Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And it came to pass

There are certain aspects which this blog keeps being proven correct by the very people it profiles and examines in this Obama world which must be elaborated on as another one chose to pop out of his situation confirming a prediction here about how furious Muslims are at Barack Obama.

Dr. Ayman al Zawahiri released a recording with an enclosed photo of him with a gun blaming Barack Obama for the slaughter of Philistines in Gaza. I have profiled here in depth Zawahiri, but will lay a brief synopsis of him to give an understanding of the coming issue.
Dr. Zawahiri is a very intelligent man. No, not like Birdie Obama releasing he has a high IQ which does not relate to performance, but Zawahiri is actually intelligent as an almost child scholar in Islam.
He headed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and was part of the structure which was rounded up after Jimmy Carter's grandeur plans of peace got President Sadat murdered.

The Egyptians are "thorough" in engaging prisoners. It was quite chilling in experiencing Dr. Zawahiri screaming from his cage in court after he had been "questioned" by the Egyptians. That experience broke this Islamist and set him upon this butcherous road when the Russians captured him in Chechnya and turned him as an asset, this Dr. was released and turned bin Laden from the Saudi's onto attacking America.
Zawahiri is an Islamocommunist and bin Laden is a Islamocfascist. Zawahiri is a very dark personality who has not been lightened any in America killing his terrorist family. He is the heavyweight while bin Laden was at their meeting the poetic mystic.
Sheik bin Laden after Tora Bora and subsequent events has died inside and his hollowness now reflects more the Zawahiri mindset, but the best reference is bin Laden is still the soft flute to the banging drum of Zawahiri.

It is Mr. Zawahiri that US intelligence has been hunting for years and not bin Laden. These two haunt the area of Xianxing province in communist China and not the hinterlands of Pakistan or Afghanistan as reported. The difference is bin Laden does not come out of China while Zawahiri was traveling and the reason he was almost bagged several times.

The human part of me feels for Dr. Zawahiri as being a revolutionary in his Islamic militant communist faith he has suffered great trauma which is the man who unleashes on the world. People who have been tortured as Mr. Zawahiri was break into pieces. They either become like John McCain in the better light, like Mr. Zawahiri the force of perpetual vengeance or another personality which I will not elaborate on in profile.

Dr. Zawahiri confirmed in his public statements now laced with his carrying a weapon again in the 'al Shahab' seal as seen in the bottom corner of this video that he and al Qaeda blame Barack Obama and his betrayal on the deaths in Gaza. I will note that Dr. Zawahiri's source of many news outlets is al Jazeera. This means he has satellite feed and a power signature, just as this video has a signature. I could have gotten these people through channels years ago, but that is not my forte to sanction measures currently nor do I care for it to be.
As noted, the racist terms are surfacing in painting Mr. Obama the member of the zionist movement to tie him completely to the Axelrod / Emanuel / Olmert spin shutting doors all across the Middle East.

In synopsis, Abbas of Fatah appreciates the IDF killing Hamas as do many Muslim moderates. The Iranians, Hezbollah and Syria are frightened to at least January 20th it appears of George W. Bush thumping them massively if they dare to poke a missile at the Israeli state over this.

The interesting parts of Zawahiri's analysis is blaming Obama, not giving a care about George W. Bush, showing he has only yearnings for Muslims to rise up and nothing more.

Two thoughts can be yielded from this. The first is Zawahiri has no forces which are capable of striking. The second is those forces which were dispatched by bin Laden almost a month ago to the west are either on American shores setting up a strike or about to become in country. Zawahiri nattering on about nothing except setting the public stage that Mr. Obama is equally linked to the secular Jewish operations against the Philistines is now completely responsible and judged for a fatwa attack in repayment upon American soil.
By Zawahiri keeping silent without threats, he is possibly not desiring to tip his hand to an operation about to take place.

This is historical in al Qaeda in bin Laden issues a long veiled statement about something to happen and disappears with all in complete silence about it until after the fact. I have noted that unless he lost it, the golden dagger he carried has never appeared again with him. I have noted in that dagger that if it would appear it would signal the nuclear strike on America, as it has not even in the latest threat, it does not appear to be a nuclear event, but one of another shock and awe situation in most likely scenario mirroring a like attack which took place in India.
India in logic was a dry run for a more incredible attack upon the American world stage.

America now though as this blog warned has an in house Muslim cat fight as Barack Hussein Obama promised Muslims things as in the death of the Israeli state when he offered to let Jews be vaporized and America would retaliate, but has now allowed Philistines to be slaughtered. Saddam Hussein gets away with murdering Muslims and Zawahiri does too, but this is the betrayal which Barack Obama will not.
Zawahiri noted he views blacks in a house negroe light in a previous release. These Pan Arab Muslims are quite superior in their pecking Islamic order and blacks are not of their caste. In this understanding, there is a weakness seen in America through Birdie Obama and it will goad these Islamocommunists into completing actions they have initiated against America.

I chose the photo of Zawahiri and bin Laden smiling, because too often they are always seen ranting and lecturing. These two have their amusements and they are not the forever scowlers their public persona entails. Their scope of being has narrowed, but they are still capable if not worn.

..........and as Birdie Obama has not strapped on his GI Joe pack as he promised in going after bin Laden in killing him during the debates, it is certain that al Qaeda is going to come to America and murder citizens here in mass as Birdie eats his snow cones, smokes his cigarettes, helps Al Franken steal a Senate seat in Minnesota, keeps a black Senator from Illinois out of the Senate, proposes a Soviet government while keeping silent about Gaza.

Muslims heard the message and they will be certain to retaliate. I guess the good news under Prime Minister Obama is the world is about to find out how much poke al Qaeda still has.

Film at 11.

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The Monkey in hisself's Pants

The subject for education today is one which has been bastardized equally to that of Christianity by numerous weak people and some very strong people who are now Barack Obama's main benefactors. It is important as it keeps cropping up in the blanket charge of "racism" which was even featured in a neo Syrian blog attempting to sway the world against Jewish people who are at war with Philistines in Gaza.

Several years ago I had asked noted British historian, Michael Woods to create a documentary on a very ancient people which is one of the most incredible stories never told. In his current series on India, he came very close in India's ancient roots to actually accomplishing what I hopefully steered him to.

In the above montage of photos, I want to explain something as it is the basis of all that is in American life. The above people are all living in India. They are all classified as "Indians" and yet one can see the different bloodlines prevalent in them.
The first gentleman in a turban is a Northern Indian. If one knows the region, you can immediately discern he is of the people that inhabit parts of Afghanistan.
The gentleman next with the sitar is a wonderful photo as in it are the dark skinned Indians of which he is, the women are the light skinned caste and the gentleman behind him has traces of the southern Indian.
The lady pictured next is of the light skinned group which in most cases like Mexico for example are the ruling classes traditionally of the Raj. There is as different bloodline work in these people as the light skinned Spaniards who rule Mexico compared to the Aztec Indian there or the genetic cross we know as "Mexicans" which are in numbers in America.
Lastly, is my favorite in this beautiful woman of the central deserts of India as one can see her southern Indian heritage which Indian geneticists have traced back to Africa and one can see she is kin to the Aborigines of Australasia.

I can not post all the Indian examples as they are as different from the north in Lahore to the ancient people in the south of Kerala.

Mr. Woods like his scientific experts posting information did not understand what he was featuring and certainly what he was promoting. For example, he had like all science showing the people of India came out of Africa as is the common misconception. In reality, people migrate much like a tidal wave bursting upon a shore. If one observes Africa to India, one sees one central point being the Arabian peninsula where people's originated and spread out from there into Africa and India.
Why this is important is the language which links all in the Indo European base, Mr. Woods' linguistic scientists also point to Turkey as the transitional point. For those who know Biblical matters that is where the Arc which carried Noah and his family settled.

This sets the stage for what the world has witnessed in plain photographic sight. Noah had 3 sons by 3 different ethnic wives. God was interested in creating a human trait which would be capable to be Spiritual. This is evident by the peoples who have Spiritual gifts. The person God saw in Noah's sons was Shem. He while younger is listed first in the Bible, because of his Spiritual nature. From Shem came the Shemite or Semite peoples.
In the ancient dispersion after Babel with Nimrod who was attempting to unite the people to become gods or changing the mortal to the immortal without God as what would have manifested and is manifesting currently in this world by the elite, the older brother Japheth inhabited the northern regions, Meshech, Tubal, Ashkenaz were the forefathers to the Slavic and Russian peoples etc...
Ham who was cursed by Noah, who Ham saw drunk and naked and went and told his brothers instead of covering him up, would settle the southern areas from Africa into India in this outspreading which Mr. Woods noted. He just like his scientists got the facts incorrect in mixing pre flood deposits of fossils with after flood peoples.

Shem would inhabit the middle ground and from him Abraham would be chosen for the mission to father a priestly people whom God would utilize to teach people in the Way to Him.
Abraham would father Isaac, who would father Jacob, or as God changed his name, Israel.

Israel would by 2 wives and their attendants, 12 sons who would be known as the "children of Israel"
After being in captivity in Egypt where under Egyptian protection they would become a people as numerous as the sand of the sea, Moses brought them out and handed down the Law of the First Testament or Covenant.

In this Israel has a superior Spiritual son named Joseph, who Israel took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim as his own in laying on them the birthright and blessing. Ephraim while younger would be more numerous in a commonwealth of nations and had the right hand placed upon him, because after Judah, the son of Israel whom the kingly line would be established for Christ to come in King David's lineage, would have the crown transferred to the Ephraim where it is yet today.
Manasseh, would have become the most prosperous and powerful single nation on earth which she is today.

These 13 tribes were like Americans today in indulging in all sorts of sexual perversion from sodomy, murdering children and trusting in their own power instead of God. God being the husband in this Covenant had enough finally and divorced the northern kingdom of Samaria first and had them carried away by the Assyrians who lived in Iraq then.
Later the kingdom of Judah would face the same fate under the Babylonians of current Iraq who had conquered the Assyrians. They though would return in God's plan, because Judah had to be holding Jerusalem in title for the Jesus to manifest there from eternity.
This is why the title is in the "Jews" hands today for Jerusalem as other prophecies must soon come to pass as the latter days play out.

We now focus on the exiled 10 tribes of Israel known in history as the Lost 10 Tribes. God said He would sift them and not loose a single person.
In Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Chinese inscriptions, they would be known under different titles like Khumri for Omri their most noted king to Cimmerans for the slur on Samarians.
In short, they soon enough broke free from captivity and started spilling out all over central Asia thumping the world empires.

This is where Michael Woods comes into play in his history of India, because India has been so misunderstood and many ignorant people have bastardized this ancient history of racist means of their own weakness.
Mr. Woods found in the ancient Sanskrit poems of India which speak of a word pronounced for a people called, the "Ahr EE ah", who invaded India.

The India people understand this word, Aria, to mean the "civilized people" or the people who brought civilization or advancement to India.
History shows the southern Indians were of the Negroid lines of Ham. Few people know the term niggardly which means black is originally from India describing the southern Indian by which the term n*ggar is coined from and used in America to degrade blacks.
In Indian history, just like the above photo set reveals, these civilized invaders who conquered India were white skinned.

It was during this period of history which the Israelites of the Lost 10 tribes were spilling out of areas like northern Iran. That is where the term Iran comes from in Aryan. The Persians are not Aryans, but inhabited like the Afghanistan peoples will inform you a land which was once inhabited by these ancient civilizing peoples.
People only need to read Proverbs and Ecclesiastics, along with the entire Old Testament in the history of Israel to soon discern this nation took all the knowledge of Egypt with it to the genius Solomon who had more projects and Wisdom going on he was like God walking among the ants for who much he brought to this nation. Picture Einstein, Newton, DaVinci, Edison and Euclid magnified by 100 and that was Solomon.

This is the people the 10 tribes were and is why in captivity whether Israelite or Judeaen they ended up running the empires, because these people were educated and understood how to advance entire nations.

As noted these peoples spilled out in various names from Scyths to Goths all through Eurasia. They were the tall red haired people the Chinese have discovered in their lands who civilized China and not what the Chinese have been arrogantly trying to promote for years. This is why the Chinese have shut down the burial sites of these Israelites for the Truths they reveal.

Whether it was a branch of exiled Assyrians or a definite branch of co mingled Israelites who spilled into India no one probably could tell in genetics as the Assyrian and Israelite are Shemite are DNA cousins. The fact is though there is a base word in Aria which could be in language transfer note AssyRIAn and SamARIA which notes as Mr. Woods discovered a Middle Eastern lineage to these civilized peoples who took over and ruled India.

Mr. Woods in the Sanskrit poems traces these Aria or Aryan back by a drink they brewed called "soma".
This "som" is made from a woody plant still found today in the rough country of Afghanistan. It is pine scented long stemmed plant. The drink while bitter was mixed with honey. It is interesting that as Mr. Woods traced these sojourners back into Turkmenistan to a cities excavated by Russian archaeologists, they find the same, soma, which for the ceremonies was a mixture of poppy, cannabis and ephedra (ephedra comes from the soma.)

If you have not recognized the heroine, marijuana and crystal meth of modern American addiction, that is exactly what was a shortcoming of these Aryans in exile by God.

These Aria are the source for the epic wars of India, Krishna was one of them. The entire Mahabharata which is the national poem of India which is often quoted is the historical account of these peoples fighting in all out battle for India.
In Turkmenistan by the ruins of Guner Teppe, the Russians have discovered 4 wheel chariots which were the war engines of this people. It was the Shemite peoples who have always historically been associated with horses and this type of warfare. Yair Davidiy a Jewish historian who has recorded a great deal of research by others (he is flawed in including Ashkenazi Jews who are converts from Japheth into the Israelite bloodline clan possibly as he is one and as Ashkenaz or Khazars make up the majority of "Jews" currently, that bias is probably where it comes from.) has noted the significance of Americans and western Europeans in being a horse connected peoples along with other linguistics and historical documentation which point to America as Manasseh and the British peoples as Ephraim without a doubt.

This is an explosive subject as horridly weak people have bastardized this information from racists, anti semites to the original globalists who have their own reasons in skewing the Truth as they were the ones funding the Nazi geneticists traveling around the world taking samples before World War II which bases all of this in Darwin's skewed science which has been disproved and rejected by even him before his death.
If one has ever heard of "mud people", that is the source along with the other degrading terms of people as animals in one finds this same Babylonian speech patterns infecting Talmudic, Islamic and certain western doctrines. God never intended any of that in His plan was simple in bringing out a peculiar people He could work through to reveal Himself to the world. This people is not better than other people, but more responsible for carrying out that mission in civility, caring and assistance to others.

India though is a wonderful study in all of this as it links to the modern world. It is a magnificent continent in it's own Kipling right from magnificent mountains, arid deserts, savannas and tropical jungles.
It is the home of the myriad of ancient demonic gods, one of whom just assisted in getting Barack Obama elected by releasing the sexual and incubus passions in a majority of feel good Americans in the noted monkey in Obama's pants, hanuman.

I would witness that Mr. Obama break the ties with hanuman and find the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel who is the American peoples rightful God if he intends to occupy the White House as leader of this God created people. Otherwise the Spiritual and spiritual forces of the ancients will tell in warning as the Mahabharata there will be epic struggle.

Exactly as is occurring and will continue to build.

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