Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Huck a Duck

This blog joins with the NAACP, the National Ass. for the Advancement of Colored People in denouncing Al Sharpton for his call for blacks to riot over Trayvon Martin's righteous shooting by George Zimmerman.
For we have all now witnessed beatings of white people in Florida, due to Mr. Sharpton, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Holder and Mr. Obama due to their making an issue of this in voter intimidation.

This blog though does stand up for Rev. Sharpton as he can not help it in falling too far away to the King of Soul, James Brown's doctrine in black empowerment.
See there is a move by the cartel liberals in desiring to end the black problem in America in all these niggers they have created in the Niggarazi as they just cost too much for the votes they once bought on welfare. This is cannibal capitalism and Mr. Obama has served up those well marbled fatted calf Negroids as the feast in this.

Understand under Mr. Obama, the 50% Indonesian, 50% Afroid (Arabian slave trader sans Negroid), was installed to remove blacks for the burden they are on the cartel. The robber barons and vote barons can make much more money efficiently off of Mexican and Muslims. In fact, the Muslim actually works and does not ask for welfare where the Mexican works itself to death and needs no retirement in exchange for welfare.

Compare that to the American Negroid of the Niggarazi who does not work on a job, is a drain on the cartel, and is either breeding taking women out of the work force in aborticide or welfare sucklings while the black Niggarazi is either in prison or taking naps at work.
The cost overruns in welfare and the sloven black at work just does not recoup enough of the loss in welfare checks and aborticide revenues. It is an issue in billions in working welfare, welfare and medical, compared to the trillions in blacks costing business and communities for their parasitical presence.

There are grave dangers for blacks in Mr. Obama's extermination process beginning with Skittle hoodies.
What happens if America passes a law like South Dakota in being able to shoot any Indians in groups of more than 3? What happens when Mr. Obama signs into law the open season on shooting hoodie Niggazi terrorists on every street corner?
Certainly this will benefit ammunition and mortuary businesses, along with liquid soap retailers in washing off the blood, and perhaps the organ donor field as the cosmetic surgery group always is looking for skin grafts to enlarge the penis of gay males, but for the rest of society in stuck with burial bills, ambulance costs and the rising problem of water contamination from all those black bodies laid to rest, there is not a cost effective structure unless Mr. Obama contracts with Mexico to bury his dead hoodies there.
Even at Mexican peon wages though, that is still a drain on the cartel, even if the money savings of no welfare or imprisonment checks and job openings at working jobs, this is still not cost effective for Mr. Obama's benefactors.

For that reason, this blog joins with the NAACP in pointing a few things out for the Niggazi hoodies, in using Skittles to attack armed people is stupid.
Secondly, if the Negroid hoodies continue to beat on white people, those white folks will indeed start shooting the hoodies on sight, which while it helps the cartel, does nothing for hoodie sales for Christmas.
Thirdly, statements like , "God made niggers black so even color blind people could see stupid" while it would elicit great laughter at a David Letterman cocktail crowd event, would be met with silence by a black group listening to such comedy.

For Niggazi reasons, blacks are not ashamed to be making an issue of a hoodie terrorist who is their representative in being so emotinally charged, normal reasoning has vanished and this hoodie attacks someone with Skittles trying to murder them. The American Negroid is so divested of human shame, that it can not comprehend they are being laughed at in Trayvon Martin's stupidity is being surpassed the the entire Niggazi organized community, in they have now become the definition bandied about by slaves in "niggahs".

In that, infusing the word nigger into any conversation does not make it Chris Rock funny.

For example, "What is the difference between Chris Rock and comedian?" Answer: A comedian is funny.

While that is a fact, infusing it with, "What is the difference between a nigger like Chris Rock and a comedian?", does not make the statement funny or even more factual. Being a nigger or using the nigger word, does nothing really when employed by the Niggazi any more than it does by the KKK.

What makes the word nigger have precedence is the devolution of the American Negroid from Black Citizen a few years ago, to this creature whose representation is one guy who calls hisself a messiah and another guy who attacks armed Citizens protecting their community with a bag of Skittles.

This is the problem in this in the cartels are employing niggers in the Niggazi to give a black face to blacks. Al Sharpton got his job to fill America with distaste, as much as Chris Rock is out there acting tough nigger in his own fears, as much as Barack Obama who is not black, is defining what Negroid is.
This is the Designer Negro which this blog warned blacks was being instituted for their ruin.
Blacks actually voted in their own doom in Mr. Kenyan Obama.

For this reason, America was much better when the black was a fictionalized character like Jim in Huck Finn or Uncle Remus or Uncle Tom, or that fat black chic in Gone with the Wind.
Black was better in Bill Cosby playing his character as the world did not have to deal with the majority of blacks who yearned to be slaves and were making up for being failures with trying to be walking genitalia.

The reality of Barack Obama in his racism is what has now wiped out all the propaganda for the last 100 years benefiting blacks. It was much better when blacks like Condi Rice or Thomas Sowell could hide behind George Bush and Rush Limbaugh, because when Obama showed up, they were all silent in this racism like 9 11 Muslims in assenting to the innocence of Trayvon Martin, when this Niggazi from Obama 2012 was a terrorist.

Blacks do indeed have to be saved from themselves, and Justice Clarence Thomas can not do it all for an entire race following Mr. Obama into the abyss.

So this blog joins with the NAACP in denouncing Al Sharpton, but stands up for Mr. Sharpton as he like all blacks are too ignorant to realize they are being employed for the reason of their own destruction, like rubbing vomit or dog excrement in the public's face to make it recoil.

What must be done is the NAACP must hire Disney to write fictional accounts of black Niggazi of yesteryear like George Jefferson being a dry cleaner, when we all know it was the Koreans running the businesses in black ghettos.
Let us all rejoin the fiction of the black who all could look up to, and put this racism behind us, as the Obama reality is just to deadly even for dead blacks voting a thousand times over come November 2012.

We must protect Skittle sales after all, as America has enough ruined companies under B. Hussein Obama.


Hit me, make me feel good

Hit me, baby, hit me love

Like I knew that I wouldn't, so good

I feel nice, like sugar and spice

I feel nice, like sugar and spice

So nice

Hit me, I feel good

Like I knew that I wouldn't

Hit me, so good