Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sean Hannity: The Dick Turd

At the last minute HANNITY CANCELLED -- I guess joining Bill O'Reilly to dismiss the "Birthers" -- we had keep the first radio for Hannity for 3 months. He cancelled today. STEVE MALZBERG gets the first interview later this afternoon. Call Hannity and let him know what you think.

Sean Hannity is now a raving, flaming Bi Con without a doubt..........if you don't know what a Bi Con is.......it will appear here soon, and if it already has........well look over my mind lapse as I have a two ibuprofen size headache and have been punching cattle most of the day.

That is why I have had it with Sean Hannity in being Rupert Murdoch, corporate, Shep Smith apologist, Juan Williams apologist and the biggest slobbering "Oh it was Elton John" up the rectum for Rush Limbaugh's million dollar wedding entertainment.

When someone like Jerome Corsi, who has a proven record in the Swift Boat reality of John "i have a plan" Kerry in which Kerry got a Purple Heart of rice up his ass which was self inflicted, it is beneath professional Hannity to book Mr. Corsi and then cancel on him in the last minute.

This kind of bullshit hurts everything in undoing the Marxist attack by the globalist under Obama upon these United States. Hannity just gave aid and comfort to thee worst enemies of Americans and thee worst antagonist of America in protecting B. Hussein Obama.
There is no excuse in this.

Either Sean Hannity is a fraud. Either Sean Hannity is a spineless coward who would sell out Anne Frank. Either Sean Hannity is a low life who does not keep his word. It can be no other explanation.
Sean Hannity gave his word to Jerome Corsi, who planned all his appearances in launching his Obama expose on Hannity's program and Hannity then submarine's Corsi.

That is deliberate and is as Ann Coulter, Karl Rove and whatever else Obamites Hannity runs around with.

Sean Hannity is now exposed as this blog noted in while he seemed to be aiding the Tea Party, he would have in guest hosts like Mark Simone who would trash the Tea Party candidates with Ann Coulter as "crazy".
Sean Hannity is playing the people on the right. There is no doubt about this now.

I have stood for the big 3 front benchers when they were right and exposed them when they were wrong, but this intellectual theft of Limbaugh and Beck. Hannity playing both sides of the aisle, and Mark Levin somehow now becoming pro sodomite in arguments is not what Reagan's Revolution was about.
These three are now confirmed BI CONS. Do not trust them, and except for monitoring them for a few moments a day, I choose to get my information from real Conservatives and not these gerbils.

Sean Hannity is a dick turd, and it would behoove for Jerome Corsi to file a civil damages lawsuit against Hannity for a few million dollars as this submarining him has cost him in book sales and his reputation.

Do that and see what Hannity has for exercise chairs for Levin in almost 10 grande when that kind of money could have gone to an American who needs a wheelchair to get around as too many are falling through the Obama cracks..........and who put Obama into power but Sean Hannity sabotaging Hillary Clinton.........and who sabotaged John McCain and Sarah Palin, but the very permanent guests on Hannity's program of Karl Rove and Ann Coulter.

These BI CONS are doing the Tea Party no favors.

As Paul Ryan stated about Gingrich...........

"With friends like that who needs the left?"

Who needs Hannity when he is Obama's keeper.


Obamacidal Maniac

I will be frank, as I'm in a bad mood from Microsoft blocking my accounts for political retribution and the anal orifices of the Daily Caller refused to reset my password after knowing this was the regime doing to my email what it did to Sheik bin Laden.

That's right I said it. Obama SEALS of the Brown Reclusive web snuck in after missing a head shot on my email and then blew up my account and pumped to rounds into the hotmail brain.

In my mood, I therefore state what no one else has as they are not Inspired by God and do nothing but chase their tails puking up the vomit of others.

For the record, Barack Hussein Obama has done for Muslims what Adolf Hitler did for Jews. That's right I said it, Obama and Hitler are both religious assassins.

The parallels are literal. Hitler is an Ashkenaz Jew by blood installed by the chief of the Ashkenaz in the Rothschilds. Obama is a Luo Muslim by blood installed by the chief of the Ashkenaz in the Rothschilds.
Both Hitler and Obama were set into place for their own hopey changey thing by plunging the world into chaos so the lovely feudal lords of the central Europeans will rule the satanic world.

I have never understood Jews. I have never understood Muslims. Hitler being a secular Jew had his own eradication policy in he shot communist secular Jews. That actually was a matter of war, but what I do not get about Jews is this zylcon gas nonsense and fire chambers as what they fix on in "death camps".
That is Rothschild propaganda just like 6 million Jews were exterminated. The Rothschild and their cartel Jewish overlords sold Jews into the National Socialist regime's war machine as slave labor.
These slave labor camps were not about death, but working poor Jews who were Ashkenaz and more importantly Sephardic Jews to death.

To my judgment which is astute, it is far more savage to work Jews to death by starvation and disease than to humanely poison gas them and then burn the bodies. It is why state executions do not work Ted Bundy to death and just poison the sociopath. It makes the society barbaric to do the work to death thing and gains sympathy for the people starved to death.

So as I have stated, almost a million poor Jews worked to death is a hell of a lot worse than 6 million ficticous Jews given poison gas and not suffering.

This if you notice is the pattern of Barack Hussein Obama in he only murders certain Muslims just like Hitler only bought and sold to murder certain Jews.
Hitler had a little Jewish girl he made flower cards for and had to his home....Obama has hosts of Mooselums and Muslims around him at the White House, but the deal is these are Islamocommunists.

Mr. Obama has a penchant for murdering Islamofascists like Sheik bin Laden, and religious militant Muslims.
In America, Mr. Obama likes Louis Farrakhan and literally uses Mr. Farrahkan to intimidate white reporters in Chicago.
For oil, Luo Muslim Obama, likes stealing African oil in Sudan and Libya. Egyptians get battered, even if they get to feel up Lara Logan as a booby prize, but Libyans get killed in the crossfire.

This is all Obamacidal and Mr. Obama is a maniac about this like Hitler was. These are National Socialists, but secularist from their religions, but connected by tribal feudal bloodlines.

There is no denying in this any of the above. Hitler had his good secular Jews and evil religious Jews. Obama has his good secular communist Muslims and his evil religious Muslims.

Mr. Obama's entire 2012 campaign is based upon the fact that he is piling up dead Muslims to get hisself reinstalled into the usurper White House. That is what Sheik bin Laden was murdered for was Obama 2012.
Mr. Obama has come a long way from 2008 in roughing up little old black ladies voting for other candidates and the political rape of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.

The Obma 2012 campaign is one of Muslim murder and all the trophies Obama can put on the wall with Islamic heads on it, he has polled will lift his dropping poll numbers.
Granted Obama only got a 1 point bounce from tapping bin Laden twice to the skull, but if he does that 20 more times, he might just get close enough to steal the election in 2012 as he did in 2008.

Putting those facts out there have done nothing to enhance my mood, as this 3rd world Obamamerica using intimidation, tracking and rays from the sky are just not at all anything to enjoy.

I hope that the Muslims, Jews and black christians who dropped their votes for Obama enjoy the poison apples of their votes.............Jews are fodder for Islam. Muslims are fodder for Obama and those black christians.........well they are the roadkill under the Obama bus.

First time in American history that an entire presidential campaign is focusing primarily on the Muslim dead body count to be re elected.

Rather savage eh.



The Bi Cons

As I watch these BO COASTAL CONS who hide in the Conservative Reagan Movement, jack off, and I mean literally jack off over a new "only this Republican MALE can be elected" every few weeks, it is most necessary to define these misogynists for what they are.

Yes children, this Rovian circle of hate and political rapine, led by Charles Krauthammer, George Will, playing off of each other in Karl Rove talking points, as the venereal disease infects sites like Daily Caller in publishing asinine commentary that only "Mormon Romney can win", there are several glaring social crimes in this IN NOT ONCE DO THESE PATRICIANS EVER PICK A WOMAN.

Krauthammer, Will, Rove and company, constantly slip up like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity in using the phrase, 'I don't know who the Republican nominee is, but HE...........'

This boyz club hates women and views them as good for only cover for their homosexual death styles or figure women have a place right next to a Muslim's camel, water pipe and arm to prove they are not sexing little boys at the oasis at night.

George Will has now pronounced that only Tim Pawlenty and Boober Mitch Daniels are thee only serious candidates. George Will is like Al Gore predicting the end of the world every few months as Will was spouting off just a month ago that a different batch of boys were only the serious candidates.

The problem is these "serious" candidates are all going down faster than Obama's ratings. Mormon Romney, Mike Huckabee and Haley Barbour are all toast. Karl Rove though stoking things up has now put forward Boober Daniels to replace Romney, Newt Gingrich to be this attack dog and Tim Pawlenty into the mix as he is such a nice guy that no one could hate him.

In this Pawlenty is the only real Conservative in the mix. I do not support Governor Pawlenty, but I watched him closely fix Minnesota after Jesse Ventura bankrupted that state in the last of the Reagan years boom.
Pawlenty is the real deal in economics, Christian issues and he has proven he knows how to govern and manage massive budgets with jobs in mind.

So I will not degrade Mr. Pawlenty even though George Will in these bi coastal cons are going to degrade his campaign by picking him in with Yawner Gingrich and Boober Daniels.
Tim Pawlenty would make an outstanding Agricultural Secretary in ripping welfare from Ag, returning agriculture to the American people and creating a healthy food supply under a Palin Administration.........if not Vice President, but I would prefer now Marco Rubio of Florida.

I will explain the reasoning for Bi Coastal Cons. First these political rapists are patricians from both coasts who did nothing in California when Jerry Brown savage the GOP gal out there, and they went wholesale rape on Christine O'Donnell and can't jump on Sarah Palin often enough to smear her.

The two coasts also have the obvious meaning in bi sexual in what Rove with the boyz club eludes to often, just like Limbaugh in his pro gay diatribes, and now even Mark Levin keeps slipping in with his hosts the "pity me I'm gay " lunacy.
This same sodomite agenda has been pushed by this bunch for years and is part of the Will and Krauthammer silent affirmation......and it does not help that these two look more and more each day like fossilized penis or dead worms shrunken leathery in the sun.

This group though is women haters. They are misogynists and do not belong in a Reagan Conservative culture and revolution. You just listen to this bunch at the top close, and it might not be as telling now as they have been outed here, but they always give the woman the "oh poor Sarah Palin she has been through allot" and then follow up with "but I don't know who my guy yet is for the GOP Presidential run".

They are cave man neanderthals by definition in women do not belong anywhere except whorehouses of diddled with on the couch as your blondeberry for cover in your sodomite sexcapdes.
That in turn in the last CON, as these are CONFIDENCE MEN and not Conservative Gentlemen. These Con Men have gained the rights trust, and then do constant prejudice in slipping in a little gerbil up the butt as they push sodomy or their guy club of a bunch of solar phobics.
Seriously, Mormon Romney, Mike Huckabee, Haley Barbour, this Mitch Daniels and Newt Gingrich all look like they haven't seen the sun any more than Limbaugh has.
They look like ghouls and vampiria, and carry on their hatred of women in sucking their political life blood from them, as they sip the Tea Party nectar all the while as this blog warned in trying to hijack the Reagan Revolution for one of these gay guyz who couldn't win any more than John McCain couldn't win, not because McCain was geezer, but McCain as sabotaged by this entire lot so Obama would win.

So forget the racism of neocons in blasting New Conservative Jews, but instead know your problem baby sister in the BI COASTAL CONS or BI CONS. You know them, have heard their lies and have seen their orgy of political rape.

Call them for what they are and they will go scurrying back to Sean Hannity's program where most of them are Ann Coulter fixtures of raising their skirts for the enemies of America by going after American Ladies.

Bi Cons...........you can quote me on that.


Donald's Trump

This blog wills to thank Donald Trump for all he accomplished in the first letting of blood. It will now become the point of an exclusive here to explain what you have been watching.........and regrettably make Mark Levin look not the brightest.

I digress first.......

It is not a world one wants to be in when Newt Gingrich is incapable of dealing with the mind of Mark Levin in an interview allowing Gingrich to explain why he attacked the Paul Ryan budget like an Obamite.........
In other words, why vote for Newt when Levin is the brain on the block?

Back to the exclusive......

As this blog first noted, it was the Rahm Emanuel connection with Donald Trump which is what prompted Mr. Trump to enter the GOP race. Mr. Trump never had any attention in the "primary" status, but his reasoning was he was pissed off at the Obama regime for not even replying to his offer to build a state room worthy of American receptions.
That is where this all started, and it is where Rahm Emanuel with the Clintons, decided where they feared to tread, to have Mr. Trump draw blood on B. Hussein on the Birther issue.

Mr. Trump was provided cover, and for his reasons he has now withdrawn. The reasons are many which include blackmail by NBC, the reality in Mr. Trump comprehends where this is going in how big the Obama downfall is, and the fact that the original players in the Clinton coup are back out of the woodwork looking to work Obama over personally.

While not the key, the gatekeeper in this is Rahm Emanuel, and his now being installed, after Obama attempted to submarine him, now has the coup plotters in position to have Bill Daley and Rahm Emanuel initiate what they intended from the start in this.
Let me be clear in this, Karl Rove was part of a cabal which installed Obama, but the Bushites are bag men. The Rockefellers saw their opportunity in profits with Obama, but they were told to by the Rothschild Europeans to stand down and they did.
The Rothschilds still can quash what is coming in this coup as they have done previously. Obama is paying with Libyan blood and oil, with the trillions in American debt handed over to the Europeans to keep his head...........do not miss this though in Donald Trump in high finance drew blood on this regime.......yes Mr. Trump completed his mission, which had many forms from taking the heat off of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.........but this is just the beginning.

Obama now has figured out that his murder of bin Laden, which had Bearick so damn smug in his trophy, that his Super Depression is a problem for stealing 2012. Obama had murdered bin Laden expecting a 10 point boost which would hide the Birth abstract proving he is a foreigner, whip up the Mexicans and cruise into 2012 for his coronation.
Their internal polling though has Obama losing to every person in America who would care to run. This is why Karl Rove is desperate in trying to find some damn shill not as straw man now, but as someone who can be installed under his puppet strings. That is why Trump was pissing off the Rovians in Trump had both left and right wing backing.

The Birther issue is not going away. It is now a cancer on the regime. There are about to be other cancers metastasizing though and one of them is going to appear in this blog in a week or so in a story if Mark Levin can finger it out this time, it will shut down the entire Obama campaign money supply and see him in prison.
Mr. Levin has no idea his good friend Rush Limbaugh was in on the Trump towering inferno against Obama........and that means Limbaugh coordinated with the Clintons and Rahm Emanuel.

Now that you are starting to hear things you did not expect, expect in this Val-erie Jarrett has been receiving direction and assistance from the Rothschilds in their second city venue. Second city is now in the Emanuel control and the White House is carved up with the Daley control.
Panetta in defense and Clinton at state..........that is the government and it's pipeline is now coordinated by the Daley's for the Clintons.
As I exposed previously, the Clinton's were played like amateurs by the Rothschilds.........this still can blow up, but one must comprehend, you can not get blood out of turnip. Obama is losing his value and his last act might be murdering Khadaffi to reinstall the Roman Empire.

Don't overlook this in Iran in Ahmadinejad is being eaten by his own Islamocommunists. Those turban heads are working for the Rothschilds who installed them. For this to be taking place, means the entire balance of power is shifting and when one has an empire, one does not need a messiah in the White House to groom the camels.

The regime has blinked and has been blinking. Boehner for all his bawling has got the big money behind him, and it ain't behind Obama and Geithner over the debt ceiling. This is appearing like a revenge of big oil and is why Eric Holder was sent out to threaten them.
It is why Obama was drill baby drill in trying to bribe them, but the Ides of Obama are surfacing in this.........all the long knives are not out, but you can see them packing under their togas.

Watch Obama as his tells give him away. He was giving a speech to some kids school and a most Freudian slip took place on May 16th where Obama stumbled on words of going places and being somebody in a direct reflection of his Indonesian pipe dreams.......his stuttering on the words reveals his world is one Barry is not in control and he knows it.
The downfall of Obama is what the Rothschilds in their scenarios work to their advantage as what they build they crumble.

The game is changing though and America should express her appreciation in what that scamp Donald Trump had the balls to pull off.

Some are now stating to look for Eric Holder to be on the chopping block to get at Obama, as this was the deal this blog exposed with Darrell do nothing Issa for his political fortunes. I do not even look for Obama's brain in Val-erie Jarrett being forced out as the mark to look for.

Look for some event Obama is involved with in which he will really screw the pooch in blundering..........but it will be a set up from within and Bearick will walk right into it. It might involve Reggie Love, but it will be a "show" that the sappers are in the wire.
There is a reason Rush Limbaugh is hinting at Holder's removal..........this part is a very American coup. I said from day one that Obama comes down when the Democrats pull the plug.

If the Rothschilds do not Wikileaks par dux to save Obama again, payback is going to be a bitch for this regime without their cover.

nuff said

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