Monday, March 19, 2007

The Walmart Greeters

Sometimes the keyboard horse one rides doesn't really have a beginning, so the best thing to do is just saddle up and put spurs to the flanks between a and l and let go to where the electronic winds take the wild ride.

There are probably no more mundane individuals born into this world who looked like they should all be greeters at Walmart than Bill Clinton, Marc Rich and Joe Wilson, and yet, when combined they formed a triad in a ladder of events which have Americans living some kind of alter reality where facts of Weapons of Mass Destruction, nuclear bombs in New York and what Iraq really is, is all glossed over by a media which knows very well the truth, but is telling the public absolute lies so most Americans only see President Bush as low poll numbers till 2008.

In putting spurs to this, let us start with Robert Baer who was the CIA case officer in Iraq who got a dispatch one day just as the coup to topple Saddam was about to be pulled off. In it, the Clinton White House scrubbed the mission. None of it made any sense as allot of things made no sense about Iraq until one stops looking at Iraq as Iraq, but instead beholds Iraq as a multi billion dollar cash cow run by Saddam Hussein which was filling the pockets of the banking cartel which runs most governments, filling the pockets of those nation's industries and filling the pockets of a ream of politicians.
This is where the trail begins after 1995 in the coups to Saddam only taking on half hearted and lame efforts by the Clinton White House to appease those clamouring for him gone. For in May of 1996, a seemingly unimportant humanitarian event occurred. It was announced that Saddam would agree to the United Nations policy of Iraq selling oil for food to feed it's people and pay back the costs of the Kuwait liberation.

The sole bank which would oversee the funds would be FNB Paribus, a French bank, but it would be the New York branch which would be handling the funds.
To explain this phase quickly, all that happened was administrators dipped into the funds and made great profits for themselves in monitoring the oil money.

To explain what occurred under this cover is where Mark Reich as he was born or Marc Rich as he was known comes into the scheme. Rich was a wanted criminal for trading in Khomeini oil and making huge profits. He fled to Switzerland and soon started amassing a fortune trading in precious metals and that precious oil.
The facts are the food Saddam got for his starving people was unfit to eat, but somehow Saddam was building palaces, funding terrorists, bribing officials and making a huge profit off of oil which was not supposed to be sold, but somehow was being sold.
See, Saddam had a deal put to him that oil flowing could also be oil syphoned off which meant in contract kickbacks would come rolling in and places like Jordan and Turkey staunch US allies were funnelling the excess for profit. Saddam according to the General Accounting Office made 10 billion dollars off of the scheme.

That much money ended up in the United Nations leadership and some very political people around the globe who were sending Saddam all kinds of bad things he shouldn't have gotten a hold of as there were sanctions, but it made wonderful profits.
As stated, that much money floating around was going to send off red flags by banking examiners and governments officials not in the cut who would want it in taxes. Enter Marc Rich to save the day as money launderer for a world hog trough of everyone feeding on starving Iraqi's in the champagne palaces of power.

One can deduct from the Clinton's penchant for making money in shady deals in Arkansas to soon connect the dots that Saddam was selling oil after a Clinton policy change from taking him out in a coup and that oil money was ending up in Marc Rich's accounts. The same Marc Rich who was pardoned by Bill Clinton shocking the entire world.
Do the bank statement math in Rich investment in his talent of hiding money in accounts for people to answer just what prompted ex president Bill Clinton to provide that pardon to Marc Rich. Also ponder why Bill Clinton has made 40 million dollars in "speaking engagements" to comprehend that just like oil, money can be double covered on the books and once that happens money in Swiss accounts becomes legitimate as it is brought out of the dark vaults into the light of day.

Marc Rich holds the vast keys to many kingdoms from working deals for profit with Chicoms to being the CIA proxy who engineered the working part of the run on the Russian ruble which imploded the remaining Soviet empire into embattled fragmented independent states.
Yes the CIA requires financiers who can provide them money and run operations for American security and Marc Rich has been part of generating off book profits which off policy CIA agents have been running long before another operator named Robert Vesco in the 1970's seemed to always be wanted for US crimes, but the FBI every time they got close would loose him as someone was warning the financier to escape.

With all of that Saddam money being spread around the last Walmart greeter appeared from the back rooms of Washington named Joe Wilson.
Wilson would be appointed to various positions, but in his early years would be associated with Al Gore before he became Vice President. It would be Gore who would recommend Wilson to the Clintons and from his experience in Iraq and Africa the future Mr. Valerie Plame would insert himself in the middle of world history trying to deflect eyes away from something he knew very well had taken place.

See all that money was floating around and Russia, Germany and France all wanted some of that green. The French typically jealous of American influence in the Middle East had no inroads in Egypt, Saudi Arabia or the new Islamocommunists of Iran. They soon found though a Saddam with money to buy things and besides illegal weapons, chemicals and labs, Saddam found a movable stockpile of yellow cake uranium which the International Atomic Energy Commission wasn't keeping a close enough eye on for reasons of all that Saddam money it might be suspected.
The location was Niger and accordingly after the Iraq liberation a very public announcement came from the United States government that 1.77 tons of enriched uranium was located in Iraq. It was packaged by 20 experts from the US Department of Defense and was flown out of Iraq by air.
The almost 2 tons of enriched uranium is being stored at one of the Department of Energy facilities.

To rough translate that for the reader, the United States found in Iraq enriched uranium. If that doesn't sound like anything, then this translation might sound more interesting in enriched uranium is WEAPON'S GRADE URANIUM or weapons of mass destruction bomb making nuclear material and Saddam had almost 2 tons of the stuff.
Saddam could have made 100 Hiroshima type bombs with this.

Now the question just why on earth did the media dump this story and even George Bush not trumpet it?

The reason is Niger is the source of France's nuclear fuel. That disappearing stockpile which always gets filled up there was none other than France refining uranium for Saddam Hussein to huge profits. That is why France did not want Saddam gone as they knew what was in Iraq, that is why George Bush has kept silent as he has on all the things found in Iraq which would start a Cold War with Russia to topple all the socialist states from France to Germany in Watergate fiascoes, if word got out that France and other nations were selling nuclear bomb grade material to Saddam and that is why the media buried the story as it is owned by the cartels all filthy with Saddam's cash as their elitist answer to rule in Bill Clinton with a rogue operation in Valerie Plame's CIA had Joe Wilson as a part of this horrid cover up.
President Bush has kept all of this silent so that the United States government would not come apart at the seams as that would happen if the powerful Democrats were all in prison, along with the United Nations leadership and most of Europe.

That is why from day one President Bush has instructed the Department of Justice to not look into the Clinton affairs and to close the books on it.

Joe Wilson's part was tainted and supreme. After helping Clinton shepherd a trade bill between Africa and America, he immediately started JC Wilson International which was an investment firm with vast business dealings run by the Saudi Ethiopian connection. Wilson spoke of the great deals on cheap Iraqi gold under Saddam and in this cash cow, his partner was the Delta Oil of Saudi control, which just happened after Clinton's Kosovo War which was not a thing about genocide, but arresting control from Serbia which was Russian backed for an oil pipeline route from the central Caspian sea area. That is why Muslims were championed as it was Saudi money and they were against Moscow.

Clinton did not get his pipeline nor did Delta get it's pipeline through Afghanistan in working with the Taliban, but you the American taxpayer via the World Bank which is your money, provided all the European oil interests 3.6 billion dollars to build the BTC pipeline out of the Caspian and into Turkey.
You perhaps will be comforted to know besides Clinton bombing Serbian babies, Wes Clarke trying to bomb Russians in a fit that would have started World War III and bombing the Chicom embassy that perpetual Democrat billionaire funder and nation raper George Soros got to invest in the pipeline and so apparently did Joe Wilson's company.
Everyone made money except the Americans, but you paid for it all.

That pretty much sums up the happy trails to you. Bill Clinton not too interested in getting Saddam or anyone to appease his globalist policy makers and Marc Rich getting a whole lot of money and it all being spread around where Joe Wilson and his Niger/Iraq and French contacts just happens to show up in Africa claiming all are lies, about Saddam and there is nothing to the radioactive links, being sent their by his wife, Valerie Plame who was supposed to according to reports be watching over the Nigerian nuclear trade, but has proven to be a depot in providing tons of bomb making material to all the thug states sponsoring terrorists.
Joe Wilson even went so far as to denounce the infamous documents showing the link in radioactive trade which proved to be forgeries. They of course were forgeries as the French created them to throw the world off the track just like Joe Wilson's mission was to keep Saddam in power as a cash cow and all of those dirty secrets were to be buried forever in his regime.

British Intelligence actually intercepted a phone call from two other nuclear players, North Korea and Libya, which stated, "If the Americans go into Iraq, they are going to find out about our nuclear program! If Saddam falls, who is going to pay for all the Iraqi nuclear scientists in Libya?????"

The cash cow of Iraq let out to pasture by Bill Clinton, milked by Marc Rich and it's dairy of terrorism, attacks on America and nuclear bombs were termed butter and cream by the pitch man, Joe Wilson.

This is what happens apparently when Walmart greeters reach for the stars and end up on the world casting couch with a French whore, a Russian madame and Saddam playing a Vegas pimp. The truth is out there though and it is time with Chirac of France finally going to the bone pile, Saddam in hell, Joe and Val Wilson signing million dollar movie and book deals, Putin being the belligerent communist he is and Bill Clinton as a woman running for President in 2008.......time for the truth to come home as the American people have been beat to hell long enough and President Bush deserves better than trying to keep the lies hid so the world doesn't blow up and he getting crucified for it.

It is time for the Truth.

I repeat. It is time for the Truth.

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