinley to some Indian terrorist name.) by the press stirring up all the Goddamn foreigners let into America. The same situation took place with President Theodore Roosevelt in his Bull Moose ticket run. People have the right to free speech, but the Constitution does not permit the instigation of violence in goading people to do things.

Whatever the laws are now, Andrew Jackson once said he should have shot his Vice President, John Calhoun. That is entirely proper in protected free speech. What would not have been allowed is if Andrew Jackson had made speeches or posted fliers goading the mob into murdering John Calhoun.

That is what was criminal in President Thomas Jackson and James Madison, in their poison pen writings in the press against Andrew Hamilton. They kept at it, until Vice President Aaron Burr was maneuvered into a fury to a duel with Hamilton. Burr was in trouble over that, but Jefferson and Madison never were tried for their poison whispers.

In the below quotes, you see someone goading people to violence against President Trump and DOGE agent, Elon Musk. That is a criminal instigation.

In the last quote, a "preacher" is inducing members of his congregation to murder Mr. Musk over rhetoric from the democrat resistance. This is a crime by this preacher and he should be charged for attempted murder. The various functional USAID propaganda Mockingbird is spreading lies about DOGE in having people's Social Security Numbers, when instead it is finding payments made to fictional people without numbers.

Meet you on the other side.

“Somebody’s just got to go in there and make history,” he continued, adding “You know who you are; just buck up and do your duty.”

The footage went viral and Musk himself responded. 

Then there’s this guy…

Dr. Steve Caudle, a pastor at Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church in Chattanooga, called violent attacks on Musk for exposing corruption and fraud via DOGE.

“I’ll say to you, beloved, no one likes violence, but sometimes violence is necessary,” Caudle proclaimed.

He continued, “When Elon Musk forces his way into the United States Treasury and threatens to steal your personal information and your social security check there is the possibility of violence.”

“Sometimes the Devil will act so ugly that you have NO CHOICE but to get violent and fight!” he further declared.

Yep, that’s as straight up a call for violence you’re ever going to see. 

There has been too much woke abuse of rights in this censorship and "hate speech", to enable them to intimidate political discourse in their adversaries. That is wrong and it has unleashed on the left thee worst verbal crimes of real violence. What this is all devolved to is flash mob violence. In Abraham Lincoln's day, the Rhett's drove an insurrection which resulted in 500,000 dead. Their fiction was attempted to be put down by President Andrew Jackson, but in the following presidents, the rhetoric was enabled, violence erupted, which resulted in the murder of President Abraham Lincoln and the attempted murder of the Vice President and members of the Lincoln cabinet.

The Lame Cherry has always stated that attempted murder and rape should be punished as full crimes, as being a failure at something is not to be rewarded. Advocating the mob to murder people is first degree murder. This Government must define this as an insurrection, and in Tribunals convict and execute this resistance for murder and high crimes against these United States.

This is the only solution to forever put a stop to this in the United States.

Nuff Said


Parliaments are Tyranny


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When Vice President JD Vance castigated the despots of Europe for not allowing political discourse and only censorship, the response from despots in Germany and England was draconian, in "Europe's elite could tell who the enemies from within were"............those enemies were their own Citizens.

That is chilling.

As chilling as Madame Le Penn winning the French elections in majority and all that voting majority being disenfranchised by minority leftist groups.

All of this once again reveals the God Inspired Genius of thee American Founders at Philadelphia in creating three branches of Government. James Madison studied for years the governments of the world from his present to antiquity, and understood the shortcomings and strengths of them all. Have you never asked yourself though why the Founders, thee Americans shunned the Parliamentary form of rule? England governed them with it, so it should have been a natural choice. None of them though fro the States to the Confederation to the Federation ever spoke for Parliament.

What is a Parliament? It is usually two houses in the legislative branch. Sometimes the upper is by birthright, sometimes it is elected like the lower. There is a Judiciary which is appointed by the Parliament.

If you perhaps noticed in thee above, that there is not an Executive mentioned. The astute will say that the Executive is the Prime Minister. Where does the Prime Minister come from though? Do the Canadians elect a Prime Minister? No as the Prime Minister might lead a party, but the electorate votes for Ministers in their provinces, who then vote for their leader who is Prime Minister. Do you get the disconnect in this and that this is nothing but mob rule, a democracy, which the Founders rejected.

Let me explain. In America you vote for a President and the Electoral College then on winning, votes for the President and Congress then confirms this in checks and balances to guard against emotional mobs.

What you have in Parliament is an absolute dictatorship and tyranny. The people vote for ministers who then from their mob of the few vote for someone who dictates to them. The Prime Minister never answers to the people. They can rule perpetually, and in this mob, as one can see in Europe in what JD Vance was castigating them about, minority despots can band together and thwart the majority vote of the People. It is all an insider game in Parliament. The Prime Minister is the same as the Parliament in they form dictatorial rule. There is no separation of powers to protect the people. 

The Republican form of Governance which America alone has, has a Congress which answers to the People. The President does not come out of the Congress. He arises from the vote of the People. These two branches then appoint Judges, and in the Federal they are not voted for, but some states actually vote to retain their Judges too as another check against tyranny.

Europe, Canada and Australia, all are enslaved by this most wicked form of tyranny. Parliaments are dictatorships. In England one dictator in Cromwell hung another dictator in King Charles. This is not a Government by and for the People. This is a dictatorship of the elite who buy fringe groups after they have fractured the political structure so no majority can arise to save the nation.

The only legitimate Government which is a more perfect structure is a Republic. It is not perfect as Benjamin Franklin stated, as it's flaw is what John Adams warned, the Constitution requires honest people to govern.

Every Parliament in this world should be abolished, in Europe, the British, the Jews, the Japanese. Some peoples like the Japanese manage a Parliament better than most, because the Japanese are a prudent and focused people, coming out of their duty and honor. Others like Canada list like Australia in dictatorships and are against the People, because the People are always a threat to tyrants who have rigged the game for themselves.

Parliaments had their place in being an evolution from the absolute rule of a king. They now are an impediment to free peoples as Parliaments are a repressive rule of the many by the few, in a seizure of power of absolute rule again.

Nuff Said


A Hat In The Hand

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When Abraham Lincoln was President in 1863 AD in the year of our Lord, a conspiracy arose like the one in Russiagate against Donald Trump to unseat him, deny him the nomination, and finally to impeach him.

The direction of this finally seized upon Mrs. Lincoln. who had relatives in both the Confederate and Union Armies. It was whispered that she was a Confederate mole in the White House.

It was the Republican leadership who was plotting this and they had a war committee which one day met in private to discuss Mrs. Lincoln.

As they came to order, disorder broke out at the door, and the doorman, very excited appeared at the chamber and in walked Abraham Lincoln with his hat in his hand with what was described as an almost unhuman sadness on his face.

After a few moments he said.

 "I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, appear of my own volition before this Commission of the Senate to say that I, of my own knowledge, know that it is untrue that any of my family hold treasonable communications wit the enemy"

The committee was stunned. The President turned and left. No one said anything for the longest time, and when they did, they adjourned for the day, and then never brought up the subject again.

Let us not overlook that the United States has two foreign wives in the Executive in Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Vance. The reality is how long will it be before these entanglements in what is going on in eastern Europe, the Mideast and China, begin the whispering of what these women represent in order to get at their husbands.

Nuff Said



Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The little dwarf with petite penis and erectile dysfunction

While it is true my penis is small, it is rather large for my size
like a Little Smokey is large on a Ken doll.

...... meanwhile I have declared I am the Jew messiah, I want the keys
to Jerusalem, and or, I want to be Batman in the next movie.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry can not fathom what is in the semen that Zellinskyy of Kiev gulped from Biden's Secretary of State in Rainbow Blinken nor what is the mammary extrusions of Nancy Pelosi that the dwarf suckled from her, but it apparently is a tonic of combined halucinagenics as Vladimir Zellinskyy is quite mad, as his decrees daily are not  reality. 

Some of his latest insane dictates were raising a 1.5 million man army to fight Russia...........Zellinskyy has killed to many Christians so he can not raise that kind of force.

The mad dwarf has rejected American peace proposals linked to the undeveloped minerals in Ukraine to gain American security assurances.

Zellinskyy has decided that he will only negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin.........Putin will not set foot in the room with this illegitimate mass murderer.

The little dwarf has called for nuclear weapons to be given to Kiev.

Zellinskyy has decided that he will only negotiate with President Donald Trump............America is not at war with Ukraine.

His latest descent into madness is now the Kiev madman is calling for an Army of Europe for him to be the head of to fight Russia, without kill more Christians off.

Zelenksy calls for ‘Army of Europe’ to take
on Russia without the help of America

President Donald Trump has been extremely patient in this with this little dwarf. He did not bitch slap the little grinning prick when Macron of Paris, set up a meeting which the President did not want. He has offered Ukraine the best deal possible in America would develop the minerals of Ukraine which will cost a fortune, and for this, Ukraine can have peace. Zellinskyy rejected this as he wants half the pie. Zellinskyy is the like a yapping lap dog inside a junk yard, being clueless that he is surrounded by killer guard dogs who are going to deal with him as they have had enough of his yapping.

President Trump has made his offer to Kiev. The mad dwarf has rejected it. The President stated he will not support Ukraine if they do not negotiate. Moscow has welcomed the Trump proposals which are sincere in the two main issues Russia was focused upon, in ending the war, and in the protection of Russians in now annexed lands, with no membership for Ukraine in NATO.

The issue is now Russia and America are making peace. This means that Europe which dreams of a secret army for Ukraine.........minus England which has stated it wants not part of this as the Normans only like colonists and Germans dying for London, is a deployment of these fat child rapists to Ukraine who do not fight and are worthless without American leadership.

The issue in this is the fact that Ukraine in Kiev does not have a legitimate government. All it has is this nutty dwarf who cancelled elections last year. The solution in this is simple as it always is. America will make peace, the Parliament of Europe will try to steal money from Ukraine, by building weapon factories there, employing Slavs and not Western Europeans who are hated by their own regimes. The issue is that America will move to force elections in Ukraine, picking who they want, who will be acceptable to Russia and will follow American instructions. I doubt it will be any London connected stooge as London after pissing on Donald Trump in the frame up of Russiagate has rolled back it's rhetoric in not wanting to be a Trump golf course.

The little dwarf of Kiev has reached his shelf life. The Russians state that Mr. Trump has all the files on Zellinskyy to throw him into prison and then hang him. That is correct. It is time for America to make peace with Russia, begin trade again without sanctions, establish Right political authority in governments from Paris, to London to Berlin, and turn this all over to Europe, minus Zellinskyy and his war crimes.

The little dwarf was offered the best way out to save his neck and did not take the offer. He thought his nuclear bombs smuggled into America would blackmail the United States and this has been rejected rightly by the President. It is time to relegate Kiev to the shit hole of nuttery it is like Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in those hot blooded nuts who have little sense when they get emotional.

I think that Mrs. Z should be rescued from her little husband. She should be taken to Ivanka Kushner's plastic surgeon, give some nice D size boobs, and made a hostess at a Trump golf course which should be built at Sochi. She probably could find a nice oligarch husband like Jackie O did and we can close this heinous and murderous chapter which America was dragged into by illegitimate Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, John the hero McCain, Lindsey in the gay ear Graham and Joe & Hunter Biden.

Nuff Said


Making America Healthy in President Donald Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What the Lame Cherry is going to educate you is one instance in how the Trump Team is going to mesh from Secretary Robert Kennedy in coordinating with the USDA.

What Elon Musk began in cutting the money dumps to liberal farm scheme projects was the beginning of the unwinding of the coil of death agriculture in America. There are many facets to this, but I will focus on one strand of this so you understand how this all Makes America Healthy Again, from President Trump and Secretary Kennedy.

As this blog exclusively reported, the hedgefund agenda was to get these stupid millionaire farmers to all put in irrigation, as HAARP created muck soils which do not require allot of rain, but only grow acidic bio crops.

20 years ago this agenda goaded these rich farmers into building huge grain storage operations on their lands, so when this hedgefund collapsed the farm economy in these out of touch land prices TO KEEP SMALL FARMS FROM STARTING UP, they would then take over and have free grain storage and also irrigation all over America to grow their robot crops as this was going to be robot farming as these idiot farmers had developed that too like the expensive whores they are.

This was all land swindle, like Blackrock taking your money and buying up homes in America, keeping prices high so you could not afford them, and driving up real estate prices so you could not afford to live in your own home. The same things was coming to all land in America, farm, ranch and forest.

See when Elon Musk cut the funding in the first wave, this will in the next wave stop all these big farmers from getting zero interest loans to buy up thousands of more acres of land, driving small farmers off their land in high real estate taxes and being the easy pray for this monopoly to seize control over all American lands.  With that funding gone, farmers are not going to be able to afford the high prices they created. Bill Gates ending up in prison will no longer be driving up prices like the Chicoms in huge land grabs. The real market not the hedgefund real estate brokers swindle is going to drop land prices where they should be.

So land prices drop, which means that small farmers will be able to afford their quarter section of land. As Bobby Kennedy is for small farms, and not California corporate agriculture with abusive slave Mexicans raping cows for sex, suddenly the Dairy Processed Foods which drove out small family farming milkers 20 years ago, are going to collapse and you are going to witness local dairies start processing milk. By Trump miracle, Amish are going to be able to sell raw milk which is healthier for people to consume, meaning more money in the pockets of indivdiuals and not Agribusiness which is the evil that has harmed America.

See by not providing subsidies to big farmers who are millionaires and subsidies to corporate agribusiness and not allowing the hedgers to loot the US Treasury, suddenly you have an entire change for healthy farming as small farmers are not going to be growing toxic Monsanto soybeans for the Chinese, but food that you can eggs, milk and flour. They call that deflation in your shopping bills, as we stop slaughtering millions of laying hens for what is claimed one bird bug bird found. The remedy is to let the chicken virus spread as it only infects chickens, the healthy millions gain immunity and the few Darwins die, and you get your affordable egg prices again.

I'm going to address the Revolution in American farming which is going to come. I have nothing against robotics, just the conglomerates seizing our lands and having robots farming it so they have a monopoly on your food. Here is what I mean.

So there is a huge Big Chem industry that sprays toxins on farms every year in bug spray and weed spray. What happens when Elon Musk begins a robotic business where with the Big Chem's investing, build robots which in fields zap every weed, but only zap the BAD BUGS. Let me state again, this Lame Cherry Inspiration, "BAD BUGS ARE STILL EATEN BY GOOD BIRDS". So all bugs are not bad. Aphids in  a normal environment are eaten by Lady Bugs, but Big Chem started selling spray for Lady Bugs and called the ASIAN BEATLES, to get idiots to destroy a good insect and this of course caused more profit spraying for aphids on Chinese soybeans which last year in the Brier about killed every butterfly, dragonfly and insect around. We are going to need farms on the small scale set up with areas for wildlife, bugs to birds. I remember reading an interesting article about how they controlled harmful insects in South Asia. Their solution was to put weed and grass bundles in their fields where spiders hibernated all winter, laid more babies in the spring and that was natural pesticide control.

Again, I have nothing against 2 4 D and other weed sprays as they have their place. I have a proven method though from the early 1900's as taught by Illionois State University in how to control weeds and it is absolutely healthy. You still will have agronimists testing the soils, you will still have an industry  to provide what is needed, still have the farm industry for the machines, you just do not need the chemical industries, who in this, can reinvest and make their money selling what is the fix.

They just need the threat of prison in these white collars and being shown how to make money a new way, will do that in changing over. That is what is the necessity of Elon Musk cutting funding, redirecting that money wisely, Robert Kennedy focusing on healthy and the inclusion of small farmers making a good living off their land as caretakers and the USDA working for small farmers, not corporate and conglomerate.

This all can be done and is being started. I have given you one example. The same will be for small stores in your towns again.  People in cooperatives can buy at the same prices as Walmart and make living selling hardware to natural pemetherin for insects in your gardens. This all works together in one web which benefits all Americans.

I will repeat the survey tour of General Nelson Appleton Miles in the West. You can still read his book and in it you will find that the Government policy for Americans was to move from large ranches and wild lands to small farms so as many people would be farming and having a good life as the nation could hold. All these streams were to be dammed up and water was to be used for natural irrigation, not depleting our clean groundwater in making America a desert. (We must stop the draining of lands in America as this is going to turn America into a desert. America needs water to seep down to replenish aquifers and America needs water on the land to make rain in the summer. It does not any good flooding the Mississippi and other rivers with spring run off that goes into the Gulf of America.)

America in arid lands of the West was to create gardens for market farming. This was to be fruitful land with fields of amber waves of grain, not a toxic board room of poisoning people and the lands, in driving Americans off their lands.

This is what is necessary and I pray Robert Kennedy succeeds for all of us in the Trump Make America Healthy Again. What was done to America was by design and deliberate to drive people off the land and to make us sick to feed that Mengele medical cut, burn and poison medicine who lied to us about Ivomec for Covid and Cancer.

Nuff Said


Nuff Said


Building the Trump Golden Age


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the fine job which President Donald Trump is moving America to being saved, and the very good landing teams he has appointed, I offer a suggestion to the President, in this streamlined example of 
Americans need cheap gas and electric to reduce inflation, this in turn stabilizes the economy, which starts the  Trump Golden Age, as President Reagan began for Americans.

I hear that big oil is not going to drill oil. I see Ford after donations to the Inauguration is whining about tariffs and profits, I see Mark Zuckerberg has not returned my Facebook account nor compensated me for his terrorism.

The President has a good and solid plan and this is what I ask Team Trump to return historically too as with all the looting of the Treasury, and all the resistance in what is left of industry, it is going to be necessary for someone to crack the whip and put the stick about to get this all coordinated for the President.

In both world wars, boards of production were established which with wonderful Patriots like Henry Ford, actually were turning out one B 24 bomber every hour at their plants at Willow Run. I do not  trust these nation rapists who are in charge of this country now as they betrayed us and penalized Americans.

I will give the short version on the other side.

During WWII, Industries Transitioned From Peacetime to Wartime ...

Mar 27, 2020 ... The War Production Board lasted until just after the end of World War II in October 1945.

Would it not be an astute hands on working for an energetic, Vice President in JD Vance to head a Production Board with the same kind of full authority to seize things, order things done, and put the stick about to get the Golden Age producing.

In the original there were labor, the key conglomerates and propaganda.

A revolution is only as complete as the forgotten people who finally get compensated for being abused for decades in this global rapine. Abraham Lincoln tried hard to make things better for the overlooked, that needs to not just be revisited, but established.

I know Russia is the absolute priority with cutting this funding off from the enemies of America on the inside, but in this the whip has to be cracked for Americans to not be sheered, and foreigners sheered the way Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller did it for American benefit.

In the 1940 period there was a small group of industry, labor and propaganda which was overseen by Vice President Harry Harris. It would behoove to assemble a loyalist group who could coordinate all of this, and for President Trump to have a direct contact with his Vice President to lower the boom if things are not getting done, no layers.

Again, Ford is bitching about losing money. OK, Ford has been building products like all these shit heads for decades, they owe me for a Ford Ranger with a bad fuel pump. The Vice President would on presidential authority order Ford to turn out a 1966, Ford F 100 pickup,  4 door style, but with a carburetor, straight 6 which in their 300 was a good engine, four wheel drive, WITH NOT COMPUTERS, sell it for 9000 dollars new and they would not have any problems with tariffs as Americans would be buying pick ups in mass again, as they would have the money.
Ford has all the blueprints and knows how to make things last, the parts are still inventoried and people can fix their own vehicles.

This brings in USS Steel, copper mines, coal mines, rail transportation, rubber, agriculture...and it starts employing Americans with good jobs. The robot tech is wonderful, but you still have to provide for the Trump voters, and then do the rapine in selling things offshore and you do that BY UNDOING THAT GODDAMN NANCY PELOSI LAW WHICH FORBID AMERICAN COMPANIES FROM BRIBING FOREIGN LEADERS. That horse shit ruined American dominance. That is something Vice President Vance can work on too in compensating foreign leaders to get American product into those countries exclusively.

What I want is the Vice President for President Trump to say to Big Oil, "You are not drilling oil. We are going to conscript your resources and drill baby drill. If you are not a part of this, you will not have the profits". There must be production quotas met and raised and zero excuses allowed. This must be across the board and these suits had better shit their pants when they see JD Vance is calling about something, because their treachery has been found and they are going to the Vaseline hotel for 20 years.

I will not suggest who to put on this production whip and stick, but I would state that Team Trump keeps Bill Gates and all this shit off of this or they will sabotage it and you will soon find computers in your bar of soap costing 500 dollars a bar.

Elon Musk would be a good member for this board, Peter Thiel, people of that caliber and loyalty for the Trump Golden Age.


So the Story goes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So the Napoleonic French warship, the Gassendi, named for Pierre Gassendi, was off the coast of the United States and President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 AD in the year of our Lord, with coup plotters galore, was rowed out to the French ship, and was received with high honors from the nation of France as the crew dressed in grey, cheered, Vive le President!.

Drums rolled, bugles sounded, with the Stars and Stripes unfurled at the top of the main cast. The French Minister was on board to receive the President and Secretary of State in this historic first in an American President on board a foreign warship.

Champagne was served, the armament was reviewed and Mr. Lincoln chatted with the officers who spoke English.

This is the story which went out over the wires. What really happened follows.

Upon leaving the ship, President Lincoln requested Captain Dahlgren to row around her bow as he wanted to observe the rigging and build from that direction. All went a ordered and the Captain standing, off the French bow, noted the French deck officer, looking at his watch and counting off the seconds, "Un, deux, trois....."

At that moment, the French Navy opened up with a salute of Mr. Lincoln, thinking he was at stern and not off their bow.

Dahlgren was enveloped in gunpowder smoke and was screaming, "PULL LIKE THE DEVIL BOYS! PULL LIKE HELL!"

The crew rowed the boat out of harms way, and Dahlgren calmly took his seat. The son of Secretary Seward asked in a low voice, "Those guns were not shotted were they and we were below their range?"

Dahlgren replied, "Yes, but to think of exposing the President of having his head taken off by the wad which drops soon after the firing was a danger as wadding had taken heads off before".

This story was never reported and few ever knew it took place. Mr. Lincoln at 6 foot three was pleased he was no taller that day in this French Salute.

Nuff Said

