Wednesday, August 8, 2012


 Oh Lord, keep us upon the path we tread

Keep us with thy Angels led

Keep us, oh Lord prosper us this day

Keep us, oh Lord upon Thy chosen Way

Amen and Amen



John Adams is a popular girl too.


Lame Cherry
5 hours ago – It is a messy business in the briar patch and all are working some angle and the Lame Cherry is the bait at times utilized to catch the always ...

Mar 4, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012 ..... March 03, 2012 .... Mar 29 (2), Mar 28 ...

May 26, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012. Light Overcomes Darkness. Sipping ...

May 19, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012. Baby Trending Lamech Fouad. Baby ...

May 28, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012. Dumbass French Kabuki Syndrome. At ...

May 20, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012. Duck Foot 
Obama. You can quote me on ...

Dec 25, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011 ... Schiller, right, stands behind ...

a charitable contribution

Today I was transported in time back to the 1960's and who did I see in small town America, but Rusty Limbaugh, yes olde Rush Hudson Limbaugh III and it was quite a sight, as I said to my Mum as I was sitting there waiting..........




For little Rusty to ride by on his bike with his siblings to get the hell out of the way, as little Rusty seemed like he owned the street, was gawking at me waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, for little Rush and his bike riders to get the hell out of the way.

I said to my Mum, there is Rush Limbaugh or it looks like that Jeff **********, I went to school with, and she agreed.

So as I waited, I happened to see the village grouch driving by and he waved at me, as even village grouches require etiquette as they screw people over and the people they need happen to be your family.

In watching the sullen grouch, I decided to pull in behind as Rusty had finally rode by at slower than a snails pace, with his little fat body and his glaring pastey colors which I guess is not a color, but a condition.

Soon enough the village grouch, blew his horn at the mob on bikes, if one can be a mob in a family of self absorbed children named Limbaugh, but they did happen to get the message at that point to get the hell out of the way, by getting off the street.

It was odd as apparently Mrs. Limbaugh and I do not know if it was Gram Limbaugh were parked right there in a parking lot, and the little Limbaughs rode up, with Rusty for attitude reasons hanging behind the car, where his Mother could not see him, and he made the brother retreive the cash.

I know it was cash, as the store I was going soon enough upon entry, had Rush Limbaugh behind me being waited on, figuring on what to stuff in his face, and it was the best deal the merchant could offer in pointing out Rush should read the the display behind him, as that was actually the instructions on what was being offered.

Mum was waiting for me in the vehicle and after some discussion on my return about a rather wandering brain defunct individual who apparently was from out of state, I mentioned that little Rush was behind me.

To this Mum said, "I know, because the little one was in the parking lot screaming and yelling about something".

Yes it was a pleasant time to see children of the past in the present, as how many times in this life are we afforded such a vista on a hot Missouri summer humid, jungle hot, feels like somone is spreading honey on your skin on a gloomy day, to sit there waiting for Rush Limbaugh to ride by, as traffic is trying not to kill him as he just could not get enough of a look at this popular girl, and not relazing he was the one who would be the attnetion whore in a few short years after his pop bought a radio station and got little Rusty a job, to which Mrs. Limbaugh had to later get him another job as Rusty sulked on the couch all summer.

I so enjoy having my life and time wasted. It must be so many people are wasting their lives that they have to waste my time too in riding in traffic and mother driving off in the distance so her wards can be unleashed on the world so they can get rid of the ingrates for a few moments to have others deal with their attitude and screaming.

It is always nice though to know there was a Rush Limbaugh riding about in cave man times on a rock, was a Rush Limbaugh riding around in 1960 and in the 21st century there is another shadow signature of Rush Limbaugh being that kid you hoped someone had just run over instead of blew the horn at him.

Now do not get me wrong, I certainly like the non homosexual, non Rovian, non divorce, non plagiarst part of..........wait I like the plagiarist part of  Rush Limbaugh as he owes me 11 million dollars over that according to God's laws and Barack Obama taxes, if he only would pay his debts, but I like Rush Limbaugh, except for all of the non Christian and unAmerican things he does.

He just like the village grouch, would have been better off if his parents were not the elite of the Cape, and Rush had gotten beat up a few dozen times, made to eat dog poop, got his head stuffed in a toilet while some soft Ford Galaxy ran him over to teach him some manners. Then Rush would have been the kind of man his fiction claims he is........sort of like Barack Obama, but Obama liked being called a nigger apparently and having rocks chucked at him, so maybe that is what the blonde daughter does is ties up Limbaugh and makes him watch the dog lick grape jelly off her nethters and she says, "Daddy you will never get any of this honey".

Never know about Elton John fans though in maybe they are thanking the dog.

That is about enough of this, but I hope the next time I have a shadow point in time, that I might instead just be at the Cape when the Limbaughs are out, when Star Trek is on, and I  could watch it on their color television as that is what rich people had then, and I could make an hour of it............or at least how long it took for Rush Limbaugh to ride by on his bicycle.

"I was just funnin' Doc."

"I wasn't."


The Popular Girl

I decided to make this a matter of public record in the illegal terroristic threats which this blog goes through constantly in the proof of 42 times it was hijacked on August 7th, 2012 in the blog post Wade Michael Page.

What is vital in this in the spiders involved, is the immensity of the traffic pull and recording of the live feed in what was being grabbed by the United States regime of Barack Hussein Obama Osserian.

Now this is all illegal as I certainly am no threat to the anyone, in expressing peaceful elections, complete loyalty to America and being a law abiding Citizen completely. Yet the evidence is recorded in my blog archives which surprised me as they were hidden in the second page of archives for reasons only the powers that be would know.

As you can see after posting, it immediately had 44 view counts. I do not know if this is a Baby joke at this time about Obama 44 or if it was just one of the many coincidences involved in all of this.

This is honestly beyond harassment, as for two days prior to this after posting about the Wall Street Insider the blog would not even post or load, which means there was extra heavy traffic from new sources, and by coincidence simply mentioning in a post I clandestinely posted which the experts did not factor in, immediately brought relief from the attack.

In human psychology I know what was going on, in I pissed off the insider clique, and some loyalist in seeing my name, location and my identity does not pop up anything intelligence connected on first sweeps, they presumed they could come in here and piss on me.
The problem is though, these geniuses never figure out the company I keep, and some of my friends are Vulcans, whom these wise guys of the Mark Levin type soon enough find out, their spiders are bumping into the spiders of the people who black widow these insider types just for fun. The smart insiders run like hell, as the Obama folks did when that happened to them, as they realized this was the type of crimes they would end up in prison, so it in reality ends up in blackmail leverage to get these smarty pants whoring for other words the insiders who got caught pissing on me, are already leveraged in spying on the insiders for the shadow league which controls all.

It is a messy business in the briar patch and all are working some angle and the Lame Cherry is the bait at times utilized to catch the always experts who think it is all livestock of their paddock. It really is not my business if I'm minding my own business and some lion decides to enjoy my scenery and decides to lurk about and bust some hyena who thinks it is an easy thing here to mark territory.

The lords and priests who pay attention to here, who sent Baby and the ape brothers to watch over me, who initiated the demon machine, are interested in me, because they know.
One of their protocols though is using me as bait for others and wrapping them in the web.

I have mentioned enough of this previously, but the experts are just too intelligent to read things and they are so intelligent they think they will never answer to anyone, because foolishly they think they are on top.

None of the intimidation bothers me as why should it. Persons in weak positions threaten. I'm just writing a few notes here no one else will ever read, and that is what this private conversation is all about.
I do realize though that many would just love to be me, in leading this exciting life in having so many dates each day with people so powerful they look at Romney and Obama as lint. It is just one of the many burdens I carry as a popular girl.


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The Propaganda Stench of Cheese

Did I not warn you children that the next terror attack sponsored by the Obama BATF for the regimes 2012 election would not be cluttered with Hutatree, Jared Loughner or other Zimmerman survivors to clutter up the message?

Yes that Wade Page was tailor made in being triggered to attack the local unfriendly to Obama police in eliminating that vote, even if it was one, while not having to have a Jack Ruby around to clean things up.

What is worse than having that Obama voter Joker with orange hair around not saying he loves Romney? These kinds of details are vital in a Presidential election theft and dead created psychopaths make much better witnesses than live ones.

Adrienne Barbeau has no connection with this, I just have her appear as Adrian Barbeau, as she is such a masculine kind of woman.

Meanwhile I digress....

So you got this Cheesehead in Wisconsin, which Obama has been whipping up into a union jihad. Then you got this Wall Street Insider crushing the union by dumping cash into the state, and the net  result after Obama wilding by blacks on whites, is this.......

You know Adrienne Barbeau is like 100 years old. She played Bea Arthur's daughter in Maud, and she still looks kick ass. Had like twins when she was 80 and that is allot of motherhood to take on, but I digress.

See now we can have all the government photos of Wade Page doing commentary with the Southern Poverty Law Center spying on American's speaking posthumously for them, and there is no need for Sean Hannity interviews or Judges in Hutatree trails discovering all those Obama BATF agents lurking about.

  • 1

What could be better than this, like the George Zimmerman photos showing him as white, when he was a black latino. I told you the loose ends would be tied up and it would be all the way the regime scripted this all to be.

Even the mother got into the act in the British press apologizing for her offspring.....that is the stuff dreams are made of in white America apologizing to non white American voters for Obama.

This all just steamrolls then in the AP hinting at things about facts never will be known, and things like "did he follow his own advice" or was it someone else's programming from the government. It gets really bad when the AP feeding this story from many storm fronts in talking points, actually starts being uncomfortable in realizing this was some kind of regime operation as the information flow is just too coordinated again.

Yes this information flow is .........well after the first onslaught, there was according to Google a 24 hour silence, to which FOX and other sources digging for news, all of a sudden started finding perhaps he was mentally ill...........or ooppss the step mum says Wade Page was GENTLE.

  1. Did mental illness fuel Wisconsin massacre -- or was it terrorism?
    Fox News‎ - 1 hour ago
    Wade Michael Page, the gunman who ended six lives in Wisconsin and was then shot to death by police, was a man who harbored ...

Uh oh on that one, in we don't have another Batman guy do we in movies and music fried this guys brain, after the military got ahold of him in psyops now do we?

You know if you take away Batman, put in Mandingo, take away rock and put in Stevie Wonder, take away Colorado and put in Libya, take away Wisconsin and put in Syria, you know you do not have Wade Page, but democratic candidate Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin....well take away American Wade Page and put in foreigner Barry Chin, and you got the whole dichotomy here.

Why is it Obama making jihad war for his benefactors in Muslim and American lands is celebrated and this Page is called a psychopath for doing the same thing.

We do not know if Wade Page would have beat his chest like Obama did over bin Laden, nor if Wade Page would have given Obama credit for murdering those Sikh's the way Obama took credit from the Navy SEALS in bin Laden's corpse being shot, but those small details do not detract from the strange reality in why does the Southern Poverty Law Center keep an illegal file on Wade Page in stalking him, while they do not keep one on B. Hussein Obama involved in multiple crimes against humanity.

Page's grandmother, Elaine Lenz, told the Journal Sentinel that Page was a caring grandson who sent her a dozen roses two weeks ago "just to tell me he loved me."
That sounds sort of Manchurian does it not?

There must be in this the literal psychological examination in how events of the past 4 years created white males like Jared Loughner, James Holmes and Wade Page, who for the most part were at one time American normal, and suddenly went on shooting sprees.

I will note again in this that three times now, in Loughner the medics would not go into the Giffords area due to ANOTHER SHOOTER reported, Holmes was reported to have had someone holding the door open for him, and now with Wade Page there were reports of police thoroughly searching the area afterwards for an accomplice.

Have all of these events been a reality of the same Oklahoma City white stooges who had BATF moles providing direction, mind conditioning and assistance?

If you need to be refreshed on Timothy McVeigh the dead guy who a reporter said was still breathing when they closed the curtain, and Sandra Levy having a link in her murder to this, along with Terry Nichols giving up munitions with federal police fingerprints on them who gave them to him.......and Tim McVeigh was the Soldier who used an RPG to blow an Iraqi's head off at a mile away, who had......he said, an implant in his ass tracking him, just how tangled all of this becomes when events are staged from an Eric Holder justice department again, intent on making political events out of heinous crimes that involve government agencies.

There are now glaring holes being blown in this Wade Page story which even AP has been hinting at things. This is beyond the need for a Congressional investigation.
Who are the names of the BATF agents shadowing Wade Page? Who are the illegal leakers from the Pentagon using talking points in his file? Who at AP knew to contact the Southern Poverty Law Center? Who at the Southern Poverty Law Center has been given carte blanche to spy on Americans and provide their propaganda?

The real story in this is just starting to come out, and it all looks like Obama 2012 election coordination. There was not in any way the American Joker was not being tracked. There is the reality Wade Page was being tracked illegaly and by legal sources.

Congress must open the books into this as something does not smell right here as usual with this regime.

agtG 228

A very lovely song

Get off your ass and stand on your hind legs, and stop sulking.

Here am I Lord.

Tell the American, the Lord their God has appointed a time in which their lands will be a graveyard.
Speak to them harshly for they do not care. Speak to them in warning and witness unless their sins be required of you for not warning them.

Righteous children will not be saved when they sin, and sinners will not be damned when they turn from sin.

You will warn them, and do as you are told. Though you sought death, it will not be found, for you will obey and carry out what I say.

They will die for their national sins. They will be recompensed for their vile blasphemy of their messiah. Evil only permeates a people when  good people stood by and did nothing.

Awake to the message for it is certain as my servant George Washington was shown. Death and destruction come. The day will be darkness and the bones of the dead will shine like the stars of heaven.
Your pets will eat your flesh and your stock will crack your bones.

You will die the death of the uncircumcised. You will not be buried and none will mourn for you. You dug an abyss by your messiah and now you will find torment in a national grave.

I alone am Lord. As was done before will be done again. I behold and there is none to deliver these sinners and I will arise after Judgment to secure the bloody field and a remnant will build cottages on the green graves as the grass remembers the dead no more.

They speak of you, that you know. They mock you. They say the Prophet is insane. They speak of your words with pleasure in the pleasure they enjoy, but they will not listen to them for they think they are prefect in their sins and by their sins their minds are stoned.

They say My Way is not the way, because it is not of benefit to them. I say it is their way which is not of benefit to them and for this they will be condemned.

Tell that prince what comes to him, for it will come in the mystery which I create and unfold. As for my children, those who watch will see and those who listen will take up their own lives alone.

I tarry for My purpose to see if their batteries are in store for the time when they require them, or if they will play with them and have no light for when the darkness comes.
Speak to them, for this is not for honor for they hate you. Speak to them and do not be a rebel as they are. I gave you life by a prayer and by prayer I will not give you death. You will work for Me in harshness for I Am an exacting God.

I know your pain, but what is pain when it is years in burden and forgotten in eternity of My Peace. I know you from the womb. Before the womb I even knew you. You are Mine by My Spirit. What is it to you if I have hated you with a Love only I could bear.

You stand there and you take it. You take it all. You are mine and you will tell them what will become of them from the Pacific to the mountains of Europe. I Am your God and you will watch to exhaustion and call till you can not speak and call all the more.

Your peoples they will die, and you will be comforted as the terror of Me and of you, will be justified in the sentence carried out.

You knew this before you came and you chose this lot. This is your vocation and walk worthy of it in your being called.

The mourners will mourn for the living and not the dead for better are they in death than those who do not see what Judgment will come. I will cleanse My heritage with a crimson flood for all of their murderous sins. Skin for skin, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, fetus for fetus, corpse for corpse.

If they will change and restore what they have stolen, pay what they promise, wipe from them all which they have replaced Me with, then will I lessen the blow and not repay them twice. If they would hear, they would hear, but you will listen and obey. You will serve me upon your hind legs while they make you bow down so they may step on you to pass over.

I planted you in a brier so the thorns would rip at your heart to prepare you for this time. My Spirit will guide you and will make you work for every Word to be spoken to these rebels. They do not know their disease, how age has crippled them, how they are food for the grave, for they say they are well and yet in their youth, and they yet will devour the world.

The time will come they will be silent in death after the terrors of dying as their iniquity is their epitaph.

I Am your God. Who are you to question me. Stand there and take it all, as you are required and you are born for this message to these apostates. They hate Me and they hate you. Suffer much for me and I will Love you with Life.

agtG 309y