Monday, October 15, 2012

Talking America to Death

I was listening to Mark Levin on September 10th and in reading from one of his many pulp fiction  plagiarisms, his basic advice as to talk your neighbors to death in Conservatives had to become teachers blah blah blah which you know none of you are going to do, as it is not in Conservatives to brainwash children.

So in all of this Romney and Obama, Levin is the one who is like Limbaugh in the leading voices on the right, along with people hunter Michael Savage who Bill Bennett calls nuts.

If you recall it was this bunch who stymied the Birthers and said "WE WILL NOT IMPEACH OBAMA", so America you have the America you have, all because of these folks advice. Rush Limbaugh whispered in 2010, that GRIDLOCK IS WHAT WE WANT FOLKS.

Gridlock was not what I wanted, but it is what Limbaugh wanted and Levin wanted while standing around with his finger up his ass, as America was raped in high energy prices from Obama oil sabotage and oh yes..........Mark Levin lying to Americans about ethanol like all this right wing Foster Freiss puff lippers, so you have no money for anything, but the nation rapists have legally stolen all your money.

Ask yourself, why was it that Ron Paul helped wipe out the Conservatives? You know he worked a deal with Romney to put Rand Paul as Vice President......and it was why olde Ron Paul refused to back Romney, after the GOP threw that Gold Standard bait at the Paulbots to shut them Obama threw God and Jerusalem at the independents to get them suckered into voting for B. H.

Why was it Michele Bachmann never once hammered Romney on what he was, and allowed herself to be wiped out by Mano......and then took it smiling, and called all supporters to vote for Romney?

Why it was Rick Santorum delivering Foster Freiss' billions to back Romney that got him a talking slot and probably Ambassador to the Vatican........all one big sell out brothel.

Before the liberals think this is all right wing sell outs, your whores are worse than the frauds in the right, as like Keith Olbermann was outed here and fired over being right wing, your talking whores will parrot any line to rev you up to keep you thinking you really matter.

You think gun control matters? Hell you Sarah  Brady types were tossed under the bus faster than a 6 year old boy out of an Obama van when your views got in the way of that election margin that got Gore and Kerry shown the exit.......even with cheating.

Only this blog was calling for GOP election reforms in 2008 to stop another John McCain moderate from ruining things.........and guess what? Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity.......all were silent about it......but now we have that Levin telling all this listeners to talk the opposition to death, knowing very well that strategy gets nothing but Romneycrats stealing GOP seats and keeping Obama types in power.

None of this could be happening in Spanish firms in association with George Soros owning American election software, and overthrowing elections across the free world.
Did you know that Scytl never does an election in China or I wonder why it is only in the western nations that it is busy electing all thee Romneycrats.

Every single one of the talk radio and media types has had one purpose and that was to dampen the Sarah Palin drive and to kill the Tea Party by attrition. They did it, kept Obama in power, so this money siphoning scheme called Obamacare and whatever else would flow money into Wall Street in Geithner spikes of electronic money generated at a trillion dollars a keyboard log to reward the elite by stealing your money.

They dress it all in God, America, Reagan and Mom, but every time things get chattering all of a sudden up pops.........sodomy, aborticide, keeping Obama around ......and that mellow talking which lulls you into accepting it all, and the next thing you look, it is 20 years since Newt Gingrich and somehow your gun dealers are gone, your ammunition prices are skyrocketing, you have no retirement, your kids are ashamed to talk of anything moral and your choice is an apostate Mormon and a blasphemous anti messiah.......and still the droning goes on, and on, and on, about how all of this can be won, because you are right.

Once upon a time there was the Molotov Mob who was sent out to smear people, to get things riled up, and they would move on to other victims before things could be proven. Mockingbird was very effective in this, but there was another protocol in this of the Judas Goats, whose purpose was of olde in the goat would calmly lead the sheep to the slaughter, as they trusted their leader.

When this group of cocktail crowd cronies told you in 2009 that the Tea Party would not last........they were right now were they not?
Sure they were. They sent in Rove and Army to hijack the cause and dilute it, and when the faithful were fighting, they were busy in Wall Street Romney Insiders promising Sarah Palin she was going to have their full backing........and protecting after Gabrielle Giffords.
They pulled the plug on Sarah Palin and she saved her life, but America by design found itself on the right with a Newt Gingrich who was cuddled up with Hillary Clinton and a Rick Santorum who tossed it in like Ron Paul, instead of fighting to the end, because the bribes bought them out........and there stood Romney as the "choice" when he was appointed all along in this election theft, just like John McCain was set up for his epic fall.

Levin of course chimed in on how bad it all was in the attack on Sarah Palin, but like Michael Savage when it came time to naming names.......well Mike Savage decided that the Ashkenaz elite were necessary and innocent cartel bankers, and one just pays lip service to the cause as long as one snarls enough to keep the job and keep the monkeys in the zoo from revolution.

There is no one on the right in a major position who is not a paid for fraud, and when one examines how the DC Caller came into being to Ulsterman suddenly seeing the Romney light in his own website, the gatekeepers are paid to steer you sometimes with drama and sometimes with secret stories, and it is as Jackie Gleason said of CBS long ago.

"I told them I wanted my own train and they gave it to me. I told them I wanted everything and they gave it to me. Then one day I looked around in all I had, and they said they would take it away if I did not do what they told me to do.........
I did what they told me to do".

The greatest traitors to America, are not Barack Hussein Obama or George Soros. The greatest traitors to America are in places like the Aspen Institute in the billionaires there cuddled up with Soros in Foster Freiss, all grinning at you sedately like Harold Hamm of Oklahoma in  bed with Warren Buffett for North American oil, and whatever other Rupert Murdoch whore who thinks they can play the game, and suddenly they are set up and it is all taken from them.

This ilk should have covered their asses in doing what this blog told them to, in setting up this blog, along with Ulsterman and others who actually were doing blogs.....before some were contracted for, but when the time comes for their John Heinz moment, it will be some frau spending their "conservative cash" for a John Kerry election.

Yeah keep watching the girl. You're not in the Obama abyss, and now suddenly this election is what matters as Mark Levin says........
Hell you dolts, he will be telling you that after the Russian have shot your dog and you got a Chinaman raping your ass.

Alex Jones throws the flames into the tinder. The hype he says does not happen, and instead Limbaugh pampers you into thinking that is reality as FOX tucked you in......and the real agenda goes on as planned.
They do not need to take your guns as this blog informed you years ago of. They can mass murder you in 100 different ways selectively. They have you in the American gulag and that voice you hear is like Tokyo Rose without the accent.....telling you not to stand up and to just take it, as you can win it next time.

It is all designed to keep you pacified. It is all designed to keep you sedate until that day you start noticing more and more people going zombie, which was a joke like face eaters, before the cover of "bath salts" was tested in the markets......

Gee I wonder why Matt Drudge seems to always know what trends are being set.

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You think Bill Gates just saw the light or did his brain get a zap to help it become zombie....or how about the day the.....Foster you really think that Aspen is going to protect you......didn't help the founder now did it.