Thursday, April 23, 2009

Protocols of Bioweapon Dispersion

I make it a point of responsibility in not making a great number of things public, not for the reason it would alarm the public (I currently conclude that the American majority is so Obamasm'd out that a nuclear grenade in their shorts would only have them cheering Birdie for some reason all the more.), but because too many attention seekers publish things which only assist in the globalists venture in destroying America.
The Center for Disease Control though has noted that Mexico had a strange and rather late season influenza outbreak. This information now coupled with "a new Swine Flu" having infected 7 Americans on the Mexican border regions should set off the alarm bells, when the said virus is a combination of swine, bird and human viruses from Europe, Asia and North America.

For the Obama voter, unless you have been seeing winged pigs with human brains attending your local Letterman cocktail crowd gatherings, it is unlikely that a human, swine and avian virus just decided to link up.

The Americans recovered from this virus and samples are being looked at by the CDC, but this situation needs to be explained in an al Qaeda context from the international Marxists in protocols in how one spreads a virus or gauges transmission.
See, in the real world, there is no Jack Bauer or a greasy haired Jeanine Garafalo with canisters of some bioweapons. That is how Hollywood expects along with Obama experts some right wing Jon Voight to attack America now that tan skin is in.

The reality is this:

If one desires to attack the United States with a bioweapon, one uses Chinese shipping and PLA intelligence as a transshipping point for some communist group of Muslim Marxists etc... to drop a concentrated load of germs into a Mexican port.
The vials would be pocket aerosol size, like a can of spray on cooking oil.

Distribution would be simply going through Mexican markets and inoculating items from clothing, tissues to food.
If one desires to join the big leagues, one can distribute a drop shipment of personal items like deodorant with an advanced absorption agent via the skin to seat the germ into the human host.

No one would suspect your deodorant was making you sick with influenza.

Once one has that fire started, the Obama trend of any border buster is good for his 2012 vote, spreads these human carriers now all through America on their spring migration to the human traffic points across America.
There is a massive one operating in Iowa which is designed to spread slave labor to all the rural communities in "dairy" and "poultry" operations.

This is how "al Qaeda" would spread an engineered human, bird and swine virus into America with immune hosts from Mexico.

Most people do not comprehend that it does not have to be a "killer virus" like the epidemic viruses which killed hundreds of thousands. It does not have to be such a virus in Mexico, because the said viruses ALL mutate to survive in less than 3 transfers.
See the virus has built into it a self preservation trigger. This trigger can show up in a hybrid virus in Mexico making Mexicans sick who become healthy carriers of a soon mutating super virus which murders Americans by the bushel.
That is how one designs a bioweapon and how one distributes it using Mexicans pouring over the border as bioweapons with the help of Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano.

People will probably at this point figure out why I do not discuss such things in public, but when a triad virus shows up in America via a Mexican outbreak and the CDC is not moving heaven and earth as Janet Napolitano is telling Americans that there is no such thing as an illegal illegal, then it is time that someone actually starts pointing out how this protocol can operate.

This is human engineered. I suspect it's genesis is central European breeding that found it's way into the Chinese, Russian and Muslim axis, and is now in either advanced testing stages for the release of a super contagion or this little gem hosted by border busters is going to mutate into the super virus meant to exterminate Americans.
It is quite practical to create a genus specific virus which would kill select Shemite groups which are in North America, just like a mange treatment for mites will kill a Collie and leave all other breeds alive.
If one wills to extend the protocols to nanobot virus hybrids, it is a fact that one can engineer a virus which will murder only Shemites, in GPS location stay within the North American sphere by dying if it transfers from it's home global position, and, has a self destruct mechanism of time within 2 years.

One will never get all the Shemites no more than the Black Death or Asian cholera got all white Americans, because there are always resistant genetics in that group.
One of the interesting facets of this is the Anglos who survived the Black Death due to a fail safe in their genetic link structure which diffused the agent, also kept numbers of people safe from HIV infections when exposed to it.

That is about all that needs to be expressed on this subject as more details are unnecessary.

Using Mexicans that Obama is leaving the doors wide open for to spread a bioweapon. Brilliant, but nothing will be done about this before it is too late if this is the attack protocol, as the cartels are inhabited by Japheth line Asians, who will be immune.

They once spread a germ in blankets
To rule a world from sea to shining sea
Now they have a new protocol
Mexicans are the new Typhoid Mary.

agtG 282

My compliments to Dr. Walter Bishop and my favorite Duroc hog.

When pigs fly

Obama For America

While World Net Daily was interested in "Obama For America" has been spending a million dollars in campaign funds illegally to stop the court cases investigating his being not qualified for the Office of the Presidency.

This blog was wondering why Jose Padilla, a known terrorist just donated to Barack Obama $4,045.00 to which it seems OFA paid a Patricia Padilla the same amount.
Just what is it that Jose Padilla is hearing or being told that he is thinking the can get a Marc Rich pardon from Birdie Obama?
If one examines the OFA records, one finds a $10,000 payment to a media spinner. Odd that his work comes exactly to $10,000. He must be an amazingly concise performer.

What is interesting for B. Hussein Obama, all the interesting names donating to Obama For America; Abayomi, Abouassaf, Adiga, Ahmed, Alainchar, Alassane, Amin, Apithanakun, Arrambide, Chhabra, Chibiliti, Dissanayake etc....

A whole lot of foreign sounding names and millions of dollars being spread collected and spread around for an Obama who supposedly won an election.

Time magazine and Joe Klein though were thoroughly Obama'd in Obamasma in a photo spread they laid out.
While I became bored with the idiotry, I started pondering after the first dozen photos exactly what was Time's intentions in the photos below.
I cut out some guilty parties who voted for Obama, but these are real photos as Time and Obama want the world to see him as.
The opening photo of Obama, and yes his hand by his zipper is in a blur by Time. These photos are not by accident but fully intended to implant the message Time's liberals intend.

Once again the Oval Orafice, in the classic felatio pose. I removed Geithner from peaking around the chair, but this is a real photo in the sex age of Obama meant to appeal to a lustful trigger.

The mansexual Obama, looking like a girl with a ball, but playing with his balls as the aide........well let us just say tea bagging is the appearance on his lips.

The chief reason Obama is out picking up soap. Such a glamorous pose from the cotton picker look. Time does follow with more elegant photos of Michelle cotton picker legs Obama, but the deliberately introduce her in this unflattering pose that looks more like a baseball player leaning on his bat.
Not even going to indulge that shower scene.

Time then switches to white people all elevated over Obama, in Obama is serving the white liberals of the world globalist system.

Then Time deliberately shows black folks in a litter crowding the tables of Washington with Obama posed with his hand on his chin like the towering Lincoln so much larger than all those black folks.
The entire photo from massive elegant chandeliers with the light overhead with white Lincoln while the litter of Orwell's Animal Farm oinkers feed at the trough is the message of racism.

Lincoln said, "Too many pigs for the tits", and Time shatters the illusion that no blacks are in the government. The litter of blacks is huge in the Time spin and the house is full.

This photo should really get Obama into trouble and investigated. Time photographed a top secret file and at the top is a written paper which FSB, PLA and others are currently reading and filing the handwriting to be mimicked in the future if necessary for their purposes.
Obama is being served, cheese, crackers and a pear, with gold plated knife, spoon and fork, to show how out of touch he is with people loosing their jobs.

The final photo shared here is the one of the white guy John Kennedy conveying all of the Dallas memories. This blog has noted from Wes Clark's firm having the communist Persians "find" the plans to Marine One, and then having an agent put those plans on an Iranian site as a "laying the foundation", to the press publishing Khadaffi lamenting Obama would be assassinated, the bizarre Special Olympics "assassination" attempt which was not an attempt in Turkey, to these subtle hints by Time, connecting Barack Obama with an assassinated group of Presidents in Lincoln and Kennedy.

This nation does not need what is being hinted at by the elite and calling to attention these subtle messages with requesting the Secret Service to deal with this situation is mandatory of this moment.
Barack Obama belongs in handcuffs and in exile and not what these leftists have been hinting about with their "gun stories" and the things mentioned above.

So the questions arise in why is Barack Obama being painted as a sexual deviate by Time, a whole lot of blacks in the wood pile, Michelle looking like a cow and hints that Obama has reached an end?

This is once again an exclusive here which no one else is going to touch.

These Time picture did not happen by chance. They posed Obama for them and went for shots to convey a Tavistock message to prepare the masses.

Barack Obama is a literal fool for taking a part in this exposure of hisself and for being an idiot for not figuring out what was being done.

Learn the lesson of Rush Limbaugh's explanation in how the media in interviews sits for hours waiting for one to sweat, set up questions and create camera angles they intend to convey a preconcieved spin in the way they are going to run a story.

The Time globalists did this to Obama for his 100 days present. It is speaking to the world the above message and Obama walked right into it.
His worst enemies are those he holds close as Rahm Emanuel is not a fool and knew these photos were designed for a purpose and Time has just laid the foundation of things to come.

agtG 228


Odd Obama Out

In most cases, I could care less what words the media is printing or a political whore like B. H. Obama is reciting off a teleprompter, because they mean absolutely nothing from a liar.

It is the old joke of, "How do you tell when Obama is lying?

His lips are moving.

That is why the above photo is interesting as it divides along sex lines and what that sex is saying.

Most people will look to Obama, leaning forward, hands extended in his earnestness. They will not see a person in posturing like this showing he knows he has lost, that people are not following him and he is begging for people, starting in the press for them to join with him.
This exhibits a compulsive need relating from his early abandonment by his parents to "be a President of some nation" just to belong.

Obama is still this 10 year old as this blog alone has outed. His current display is one of begging people to go along with him.
This brings up the absolute that the Obama polls are showing something completely different from the much touted 60% popularity and Americans loving him.

Zogby being silent is a sign something is running in an undercurrent in these liberal pollsters and it is not breaking toward Obama.

I will dispense first with the two males in the photo above in both are leaning into Obama which is interesting, as they are drawn to him, but it is not in the way which is positive.
If you behold Gates and the unidentified maniac to Obama's right, both are expressing boredom and an expression of unbelief.
It appears the males are leaning into Obama, because they know he is a failure and are doing what they can to "buck him up".
This is not the posture of a winner, but males around him in body language revealing Obama is incapable in their innate judgment to lead.
It is amusing as both the males look like they have just sat through 8 hours at the in laws and have found out family movies are how the day bottoms out.

The women are interesting in their bodies are leaning away from Obama in not wanting him. There is a repulsion from them toward Obama, but in a strangeness in Mrs. Clinton and the black woman seated behind, both their top buttons are in the opening state.
Women who do not want Obama, but are Joy Behar cleavage trollers for attention.
Some guys really get the look but don't touch.

There is not enough to profile the 3rd woman hidden, except she is leaning away from Obama too. 3 women can not be wrong.

Mrs. Clinton is typical in her wearing her thoughts on her sleeve. Her thoughts are a mix of the moment in, "I can't believe this guy is Prime Minister. This guy is an idiot. I really hate this situation".
Her head is cocked, Her lips pursed and her focus is on the power, as, she glares off to the right coolly putting up with the abysmal situation she is in.

Her expression is that of someone who does not want to face their situation and telegraphing that she does not believe the load of crap Obama is unloading and is wondering if the media will.

Profiles like this reveal a fantastic reality of what is really going on in the Obama White House. It backs the "me thinks they do protest too much" in the exclamations of Obama being the greatest guy in the White House ever to the acclamations of all those Larry King types kicking around Gov. Palin while doing all they can to Charlie Gibson prop up Obama.
What that means is the Obama supporters angst is the knowing he is incapable and they rush to prop him up and they believe if they repeat the lie enough of his capabilities it might come true. It at least soothes their savage breast.

The Obama White House has sex pot women on cleavage patrol which is unprofessional and ties into the leering of Obama and grabbing of female Soldiers in an unwritten undercurrent is setting stage in the Obama House.
These women do not want anything to do with Obama as they are repulsed by him on a personal level, and yet they serve him for their advancement.

The males have no belief in this Obama. Obama bores them and they have a natural reaction to prop up a lesser male so they do not end up going down too.

As always, the French CIA, Mosaad, Russian FSB, Chinese PLA and a host of other profilers have seen this and are setting about to exploit the fissures in the Obama administration to their advantage.

Nothing is worse in this world than to have your cabinet and staff in a photo showing to the person they have all judged Barack Hussein Obama a complete failure.

Photos do not lie, because body language and expression can not lie when captured.

agtG 312

The 100 Daze of Obama

I honestly conclude that this has not been the 100 days of Obama, but the 100 daze, as Americans tossed George W. McCain out of the running for hating what Bush was doing and Obama has run up 9 trillion more in debt, has kept troops in Iraq and is expanding the war in Afghanistan.

Prices had gone down under Bush in food and fuel, but under Obama they are going up and Americans approve.

So either Americans want the United States obliterated, their wiping their butts with their hands instead of toilet paper like a 3rd world Obama and grabbing the feces for a snack, or Americans are in an Obama daze even larger than the beloved leader, B. H. Obama.

The headlines are amusing in this as Larry King is interested in child sex in asking where Sarah Palin's daughter was making babies, in an attempt to "destroy" Sarah Palin.
Strangely if Obama was as wonderful as his maniacs say, a western gal would not even be a blip on the stage...............but this low life who married into the Palin family is good riddance of him, because who in character goes on Larry King CNN and talks about your failure for a dollar.

It progresses though, because in a running tally, Birdie has now been scolded with a smile about evil America from France, Germany, Russia, China, Iran, Libya, Venezuela and Nicaragua.
This was all fine as the people were hating on America and telling Obama he was quite lovely.

Well, except Nik Sarkozy of France who decided a lecherous Obama with an erection for the Frog's wife in public was pretty low and comrade Fidel Castro, telling Obama to not be so naive, pretty well rounded out the 100 Daze of Obama.

People with intelligence, and those with not like Leon Panetta all urged Obama not to release state secrets in the terror war in how interrogations occurred.
Obama and Eric Holder though, forged ahead and put America in jeopardy by telling terrorists and the Eurasians exactly what America was up to. See if you tell the evil people what you will do, there are ways to condition and train oneself so the methods will not work.

Timmy Geithner has been busy bankrupting GM, and now GM will have it's doors shut all summer, which when combined with all the associate businesses from insurance to parts, that is about 3 million people who will be in a hurt by autumn.

America though loves their Obama.

The interesting news is Americans in a daze hate Aaron Burr Biden worse than Dick Cheney. Maybe this blog will have to review Biden again as if the majority hate this guy and love Obama, that must mean Joe Biden has at least some redeeming qualities when he isn't arresting gay people like Lawrence Sinclair illegally and threatening them with life imprisonment for petty theft (which never occurred).

This blog predicted that Obama had 90 days to do his damage and then the cement would harden. Keep asking Americans if they love Obama and sooner than later they will really start asking themselves if they really do like this dolt.
It is like being married for 40 years. You just happen along daily and pay no attention to the old appendage you are with, but if people start asking you daily if you like being around this person it is 40 years worth of ignoring things which come boiling to the surface.

The 100 Daze of Obama mean absolutely nothing, because the majority of Americans were sore not at George W. Bush, but pissed off they were the ones who after 9 11 demanded that Bush invade Afghanistan and Iraq.
See it is the American herd way to blame people on top for the things they are demanding to be done.
So it is like that 40 year marriage which ends badly, the lonely people rev it up and marry some creature twice as sloven, stupid, incompetent and emptying your bank account..........but when the kiddies point out the disaster the new loser spouse is.............all you hear is;

Oh I really like this person, because they are not like..................well your other parent.

Americans will never admit they are wrong about voting for the disaster of Obama even as they are hanging by their nails over the abyss.

So don't ask the stupid question in 100 days, because all you will get is a dazed answer from people patting themselves on their backs yet over the white black Arab they installed in the Obama House.

The first real problem America gets ripped by and then all of these Obama landmines are going to start going off, because he released the terrorists, he bankrupted America and he placed the security of America in jeopardy.

This is when life gets fun after the Obamasm wears off and an American nation wakes up to the disaster it is wed to.

100 days and Sarah Palin is still who the left is most interested in. Ain't life great.
