My children, Analgate is one flatulent fiasco away from blowing the anus of the Obama regime to hemorrhoid hell, because the CIA is openly bringing down 1600 Penn Avenue after their people were left to be murdered there.
Bill Kristol has it right in his short blurb in the CIA has thrown Obama under the bus, but the revelations in this are manifold as B. Hussein Obama now has not just been caught lying, but has now been caught allowing people to be murdered to cover up his crimes in instigating this "hostage crisis" involving Chris Stevens and other Americans to assist his 2012 election theft as was exclusively broken here first.
It is the key in this that an Executive Decision took place, literally meaning as Kristol has been informed, that Sec. of Defence Leon Panetta would not have alone decided not to send in military help to rescue these Americans in Benghazi, but was warned off from doing so, and it is what is behind his "Monday morning quarterbacking by critics comment" as Panetta is sweating bullets literally at this moment as the evidence is there in the communications that he asked the White House what should be done, and 1600 Penn waved him off.
Senators demand White House declassify Libya video...
Father of Slain SEAL: Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son?
PENTAGON: Knew too little to deploy troops...
Panetta: Critics 'Monday Morning Quarterbacking'...
KRISTOL: Petraeus Throws President Under Bus...
Do not forget the exclusive in this blog that Delta Force showed up on a tarmac in Libya, and jetted back out after the corpses were discovered and no recovery of bodies was initiated. These special forces were sent in late and were in theater oriented and let us just say, "Went over Panetta's head".
Director Patraeus, shall we say, has long communication ties with the military and it is not that "on a park bench in talking to oneself" that his old commander, Gen.Tommy Franks, who is advising Mitt Romney on defense matters, was provided enough directional information to have Mitt Romney lay off Obama in debate 3, as everyone knows in the loop what this blog has broken as this is all common knowledge now.
Gen. Franks was furious over the "lecture" Obama gave Romney in Debate 3 in talking about carriers and bayonets as if Mitt Romney had no idea what war implements were use for.
This ream job has not yet begun in the Obama soap dropping. The people who know have watched Obama and what was done to Team Six, and now they had first hand viewing of what the Obama campaign had up in Benghazi that got operatives murdered.
From the beginning, this blog broke there was digital of this and other attacks, and there is a great deal more in this that is being secured and will appear in 2013 for impeachment of Barack Obama if he steals the elections again.
The fact in this, Obama was not AWOL. He knew the operation was being conducted and coolly waved off a "premature" rescue as that would have blown his campaign mode of a Monday deliverance, so he would have a few days to build the story at the Rose Garden to hammer Mitt Romney with.
The first discussions after the fact was how to cover all of this up, and the talking points coming out of the situation room grabbed on the Muslim movie they were going to use to beat Romney and Christians over the head with.
Obama and Jarrett seized on this with the comments, "The press will run the story we give them and shut this down".
Obama then jetted off to his campaign stops ignoring it all as the press would give him cover and just like in Gabby Giffords shooting was to be blamed on Sarah Palin in the talking points, this was all going to go to voter intimation of Christians.
This blog is not about to stand up for these criminals in the Obama regime, but it will repeat when Ambassador Susan Rice was sent out to lie, she was not aware of this specific information no more than Maddy Albright was on Monica Lewinski for Bill Clinton. She was though completely aware a cover up was taking place, but not for what she thought.
That early briefing the White House got 2 hours after the time Obama thought Stevens and the others were going to be sitting in a prepositioned "safe house" for rescue in a few days, was cleansed from the system. This was only in the inner circle who were aware of any of this.
Panetta knew his part about being waved off. He did not know of the campaign hostage event. Patraeus knew the wave off, the events and was getting in real time data about what Obama's terrorists were chattering about exposing all of this.
It is all been put together since day 3, and on day 5, the assembled force went in to retaliate on the Libyans involved. Those out country targets are still being tracked.
When this blog broke the Candy Crowley debate in setting up Mitt Romney on the Obama statement, and Obama was trying to bail on this was his stating this was a "terror event" he stepped into it all, as he admitted he had prior knowledge when that is not what he meant at all in the Rose Garden. This is all Watergate stuff in Obama is trying to bail on things in keeping his butt in the Oval Office, so he can keep any of this from seeing Congressional hearings.
There are too many knowledgeable people though who know enough of what took place, that they are not going to be submarined. Director Patraeus is auditioning for Director of CIA under a Romney Administration.
The people in the know on this are no longer the cowards like Darrell Issa propping up Obama with Mark Levin commentary. These are professionals and while they knew what Obama was up to in crimes, what took place in the sacrificing of operatives for a campaign talking point is something this group is not going to allow to slide.
The fat lady is not singing yet my children, but she is off her fat rear.
Analgate, the story broken here first in another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive, is become the 21st crime of the century of worse than Watergate as there are a dozen deep throats now talking.
nuff said
agtG 251
The tourists have arrived at the Lame Cherry hedgerows.......
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus
6:05 PM, Oct 26, 2012

So who in the government did tell “anybody” not to help those in need? Someone
decided not to send in military assets to help those Agency operators.
Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own? No.
It would have been a presidential decision. There
was presumably a rationale for such a decision. What was it? When and
why—and based on whose counsel obtained in what meetings or
conversations—did President Obama decide against sending in military
assets to help the Americans in need?