Monday, February 11, 2013

The Racist Mike Gallagher

How dare Mike Gallagher attack a black Obama voter, Chris Brown, a modern musical award recipient having done more than B. Hussein Obama for his Nobel award for peace that looks like global war for Islam.

Where was I?

Oh yes, I is incensed, I is outraged, I is......pass that fried chicken cuz watermelon is for deeezert.

Where was I?

Chris Brown is a reformed "nigger knocker". I do not know if that term is acceptable to Christopher Dorner, as he did not list democrat James Webb in the plus or minus category.

In any case before I digress, here we got this Chris Brown who 4 years ago beat the bajesus out of Rhiana..........I think I saw her photo once and Mike Gallagher calls her a lady and things, but I don't know where her snatch has been, or where her heart is.

It is wrong to Mike Gallagher to judge Chris Brown, as he has not knocked around this woman for 4 years. That points to things.......maybe in like Good Islam, Chris Brown was just beating the morals into a whore girlfried.
Look, he could have come home and Rhiana was being seduced by Oprah or Hillary, making this future sinner of hell do the snatch attack. So Chris takes off his shirt, for the digital recording and beats his she is his property according to law being cohabitating and all sperm defiled.

Where was I?

Sorry she does not look ladylike to me, and while no woman deserves to be beat, hell this is a black woman and we all know from Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy that black men are different and their women are too, as it is a black thing.

So you got a pimple ass like this Chris Brown trying to keep rule over the not burkha wearer, and he beats her............spare the fist and spoil the pussy......sure in Islam they prefer to open hand and whip the women, like the camels, but this is all 20th century America and not Africa where the Negroid's reside, this is Afroid America held up by poster boy Chinoid Obama.

Where was I?

So like this put him into a pen with Oprah and Oprah wins. Same with Barack if he tried to beat some sense into Muchelle, she would break his ass like an ass breaker.
You just can't blame a black man dealing with things, in getting a chance to beat on a black woman for her sins, that the lord of the jungle fever, does not let loose a little more than usual.
We know black men have allot more to deal with now. It is not just whitey making slaves of them, but Obama is not coming  through with the million dollars, white woman, mansion and free turkeys.

FULLY EXAMINE THIS, Chris Brown went off on Rhiana, his no cow trade property 4 years ago. Yeah who was the messiah 4 years ago? You betcha homer, it was Barack Hussein Obama.........and it is obvious that Obama let down Chris Brown, a real black man, Rhiana probably tested the waters of his manhood, and Chris Brown did a little Brohoodie on her.
Sure if this was some regular 300 pound big assed ugly black bootie, he would be dead now, but this is this little Ho Rhiana, and he was just doing what came jungle natural.

You know Spike Lee and Bill Maher were begging for Obama to go hood. Well this is just what Chris Brown did. Beat the black woman.......the whorish black mostly white woman wearing white face paint to look more white to appeal to the money audience and more black to get her thing on.

This blog calls on the Southern Poverty Law Center to file charges with Eric Holder over Mike Gallagher. This guy is just a mic out of control, interfering with Afroid nature. Barack Obama abuses with Karl Rove American women like Hillary Clinton and American Ladies like Sarah Palin in this mass gang  rape, and Gallagher never brings that up. But, just have Chris Brown do what he does being black, and Gallagher rants about it all.

One could ask if Gallagher is protesting too much, and his psychosis is he might just want to get out the OJ gloves and throw down on Muchelle Obama.......well after she was tied up, chained and probably in Gitmo, so Mike would be safe.......then he could ............

Or is it Mike Gallagher is doing a mic tech lynching of a black man, as an excuse just because if feels so good?

All of these questions, and we do not have a clue what Rhiana was doing, but Mike Gallagher does have this psychopathy in referring to "blacks" like the Disney brats as "beautiful" and now he refers to this ugly Rhiana as "beautiful too"..............sort of another non satirical psychopathy in Gallagher sees abused blacks as beautiful.

Suppose he does not want that out nor his sponsors having that noted.

America has a two time foreign agent election theft Secular Muslim in the blackmail office at 1600 Penn the head of al Qaeda, and none of that matters to Mike Gallagher nor the majority of Americans. To Mike Gallagher and his mic, what Chris Brown did four years ago matters, but that does not matter to the entertainment industry.

Rhiana of one Fleetwood Mac name is with this black, and by choice. That is what she is just like Muchelle Obama is with her abuser who can't keep male lips off his dick. Difference is Muchelle can't be knocked around as she is the man in the marriage like most black women harnessed to these black boys, like Bill Cosby pontificating about responsibility while enabling the biggest dime bag in history in Barack Obama.

This is Obamerica, so celebrate it and Mike Gallagher should not put his interesting thoughts on display as someone at Southern Poverty Law Center might decide to take up this blog's talking points and make a Mockingbird issue of it.

At least let us end this on a positive note, in we can say this Mongoloid is beautiful as  they just are, while the Afroid is open to interpretation of "beauty" depending how much a black man beats them up in Mike Gallagher mic speak.
We also know that this female is moral, because she has her clothes off and is taking smart phone pictures of her, wearing blonde hair, so the Homeland masturbaters can file her to the sticky finger file to be recognized in aps across the land. Yes helping Homeland perverts is a dutiful thing. We can all be proud of this fine "lady" as we have all this proof.......more than Mike Gallagher's psychopathic assumptions.

No I put this chica on here, because it makes people examine what they find beautiful, and I do not like pancake nosed Rhiana's with man hands looking like a prostitute.

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