Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Murder of Mary Richardson

Mary Richardson was murdered.
 Mary Richardson is also known by the name of Mrs. Robert Kennedy jr. He is the "thinks his shit does not stink" grinning asshole in the photo above with that pompous Rose Fitzgerald mentally retarded look on his face.

How any woman would ever want this creepy scum ever to even look at them is something of mental psychopathy, but many have, and many more women have been raped, assaulted, driven nuts and murdered for having anything to do with this Kennedy trash.

The reality of Mary Richardson is, she one smiled not long ago, but was dumped by RFK jr. and in the turmoil of it all, she somehow found herself in a horse barn and hanging by a rope, strangled to death.

We know she was strangled and we know it did not all add up by the coroners report.

Word of the surprising plot switch came on the same day the Daily News reported that Mary might have changed her mind at the last minute about hanging herself.

Her autopsy report revealed that her fingers were caught between her neck and the noose when she was found dead on May 16 in her barn in Bedford.

The autopsy also revealed that there were at least three antidepressants in her blood when she died.

In any district in America, if any person would be found to be dead in an apparent suicide with the following circumstances of multiple narcotics found with the fingers dug under the rope as the person is struggling to get air, that would raise the red flags in a normal police investigation, especially if it  was a rich family, where the husband was divorcing the woman, meaning a motive in keeping his money, and he had a blonde on the side sucking his dick.

Then there is the she left a suicide note and then she didn't leave a suicide note, depending on which Kennedy media whore outlet was being spun for the public to be led by.

Estranged Kennedy wife died from hanging - US News -
May 17, 2012 – Updated at 6:20 p.m. ET: Mary Richardson Kennedy, the estranged ... in a barn behind her Bedford, N.Y., house, and that she had left a note.

Yes MSNBC says there was a note.

Pals: RFK Jr.'s wife cracked under pressure -
May 18, 2012 – Mary Richardson Kennedy was deep in credit-card debt and getting ... said that, contrary to reports, his wife did not leave a suicide note.

Of course, it might be the reality is RFK's pals were sent out to say she was nuts, while RFK was speed dialing NBC telling them she had left a note......the note though was not sucidal, but a note to herself to pick up a picnic basket for a horse ride as she had so much to live for.......

Yes so much to live for, and so many reasons for RFK  to desire her dead. Things like fighting over the corpse with the family as the family wanted her remains closer for visitation, but RFK wanted them in the family cemetery........where he buried her one week among the Kennedy clan, and in the next after getting custody of where to stuff the remains, dug her up and dumped her in an unmarked grave over two football field's length away from others.

Meanwhile, Bobby Kennedy has moved on. He is dating “Curb Your Enthusiasm” actress Cheryl Hines and was recently photographed with her for the first time since Mary’s death at a Kennedy wedding on Cape Cod.

Yes this is the set of tits and mouth, Robert Kennedy junior is grieving with as his murdered wife gets plotted in out of the way spots as no one wants to be reminded of the old tits and old mouth that used to get pinched and sucked by a Fitzgerald face.

Mary Richardson was murdered. It is either Junior RFK had one of his henchmen slip her a few more pills to get her walking in the right direction, and then they hung the deluded dope head in murder one or Junior like most of the Kennedy ilk drove his wife nuts, like Teddy Kennedy did Joan. It does not matter which really as it is Obama wife beater, American national gang rape of women which started with Hillary Clinton's assault on Bill's Bimbos, then Barack Obama's assault on Hillary and then the national gang rape of Sarah Palin by Obama and the Rovians with salivating little asses like Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters which Mark Levin shills for, who joined Camille Paglia in staying Sarah Palin enjoyed political gang rape, or else she would not be in politics.

This is one sick ass mob of women abusers, and the reality is Mary Richardson did not arrive at that barn by herself. She had years of torment, abuses, and was being dumped by the side of the road for a younger Kennedy worshipping model, as Mrs. RFK jr. found out in life that the Fitzgerald Kennedy's shit does stink and being grunted on like Marilyn Monroe was by the Kennedy boys was not such a thrill.........

What was it Angie Dickinson said about getting f*cked by a Kennedy?

Best 15 seconds of her life.......

At least she never ended up hung in a horse barn like Mary Richardson and then dug up like a pile of sh*t and dumped into the pauper end of the cemetery in an unmarked grave.

It is past time a Grand Jury Investigation be opened into the murder of Mary Richardson. She was murdered by Robert Kennedy jr. The only question is, is it Murder One or is it Manslaughter.

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Obama Mum Sex

Obamapus Rex, yes that is what this blog has been pointing out to you children for years in noting how Barack Obama taking his daughters out on dates and constantly referring to them in sexual terms, that there was just something manic about Barry Chin.

Yet more evidence, exclusive to only this blog, has now been sitting there without anyone commenting on it for almost 2 months. There is this Gen Cook. I will not waste time in her entire name as in her it is too overdone in the reality she is, in another Stan Ann in resonant polluted frequency, going to the dark side to get off sexually and find comfort from the white men of the world they can not deal with and were hurt by.

That is the creepy part in this as Barack Obama was horny over his adoptive mum, Stan Ann Dunham. He went after her younger twin in this Genevieve Cook, who looks like her.
Cook though has that ugly Fitzgerald hook nose. Do not know what that says about Obama's lust for Teddy Fitzgerald Kennedy........

This is a different menagerie of sexual perversion really than being attracted to one's parental features in bias of one's own features to propagate them into your children. For this is an adoptive Chinoid getting off on his adoptive mum in Stan Ann, and then going out and finding a younger version to wear his blue sarong around when he moves in with her.

Entire new Bill Clinton category here in now we have the adoptive children wanting to sex up the non related adoptive parents.
Will John Roberts be tied to the bed post by his latin adoptees as he has joined Obama at the hip in Obamacare? Like demons when unleashed and enjoined would carry on the same house demon enticements and parents do transfer to children and children begin acting out in the same demoniac choices. It is why sexually perverted families continue on for generations. It is the higher up demons attaching and influencing children from the adults.

Obama started out having sexual relations with the relations in being warm and friendly, but soon backing off toward his gay choices which Gen Cook could not figure out, but did not appreciate the other woman in the relationship being Barack.

The fact is there are no blondes in Obama's past he dated. There is this one Stan Ann look alike who could not get along with Barry any more than Stan Ann could, as sexual paramour allure is no basis for any relationship when it is the dead weight of a 10 year old sociopath in Barry Chin.

Have you ever wondered why in Barack Obama being Asian, why is it he never wanted an Asian girlfriend or wife?

His birth mum in Anna Chin, certainly is Chinese and Japanese enough. Obama certainly likes bowing to Peking dictators and Japanese sun gods in human form in the male, so why does Obama not like the Yellow Fever in girls............perhaps he likes it in the boys, what not eh?????

Focus on the question marks children as you might get that.

You are getting it now, in Obama had a mum and tried dating a younger version of his mum, but decided that he did not like his real mum version in not having Yellow Fever, but was not into soiling up the white girls either as Obama liked soiling up the gay white boys on their knees.
This then became Obama's slumming in trying out an ugly, male Muchelle, not too bright, quite enamoured in exotic Barak, where Barry in the closet could go to Bali pretending to be an Island Queen, and Muchelle was suckered into the marriage, even if she was not prone to puffy lips as Barry hid in the closet.

Barack Obama went black as it was his protocol in he did not like white women, was scared of Asian women, and liked gay white men, who would stand out in Kenya where he was supposed to be dictator for life, until he started auditioning to replace Jesse Jackson to herd in the black vote.

Obama does seem to like latin chics, but they apparently scare him too, and all he is capable of is gyrating in public in salsa that one latin guy in basketball gave him a fat lip on the court when Barry rubbed too close, and.....well Barry gave up hoops after that in never going back.
The latins were the ones he was groping on his first trip to only covered here.

So Obama thinks of latin chics while gay men fellate his penis when Muchelle will not, as who can blame Muchelle as who wants to suck on a dick when the dick is thinking about salsa is just lording it over the gay men on their knees that king Obama finds any fulfillment now.

All the powerful men of the world have women dripping off of them in their Marxist mania, from Putin to the Italian mob, and Obama just drips, and all they can find is one Gen Cook in the midst, who makes Obama sound like the fag he is.

Blue sarong? The dude was over a decade from Indonesia. Uncle Lolo never wore those things......hell Hawaiians do not wear them. So where is this skirt wearing coming from in Barry Chin, but the reality  this was his fag side coming out of the closet to his surrogate mum as  who knows what happened when he intimated to Stan Ann, that he find boys pretty and wanted to wear lipstick like the male maid Stan Ann was doing upkeep with.

So Barry Chin wanted to have intimacy with his adoptive mum in Stan Ann via Gen Cook, but not his real mum in Anna Chin. In not being able to just have a worship the pretty girl in Bararck relationship, Obama chose a man woman in Muchelle, who would not suck his penis, so Obama had to resort to the old Chicago pansy days of Uncle Frank Davis, to come full circle as he buried Stan Ann, became the wife of Muchelle Robinson and Stevie Wonder and Donald Young fathered his two............never mind.

I honestly thought that nothing could be more perverse than Bill Clinton's raping women and the things he was involved in, but this Obama really is a dark devious demoniac demented deviate.

Barack Obama AKA Barry Chin, instead of reaching for the higher goal in his Chinese and Ashkenaz ancestry.....even the Horn of Africa dock worker who actually worked in his Semitic undertones of Hamite mingling, decided instead to be king of the slave class in mounting the man woman Muchelle in plunging into the abyss, as the kid who ran like a duck, bested by Special Olympics children, chose the race of slavery to rule from.

In that, Barack Obama is warped as Milton:

It is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven.

 For Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin, his moto is:

It is better to be a slave to failure than to be free to fail.

Barack Hussein Obama

nuff said on the Obama mum sex.

You try to piss on me and you will be deluged in the back splatter.

Lame Cherry

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