Saturday, December 1, 2012

Area Code Ulster, Ireland

My children, it appears a discontent is arising in the pages of Ulsterman in some who were darlings there are finding their posts are being censored. Odd how it did not matter when Mitt Romney was being infused into the strawman project that all was well with the commentators there, but suddenly once silenced on their finding new truths gained by experience there is now a silencing of the lambs.

Logic dictates by the outward signs certainties which project out. Ulsterman was a blogger who suddenly hit it big just before the 2012 elections after contacts with Jerome Corsi and others in the molotov press.
His site takes forever to load so he has Google monetizing taking place, which means his benefactor has funded up to a point and the Joseph Farah pursuit of dollars through ad revenue is the god compared to a Robert Morton of World Tribune whose stealth ads generate faster page loads for commerce.

The caste is a simple one, in Shalom sir for big pharm was introduced by White House Insider being Deep Tutu a machination of Rahm Emanuel. Who as this blog early noted appeared to be arriving at scripted conclusions reading directly from this blog in stories either confirmed or the clever deception employed against the John Birch Society by Mockingbird........meaning one sows in the crazies to taint the message.
Yes this blog has been utilized by this group to mix the message to steer this as the toxicity found here has had a whispered warning label of "LEAVE ALL LAME CHERRY REVELATIONS ALONE" as the last thing the cartel wants is one Drudge headline pointing here or one regime investigation, which would generate a hundred million hits and expose all what is taking place. It is deemed better to crazy it up and ignore what takes place here in dealing with a vocal minority which can be governed by Ulsterman's site and other sources like Rush Limbaugh to keep you from revolting.
Mark Levin is giving you the outlet in marginalizing you at a 3rd party group, which the cartel can then install governance mechanism as they did in the Tea Party to factor you out of existence.

Meanwhile back at Ulster Ireland, the money in logic came from old Shalom, as this was part of the Romney strawman operation to prop up the Mormon who would fail.
The White House Insider ran his protocols in providing gossip and no information, for every major point he ushered in from Chicago to contender candidates never did become a reality.
So to the shadows he returned, and out pops the RIP, Ron Insider Paul to fill in the space between your ears.

RIP is not very good at this, as he does not provide any GOP dirt in what is up John Boehner's rectal area or Karl Rove's. RIP is designed to sway you to the waiting in the gulag and Ulsterman has already informed you how this is going to take place for 2014 by his posting on Rand Paul.
Yes you Ron Paul followers are going to be led again. You are quite passionate but do not seem to figure out like John Birchers, that your libertarian party was just hijacked to being more leftist than Obama.
It is now pro dope, pro sodom and anti God as it's major planks. Ron Paul in 2008 with Mike Huckabee and crew in debates sounded more left than Teddy Kennedy in being against the death penalty for murderers and rapists. Whether you can handle it or not a new Bush coalition has been mechanized to replace the Reagan Coalition.

Ulsterman is telling you this in setting this up. Jeb Bush is writing a book with a libertarian. Jeb Bush is making certain a latin Bush is being elected in Texas. This is the outreach to the Beaner vote which the Rovians are building for their 2016 election theft with Jebby humpig his beaner wife and his beaner babies out speaking hispanola to the beaners.
The Bush 2016 ticket will be shut up Christians, taco beaners, mixed in with sodomites, vocal athiets and dope heads funding it all.

Lovely mix really, and then there is that Pentagon Insider who lost his cool in watergating Obama which was unprofessional in telling tales, who then told Ulsterman to not speak to him again, and old Shalom then sent the Pentagon papers to talk to Ulsterman again in they "might" watergate Obama.
Sounds a great deal like a deal was made and all that Khan crapola was just a ruse to keep you from revolting in election theft and to leverage Obama for some power to be handed out.

They are telling you my children what they have planned. They have set this up as it was all scripted on Karl Rove's white board presentation. The 2016 ticket will be Jeb Bush with beaner entourage with Vice President Rand Paul, duh.

The looks of it is for the Obamacrats, it will be Hillary Clinton in the lead, trying to hide that fossilized Bill Clinton, while she parades around Deep Tutu, or Rahm Emanuel as VP.

I realize peeking into the future takes a great deal of fun out of things, as you desire stimulation to experience the electronic narcotics of the cartels manipulating you, but it is time you grow up to more than ants crawling about the picnic of the titans found here.

nuff said

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