Wednesday, January 16, 2013

October 14

I wonder about weird ass things. Like a few days ago this ad pops up in the ads that deluge me, and I saw it was in Arabic........and it had this picture of Obama and this white bald guy who did not appear too bright.

It was winked at me by the spiders so I wondered what they were talking about as I did not get a good look at it.

Then it popped up again a day later, so I grabbed it and started data mining to just see what oddities would come up from the spiders that Baby and the apes mind.

It is interesting in putting Obama and the bald guy together into a data search reveals the wonder of Obama's picture was the most loved on Facebook after his election theft............really bizarre beloved leader stuff that must have come from the Obama's children writing script or Val_erie Jarrett doing the best she can to make sure Obama is loved, as we all know a bunch of zombies clicking bogus Facebook links being bogus themselves is a sure sign how wonderful Obama is.

When I put the bald white guy in though, what came up first was the English Queen's Jubilee celebration and some Yemeni in Canada getting a medal for teaching Yemeni's to keep speaking Arabic while in Canada...........yeah that is what passes for great policy in Canada in do not assimilate Yemeni dope chewers, but keep teaching the kids to speak Muslim, so they can listen to all the terror mullahs and get warped that way.

The bald guy though is the Yemeni leader, a really loved guy apparently in being white in a brown Arab world.
Shhhh no comment on that please in how that all works out in this is the guy Obama chose to rule Yemen after Obama blew the place up. I do not really know the exact skin tone of the folks Obama chose to rule in other Muslim lands...........but I can assure you there are no browner than brown paper bags in the lot.

Where was I?

Yeah why is it that Baby was posting Arabic links on my ads, as it is not like I visit those peaceful terror sites of Islam?

That is the interesting thing in this, in the spiders were trending  Yemeni's in THE BALKANS and in AMERICA.That was of a week ago on January 15th.
For the record, those Balkan Muslims.........they are the Kosovo, stolen Serbian lands Muslims..........they are the Albanian know the white ones who are the ones they were worried about during the Bush43 years concerning terror acts, as they could not by visual pick these white Muslim European looking terrorists up............

I have this to be posted on January 22nd, but think I better do a Drudge red light on this one, as something is hinky looking in this in what the spiders are trending.
Of course, it was that same Muslims in France and Canada they trended for most of 2012, until Obama blew up the elections with his tidal wave of election theft......and that was pointing to something that was exposed out of happening.

It is interesting that this popular girl was getting ads up too for hajib wedding turbans. I know I always wanted one as what is more fitting than having some 500 pound wool turban smashing a bride's head down and making her smell like her sheep smelling husband to be on the wedding day.

I wonder of October 14th. I wonder of SAM Revolutions that were featured on the October 14th site. I wonder why ads for Islamists are popping up on my sites, when this popular girl has not been surfing terror pages.........but has had interesting things pop up when someone has been hacking into my spaces and lurking about AND THEIR SIGNATURES ARE WHAT ARE TRIGGERING THE BOTS.

Just a note of interesting things in being popular as the gossip going on in the plasmas is always more telling than what is being told by Rush plagiarist Limbaugh or ..........I really would like the networks to find some sexy chica on the left to mention here, as that Diane Sawyer about makes me not because she is older than prostitution, but the woman talks like she is having an orgasm at the end of every sentence.Is like watching an old dirty 30's movie about socialite spinsters getting off on the gin.

Any way, I wonder of Obama blowing up Yemen, and the spider links now to the Balkans and their history of  being the primer to  blowing up the world.

Something is taking place on the back channels that the spiders have overheard. Publish this the 16th maybe and see what I can stick in there and move about to the 22nd or something.

Is very difficult having all of these things to say, and not enough room to say them.

the Bosnian War, Oct. 14-17,

Dad ratter, I just have to put something attractive up here, as all that Caucasion Islam which Secular Islamist Obama is setting up in the Caliph is just not interesting.

as all that Caucasion Islam which Secular Islamist Obama is setting up in the Caliph

I put that down again so that soaks in.......

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