Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lame Cherry Fact Chequer

As per Drudge Report features, I told you that Ohio was flipped in Karl Rove having a fit on FOX on election night, and Roger Ahles knowing Obama stole the election, told him to shut up and then fired Closet Karl.

This is Ohio of GOP John Kasich and there was more damn fraud there than Chicago. First Romney stole it from Santorum and then Obama stole it from Romney on election theft eve.

I told you all of this, and now the reports are coming out. Obama is illegitimate and worked the numbers he had to in vote flipping, surpressing votes and these voters stuffing ballot boxes.

REPORT: Ohio Poll Worker May Have Voted SIX TIMES...

Second point, I told you that assassinated Aaron Swartz was being tracked and set up for the "suicide" which took him out, as the boy like Andrew Breitbart could not keep his mouth shut and started to leverage people in the know who have overthrown America.

FBI tracked internet activist...

It all plays out and comes out eventually. The Sandy Hooker fraud, the ghost of Chris Stevens in ANALGATE and the coming exclusive tomorrow on  Christopher Dorner.

Lame Cherry proven right again as the stories are dropped confirming the exclusives posted here time and again.

nuff said.

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The Viking of Connecticut Hookers

Great news, we now know that the Sandy Hooker, Lanza or whatever his name is, that it according to Connecticut was all Andrew Brevik's fault.

Yes, we are told now, that Hooker had data on Brevik and was in competition with him..........of course the Viking recorded building a bomb meticulously and Hooker did not bring any bombs........and well what does it matter in the details as we now have all the answers it was the white guys fault in Norway.

No pictures of Lanza with family protecting them...................just shooting mum in the face.

No pictures of Lanza dressed in his knight attire in an altered Marine uniform...............just..........well nothing.

Please do not get bogged down in the details as Lanza did apparently play a lifetime of video games in a basement in a month....no details in how we get this information unless he recorded his  scores.................

Please do not be bogged down in details as Lanza was the American Viking, yes he has absolutely no operational mirror................not even leaving a manifesto.............not giving a damn about Mexican invasion.............no purity of race.......no...well what are details in all of this as this was all Andrew Breivk's fault.

Do not mind the green car with entrance and exit wounds. Never mind that the story is Lanza's bullets shot through brick which they could not do............just do not mind these things as Jill Biden had that hot Viking chic setting next to her, as she is an Obama voter............

Sort of odd there was absolutely no political motivation for Lanza, unlike the Viking. Then of course there is the odd detail of other shooters involved at Sandy Hook........like those camo crew hauled away talking on camera.

It all makes perfect sense and am so pleased that it all has been explained, as CBS ran a gay story along with this explanation, explaining Christopher Dorner things.....so that is all explained too as all these dead guys tell no tales, and we can now just file this away.

I do wonder though how Obama is going to in Chris Dorner find a way to rub little blonde girls on his crotch, as there just no children to molest in this Dorner thing.

Oh well no one knows what might pop out of Obama's wished upon pants, as with all the magic bullets and magic negroes........who knows what the illusion is which is awaiting

I wonder if Connecticut figured out in blaming the Norwegians this links back to Obama and that Nobel thing......all those white people look the same.

Yeah there is more coming that is going to blow the lid off of this tomorrow in Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives.


Stocks to hit 15,000 on Obama manipulation

It is deemed logical in this ego maniacal sociopath named B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, with the volumes of debt cash he has electronically printed that this "historic man" has produced a  distraction of prosperity in he will have Geithner illegally top the stock market to 15,000.


The market's manifestations are proof how abyss everything is.

Obama can not help but feed his need for new firsts, and he desires such a fraudulent rise in stocks that it could never be repeated as the Obama illusion continues.

It will only make the crash that much more devastating, as the real debt numbers are past 15 trillion now in this electronic bribery and money dumps into the Stock Markets to bribe people into pacificity.

I'm poor so what the hell do I care, except is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive, stating that all you high salary, successful and stock people are going to be in poverty too with no one to donate to your Olvier Twist empty cup when the time comes.

Please sir, may I have some more........

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Veddy Veddy British

You know women are just stupid as men.

I mean you have a bimbo blonde who attaches herself to a cripple Olympian, for the psychopathy that she thinks she can control this man meat as he is a gimp. She castrates her boy toy work in progress an the boy toy who has the blonde bimbo on the end of his dick to validate his not having two other legs, goes off and blows her to hell in the shitter.

Want to know something in this, I never have read one article on this freak, as I hate the Olympics and I loathe jocks. They are a crowd who are disgusting ilk in the pretty women whore for them, to get a thrill out of woman handling that male to serve them.

Blade Gunner gives horrifying account of night he shot girlfriend...


They all should be given one bullet, one gun and instructions on how to use it on each other, as there is absolutely no accomplishment in this world winning medals or paying people who run like rabbits.....as it is not interesting, and at least the rabbit is running to not be eaten alive by a fox.

The Brits and their Commonerwealth have shit for tacks. Take for example Kate Middleton. I don't mean literally as that would be kidnapping, but I know most of you would like to take her for a ride about the bed posts.

Brit author slams Kate as 'plastic princess with dead eyes'...

Says 'shop window mannequin' was 'born to breed'...

See the author is right and not slamming the Dutchess of Pork. She was a groupie, a fan manager for Prince loaf head, and she bowed correctly and got to have the royal dick.

Middleton is olde Anglo Saxon. She is not though like my brawny and astute lines on my Mums side in Wedgwood and Hawkesworth. See those are pretty names and have meaning. Kate is just some cow who grazed in the middle of some city as that is what that the TON means.
You know like Smythe, Schultz and Nguyen in various Eurasians.....common named like Steinberg in Jews. You just happened to reside in the place making beer mugs. Nice trade and all, but no big deal your Zimmerman was the tool of your  trade.

The Brits have it right though in Diana got out of line and Charles ran her over with a French car for f*cking getting knocked up by that Egyptian dick. Can't have that, and Diana was a breeder. Damn crazy bitch no matter what Elton John candles his wind.
She would have been a good lay to get the juices out for a lezbo or some polo rider. All she was ever good for really. Had that horsey appearance and that Sarah Ferguson.....damn Swede was just a low class whore too. Entire lot was not much worth anything, as in the olde days, they would have just got f*cked, hit the knock shop and produced a little bastard to wander about the court looking queer.

Camilla is the only one who bucked it up. Homely woman, common name too. She watched jug ears mount Diana while wanting to be her tampon. Poor thing, had to put up with all that, and now is step mum to Kate who is just another breeder like Diana, although she does not seem nuts. Probably is auditioning for Queen royale......change her name to Queen Prissy when it happens too.

That is the moral in the story in this crip blasts his blonde bimbo and Charles made road kill of Diana. Is all necessary you see......is that Greek thing coming out in Prince Phil and Pistorious are both Greeks living inbound. Can't help such things really.

Look it all works out jolly well, what not eh. Diana didn't grow to be an old Arab whore ploughing in the Nile. She got Elton John fixated on her twat and there is a cult of sorts around her........damn good thing too, as Kate inherited that mob, and is going to be a good little breeder too.
Problem is the people not liking her getting royally screwed, either are suffering from Diana worship or want to get laid by loaf head. All in the psychopathy really.

Kate is not much. Seen her naked and she looks  better clothed. She does wear clothes pretty good and knows the dead eye stare in thinking this nightmare is awful, but I'm a trillionaire now, so I will do the shoppe thing and go home and have the puppies lick my toes as I like that.

Frankly, I would have went for a page 3 girl of Rupert Murdoch. Someone like that Keeley Yazell, who was caught on digital romping some limp dicked smoothie being bitchy. Course that took Keeley out of the running, as they need that virgin thing, but I say when you are a royal that you need to get the hose bag naked first to see what the package looks like, and not unwrap later and see how common Kate is.

Kate is a stepford  wife. Diana would have been allot better off being one.....she just flew to high. Diana needed a good dose of happy pills every day and she would have done alright I figure. Just too much for her to handle and that is why she went off........had to have that  "itinerary" thing like Muchelle Obama growing poison sprouts and terrorizing fat children.
I sincerely hope that in the Obama separate vacations that when Muchelle gets back that Barack does not beat her over the head with a golf club or something and make a mess......worse yet, if he tries and Muchelle beats him to death with that club and the Secret Service shoots her, as the Obama's are colonial Kenyans.....and Barry Chin has that Spaniard Filipino, Dutch Indonesian colonial thing going on.....they get going too with man and woman homicides.

Main point is, this gimp in Joburg, did the job thoroughly.......damn good shot too in blasting a blonde through a door that was closed and hitting her. Better than the LAPD....well Chris Dorner out of that mix as he hit what he aimed at, and the California PD fired like ten thousand rounds into that cabin and never did hit Dorner's corpse.

Where was I?

Wrapping things up........

You women, don't think you can get yourself a gimp and castrate him. He will get a real gun and fire more than sperm. You men, don't think that you can compensate for lack of a dick by hiring a blonde castration machine.
Otherwise you get Prince Charlie offing the ex wife or the gimp offing the bimbo in the shitter.

We do not want this happening the adoptee Britisher Birther Obamas at 1600 Penn Avenue.

We must all be stoic, like Kate........looking at her mob with a smirk as she is amused in knowing she got the prize and all she had to do was pretend she liked loaf head sex.


The Sheep Wolves

My Mom's Pastor group, was talking about his being drawn into a family dispute that he wanted no part of as he was minding his own business. He was lecturing both parents and children to obey their roles and not be a part of this angry generation.

Fittingly I came across a first hand account of how well the conditioning of Americans is and the fury that is inside them all.
You will note I'm no fan of the outdoors franchise Cabelas. It gouges consumers, is full of 2008 corporate rejects and in psychological profile, it is erupting with problems.

To explain this, most of you have filled out those idiot questionnaires that companies have in the first phase of a job application. That is a psychological test. As my brother states, you put down the things you think they want to hear, and not what you think.

There is a Cabelas I have learned that fired an employee this past week, whose response was to utter the phrase, "I'm going to get a gun and come a back and shoot all of you!"
That is a terroristic threat under Patriot Act and you will notice that Cabelas did not report this, as it would be bad for business. They have done nothing to arm or protect their employees or customers.
Doing this would bring publicity and be bad for business in this age of Obama Hookers Jokers and Dorners.

What fascinates me is this. Cabelas has been having major problems in management and staff. They like hiring retired military people on part time, so as to not have to pay things for them and just the meager wages.
In that, Cabelas has a psychological test, that is supposed to weed out those on edge, and yet their psychiatric tests have literally been recruiting hosts of people who are the fringe of society in bad behavior.
I do not mean to say all Cabelas employees are on the edge, but what I do relate is this, that a well financed psychiatric test that industry uses, is now missing people across the board who are on edge and are acting out without triggers in chemical or radar.
Think about that reality in America is now a society that the Tavistock methods have created an entire minority group which has been triggered.

Even with tons of fluoride to tone all the brats down, they are still erupting in major spikes of bad behavior.

This is what those leftists like Reno and Holder were instigating in the Clinton years, in putting people on lists for terror. They knew there were societal breakdowns being initiated 20 years ago, but they did not happen, even with Clinton burning children alive at Waco.
Something though in pressures has changed the psychological response in Americans under Obama. It is not a white thing, but it is Treyvon Martin going ballistic to Asians, Latins, Whites etc.... in groups who are sreaming at you in traffic to having a continuous fury on.

This is by design and it is triggering in economic pressures and the dark forces which Obama is employing to stay in power so the anti Christ will bring the false pacification of the world for a few years.
My personal fascination in this is the exclusive in the psychological paradigm of testing by those who weed out the fringe is broken. Their test is no longer recognizing problems which it should. That is most interesting in what has been done. People are in a state of lawlessness and it is in society now.

I have used the Theodore Roosevelt example in psychological expression in, a man in Illinois in 1880 could be someone who flirted with women, gave candy to children, lifted an item from the store or get into arguments with his neighbor.
That same man though placed on the liberty of the Great Plains in the west, would transform into a rapists, a child molester, a robber and a murderer. Without the constraints of society, these types would be as savage as the Indian.

Note this, this is now under Obama taking place IN SOCIETY, and in reality, the urban areas packed with people are the ignition point now with the rural people not acting out as they have generational liberty conditioned into them to behave, as misbehavior meant they died by weather etc...

I recall a 1979 study I read, that has been wiped from the books, but behaviorists studied rats in dense population centers of overcrowding and found that in close proximity, they became homosexuals. That study of course has been destroyed, but it revealed the major cause of perverted misbehavior was jamming people into close quarters and they begin abnormal behavior.
If you can handle it, the reason southern people got into so much trouble in family sex, riotous misbehavior etc... is because they unlike northern people, did not have to expend energy to cache food, chop wood and survive for 7 months out of the year in a season called winter.

The reason Americans are at base such horrid people, is because urban areas have taken away all the constraints for misbehavior, in needing to expend energy to keep warm or fed. It has now all been provided, so people have the luxury of stewing about their arousal to their anger.

I have a neighbor who is a royal asshole. When he arrived here from another state, he was good and I befriended him and his family to saving them a time or two. Others were having problems with him, but I never did.
Last year he cheated me, and while I state I never had a problem with him, the problems did include his shooting my cats or running them over.
Now of course he is on my shit list, and will come before God as these people are fringe in major problems erutping in one son is on meth and I just stay clear of the eruption they are building.

The point in this is simple in people on the margins are now gonig out of control in misbehavior. Testing that should reveal vast problems are not picking up things in "normal" sheep, as that is what those tests are designed for is to locate people who will not cause problems, follow orders and all have that "state employee look" in being penis heads.
You know what I mean, in you can see the type in all of your state governments from law enforcement to any agency, and there are an "asshole brain dead type", who just look Lindsey Graham off in the head, like they are half asleep.
Those tests, along with college indoctrination produces there switch flippers who just follow commands and treat people poorly so they do not come back asking for help.

This of course is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive. Most important in all of this as the Tavistock Stanford conditioning of the masses, have now under Obama fractured the psyches of growing flocks of sheep whose first impulse is now in American lawlessness to act out violently.

Today it is threats in Cabelas and a few days ago it was police burning up Chris Dorner. The TEST that was designed to find the mind controlees for jobs, is now finding those controlees are the ones initiating violence.

Forensic psychological trends first and only here.

agtG 319

Hugo bin Laden

There has been a great change in communist lands of the America states with the advent of narco Islamist Barry Chin to 1600 Penn Avenue.

Hugo Chavez was infected with a cancer virus specifically designed for him. It all came about when Chavez decided to piss on Obama in handing Barry Chin that book at the OAS meeting.
That cancer was designed to mutate into other areas and keep popping up, in fact responding like cancer was a fertilizer to it.....all to torture that IndiaSpaniard for his pissing on B. Hussein in public.

Obama or his benefactors of the feudal lords booted olde Fidel from Cuba and made his brother enact capitalist measures to make things more profitable. See the old Rothschild in Karl Marx managing communism for the plunder of nations and enslavement of people just was not producing enough profit for the overthrow of the world. Marxists the world over now must pony up to the slave trade and show black in the bottom line.
Not all can be like Kim Jong Un in trading Korean girls to Chicom peckers as part of the debt package. No one wants big assed Latin or Black women in the skin trade. Koreans just got that thing going on and of course the Vietnamese are paying their debt with oil and not ass.

I do honestly feel sorry for that Hugo Chavez though in being a nation rapist. He ruined Venezuela as a pre Obama, but like Fidel, one just sort of liked having those mad caps about, even if it sucked being the one in the dungeons they never let see the light of day.
Chavez was the message to the 3rd world. Uncle Fidel ruined Cuba, but did not piss on Barry Chin.....so he just got cancer and retirement with his brother running things for the feudal lords. Chavez got too cocky and had to be made an example of.

Hugo never knew that kitty scratch is how he got his viral cancer in his bubonic soup.....ok so was bacterial soup, but it sounded better the other way. Just an inoculation by claw and the next thing you know, Obama had this macabre stage act to watch on Fox and al Jazeera. It is something in these types setting down with a bag of Cheetos and orange crotch getting off on seeing bald Hugo waste away in Cuba and knowing it was your Dr. Germs who did it.

You did notice that after Obama murdered bin Laden's corpse that Dr. Zawahiri the communist was left to rule al Qaeda now did you not......just as this blog said would take place after Obama bluster.
Obama has been installing his own Marxist Muslims, and Zawahiri is Putin's boy out of Chechnya mind warping.......I do hope that the Doc is not going to eat a missile now in this blog bringing up an Obama cuddle of a terrorist from 9 11. The world needs more physicians and can not be killing off the ones it has with Obamacare.
Perhaps Zawahiri could say he was now a Secular Muslim, repentent, having seen the Mahdi in the well and has now gained an Obama pardon, and will be running pain pill distribution in New York for Michael Bloomberg in Obamacrypt.

Everyone would win then, as who would not want Dr. Zawahiri treating you for Obama.

Bill Clinton breaks an ankle......the Doc just cuts it off Muslim style.

Hillary's brain explodes and the Doc just cuts it off Muslim style.........all pain ends and no need for expensive medications.

Where was I?

Yes this was a lament for Hugo Chavez, el presidente for shortened life due to Obama cancer virus in bacterial gestation pool.
Hugo should have bowed to Obama at the OAS......at least offered up some Spanish whores for the Obama Secret Service on reduced rates via the BATF. Then all would be well with Hugo and Caracas would still be that sunny vista on a mount coming up from the ocean......still with highwaymen, but is much nicer to be robbed in Venezuela than in most localities.
I have always judged in the Latin American scale of women that Venezuelan women were the most beautiful. Argentina follows closely with a mix of the guays and Chileans on the west coast. Is a shame that Hugo has all those beautiful women to cry for him when he goes tits up, but not really any tears for Venezuela or remorse for Obama infecting him.

I really would like to be rule of Venezuela. It would be better than a bey of New Mexico as Obama has not ponied up on that deal for me. I could ride those lean Spanish thoroughbreds in my Simon Bolivar chic coat......and I do mean equines and not women, even if I'm often mistaken by lipstick lesbians as one of their own.
I could make South America work......I mean really unite it to a nice one nation under me, with liberty and justice for all, by God.  I would make them speak English, import some more European blood to pretty them up like Venezuelans and gaucho my way into the 21st century of civilizing it all.

Perhaps the next Hugo Chavez will convince the feudal lords he is the historic one, and when a white haired Obama pisses on him, then one of John Robert's Nazi children's relatives will be the one from Berlin giving Barry Chin the same Hugo treatment in what comes around goes around.

Yes Hugo the smell of sulfur has the scent now of singed radioactive decay. There are rules in this though. Putin never had to have sex with Obama, but he got eastern Europe.Doc Zawahiri just had to keep mum on bin Laden's corpse and he got al Qaeda........al Jazeera likes Obama and got Al Gore's propaganda network. It all works out when one is top of the heap in the garbage pile they are in.
There was just too much garbage in the Latin states, so Hugo was expendable by germ.

He should have just said how nice Obama looked with that vulva hair on his upper lip while in Cairo. It is what all the Muslims said when Obama came home. Girls like Obama always like compliments in their sex organs being well trimmed, especially the whiskers off the upper lips as no sodomite likes having a whisker burn on his balls.......and Obama does get busy when he gets busy........perhaps is the reason he stopped wearing shoe polish on his head, as his whisker burns were cutting the skin and all that rubbing was leaving a tattoo embedded marks on all his sex partners.

Yes Barack Obama is like one big tattoo parlour, in his whiskers are the needle and his head mop is the dye.

Hugo though being nuclear bald does not have that problem........I do wonder though about all those Obama bite marks as those kind of Obama tattoos are a bitch to get the shoe polish out of.

One wonders in the first tenure of B. Hussein how many leaders went tits up........and how many will succumb in the following years who think they are indispensable like Hugo Chavez once thought.

Oh you don't know about cancer potions? Sorry, I forgot to explain that from my past brier patch manifestation. See cancer is engineered to test cell regeneration in the masses...pets now too, as apparently the feudal lords want long living pets.....immortal pooches and pussies in vaccine testing.

Where was I?

OK so you got cancer viral agents, and they grow in a bacterial acidic soup......for a home and they then feed on sugars while replicating quickly. Pretty simple stuff, and if you kill the acid soup bacteria with a base structure, then the cancer virus goes tits up, instead of Hugo.

Enough shop talk...What do you think I am a genetic scientist who worked for a bug lab? Aristocrats do not work.....they Fraulein have hobbies like baby and the plasmas.

I still feel bad for radioactive Hugo. He......well he never murdered anyone close I knew or stole their kitties. Everyone deserves better than Obama though.

Obamacide is never a pretty way for any despot to go.

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