Editor's Note: The following PUBLISHED on SATURDAY MORNING as proven by the Google Search engine revealing in search results IT WAS ON THE BLOG.
Yet it clearly shows it is in DRAFTS YET late on Saturday. I know this post was on the blog on Saturday morning at 9:02 as I checked and as the blog time stamp shows. Someone again took this post down.
This is the second time information concerning Biblical matters, in this case the anti Christ has been deliberately pulled by the powers which control this world.
I am not going to tell you to wake up, as you rich people are already whistling over your own graves in dead brats walking for all the good your money is doing as you should have donated.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in the matter anti matter........
This will be short as I am busy being poor........odd who making rich people have to face how absolutely non Christian they are in not donating to poor me, drives them away as they would rather mirror mirror on the wall conjure the lie of their being generous and not going to hell, when I remind them they are Scrooges and going to hell........odd how that bothers the consceince.
The other day upon inquiry, I was told that I was the anti Christ which I smirked at, as I know Scripture in the Antiochos Epiphanes forerunner type of the anti Christ, in the Beast of Revelation is the Roman Empire reborn and the person heading it will be European and male.
That sort of leaves me off the list.
Granted the idea of being someone so powerful they could exterminate all these richtards from planet America and elsewhere is appealing, as the anti Christ is going to martyr good people in the hundreds of millions, but that just is not my calling.....so the question is, what begs this odd thing in the Prophetess getting information contrary to the Bible eh?
The answer of course is simple upon Inspiration in the anti Christ is sending out false signatures to hide his identity as it is being looked for, and things will not go as planned for it, if everyone figures out what that thing is before it sets the hoorah in motion like Obama in his demon machine.
satan always tells people they are the anti Christ as it drives people nuts, and it is designed to do that as no normal person wants to be a pariah. It is part of the game of deception and it buggers people up.
I know Scripture and base all information on that, and if it does not match Scripture then I know the source is not God, even though I am talking with God. God has purpose even in that in me, in all knowing me, to keep me on track in testing me apparently, as God refines every person and that refinement includes if you are going to behave and not go flying off on things, without testing and retesting them.
Having been humiliated enough by humans, God and evil things, I just sort of shrug it off now and just move on as part of the things I have to go through, so do not let things affect me, but figure it like a false military dispatch meant to drop my guard so an invasion would come....I just keep moving on position and figure it is another learning experience.
It would make sense in numbers of false leads in the anti Christ to hide who it is when it appears as people will be burned out looking by then.
Well enough of this exclusive information.........I see Andy Dean went British too in his fill in host......I think Brits after a time start feeling like cheese stuck in your mouth and everyone gets tired of that kind of cheese.
Nothing to do with the anti Christ, but Jerome Corsi was on the show nattering on again about things not quite complete. So much of that now.
nuff said
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Viva la France
The French have always been a dichotomy and it is one I pity. On the one hand they are a people of their father in just missing saving Joseph from being sold to Egypt after rescuing him from his murderous brothers, and on the other hand he is up mounting his father's concubine and being forever cut out of the leadership of the world.
The Gaul is of that blessing and curse and it does grieve me personally, because it all harkens back to two of the greatest people the world has ever produced. In the beginning, there was Charlemagne and Louis the Great who ruled Europe, but by the time of Joan of Arc du Lis, France was a kingdom the size of the area the royals could piss on in a day and if not for her being risen up, France would have ended there as a people.
The Prussian was as mighty of Empire, but after the Josephites all came to America, they simply stopped being a kingdom and the Poles annexed it all and put Polak names on everything as the Germans stood by.
I fully realize that if Joan had not been murdered by satan, and literally it's treacherous mob of Louis, Cachon, and the traitors who in envy and slovenness, were moved to have Joan face the fiery pyre, she would have not only defeated the Anglo Saxon, but moved to take the Holy Land, rebuilt the Temple, and most likely had her dauphin moved out and by wild riot been installed as Empress of Eurasia.
Jesus was not ready to return yet in the Father's Will and the Promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph had yet to be fulfilled in the Anglo Americans ruling a colonized world, so the murder of the Prophetess Warrior was the only solution as Jehanne du Arc du Lis, would have overcome the Lord God's plans.
It is the same with La Salle, Rene' Robert Cavelier. His grande ventures were to expand Quebec into New France, an area the size greater than the Louisiana Purchase. He too faced treachery from his own people in the highest of offices. He was beset by immense setbacks, robberies and smears.
After years of this failure and immense debt, this founder of the American interior sailed to France, and was met by the King and the great court minister. King Louis was so impressed with La Salle that he gave him ships, soldiers, colonists and stores to found the Louisiana colony, and open up the interior of America to all her riches for France.
France would have become the British Empire literally and the English and Americans would have become footnotes in history, except of course for again the chances of evil which had La Salle land in Texas, another one of his ships mysteriously "grounded" by a pilot to be wrecked, and his mislanding produced his abandonment by the French Navy meant to succour him.
La Salle would try twice to walk for help to Montreal. Think of that in order to save his dying people, he attempted to walk to Canada. The last time, just as with Joan of Arc, his own people mutinied. A small group hacked to death La Salle's inner circle along with his nephew as they slept, and the next day when La Salle arrived looking for his inner group, the murderers shot him in the brain, stripped his body naked and dragged him under the bushes to be eaten by animals.
I always have remorse for people who, if not for them, their countries would be dead, who in some plan God allows satan to destroy them, all so a greater plan would be worked out.
Joab saved Israel for David in doing the dirty deeds which were necessary, but Solomon executed him as Joab in my estimate knew Solomon was going to be a disaster and he was, but without Solomon leading Israel astray, the Second Covenant in Christ would not have appeared according to God's Promise.
Being human, I judge it all unfair as I have suffered alike. I know I have been subdued as I would have without intention set things right and Armageddon would not appear. The same is the reality in the two greatest American Generals in Patton and MacArthur, were murdered and removed, as they would have never allowed the communist menace to be installed in this cartel order that installed the illegitimate, Birther Hussein Obama to the utter ruin of America.
It would sound little of me to complain of the unfairness of God to me. Yet though I am chafed at the unfairness of God in bringing the ruin of French and American saviors, whose crimes were none, but if they had succeeded the children of Joan of Arc would have ruled the world, and we Americans would be speaking French like the rest of the world.
Christopher Columbus faced the same ruin for as Viceroy of half the planet, his goal was to gain wealth to rebuild that 3rd Temple too as his journals reveal. He deserved better than what this heinous modernity has accosted him with, as they sit whoring their children, butchering their babies, robbing the poor and telling them to eat cake, with the superior glare that they are so much more born to the feudal few granting life and death than the many who are the stock of their paddock.
I mourn for them for their mistreatment, murder and slander. The French though have always had that Jacobian curse on them for Reuben having intercourse with this father's concubine. Yes the French have always been betrayed by their head in arrogant thought, as the heart of the people tried always to do good.
The best of France and her children, squandered for a people too venereal discharged to sin, all so the Lord Christ will return. Things of course would have been just as sinful under a French Kingdom as Joan's icons were burned by the mob hundreds of years later and Robert Cavelier's treasures would have been wasted on more cake, rather London Windsor or American patrician, and all that the French would have done is what Reuben was prevented from in saving Joseph from being sold down to Egypt as savior for his people later.
It is odd in delays are what this was all about. Delaying Joan as Jesus was not yet to come in her time and delaying Cavelier as his success would have delayed Jesus second coming.
The problem with the world is it is venereally covered with a discharge of sin.
Lame Cherry
nuff said
Mr. Wolf Voice
It is always pleasant to find real history and today we have Mr. Wolf Voice, of the Cheyenne Army Scouts, the Chis Chis Chash as the Cheyenne termed themselves.
Here then for a historical reality is the voice of the Northern Cheyenne out hunting Sioux Indians behaving badly.
Mr. Wolf Voice had sound judgments on miltary matters which were to the point in how the US Army dislodged the terroristic Sioux from their dug in quarters. Yes the Sioux did dig rifle pits to guard their position as they learned from the white military.
“Dese walk-a-heap soldiers dey dig hole— get in—shoot heap— Injun can’t do nothin’ wid ’em— can’t kill ’em— can’t do nothin’ but jes go ’way.”
Frederic Remington. Pony Tracks (Kindle Locations 382-383).
Next we find an assessment of the Sioux being beaten by US Army tactics, and the not so modern or even not so Little Big Horn ally of the Sioux in these Cheyenne.
“De big guns he knock ’em rifle pit, den de calavy lun pas’ in column— Injun no stop calavy— kill ’em heap, but no stop ’em— den de walk-a-heap dey come too, and de Sioux dey go ober de bluffs.” And with wild enthusiasm he added, “De Sioux dey go to hell!”
Frederic Remington. Pony Tracks (Kindle Locations 385-387).
Yes the Indian had colourful language of all types of curses in many languages for their enemy, Remington had been entrusted to them in very hostile Sioux country, and being beaten by Gen. Miles, the Cheyenne were as trustworthy in keeping the American icon safe as an Irish copper in New York would be in keeping Remington.
Black figures of animals walking slowly along were “starving bronchos abandoned by the hostiles.” “Cowboy he catch ’em,” said Wolf-Voice. I explained that Colonel Offley had orders not to allow any citizens to cross the Cheyenne River. “Cowboy he go give um dam; he come alle samee.”
Frederic Remington. Pony Tracks (Kindle Locations 388-392).
Always nice to see the Civilians obeying the mandates of the federal, by ignoring them to take possession of the economic prize.
We leave this touch of history with the words of Frederick Remington in assessing all of this in the Brule' Sioux who came into camp begging rations and informing Remington he would not be harmed if he passed through with the wagon.
Three or four Brulés are let in through our pickets, and come “wagging their tails,” as Two-Moons says, but adding, “Don’t you trust the Sioux.” They protest their good intentions, borrow tobacco, and say Lieutenant Casey can send in a wagon for commissaries to Pine Ridge, and also that I can go through their lines with it. Were there ever greater liars on earth?
Frederic Remington. Pony Tracks (Kindle Locations 429-432).
Yes modern fiction writes a different view of the Indian, but the problem is these Indians for the greater part now all believe this fiction and think they are all one big victim family when it was the Sioux perpetrating genocide on the mass of people on the central great plains.......white, red, yellow and whatever color.
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