Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The only Vulgar and Divisive Rhetoric in Politics is Image Obama


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama said Tuesday he was dismayed by "vulgar and divisive rhetoric" directed at women and minorities as well as the violence that has occurred in the 2016 presidential campaign, a swipe at Republican front-runner Donald Trump that also served as a challenge to other political leaders to speak out and set a better example.
"The longer that we allow the political rhetoric of late to continue and the longer that we tacitly accept it, we create a permission structure that allows the animosity in one corner of our politics to infect our broader society," Obama said. "And animosity breeds animosity."

Obama misogyny against women.

'Lipstick on a pig': Attack on Palin or common line? - CNN.com

Sen. Barack Obama's reference to "lipstick on a pig" has Republicans demanding an ... They released a Web ad Wednesday that plays Obama's lipstick comments ...

Obama racism.

RFI - Two racists arrested over plot to kill Obama

United States Two racists arrested over plot to kill Obama. Article published on the 2008-10-28 Latest update 2008-10-28 14:40 TU. Paul Michael ...

Obama violence against humanity.

'Project Gunrunner' Whistleblower Says ATF Sent Him ...

The scandal over Project Gunrunner led to congressional hearings, a presidential reprimand - Obama called the operation "a serious mistake" ...

BP Will Feel Either 'Boot On Throat' Or 'Feet To Fire' : The ...

The Obama Administration has embraced the violent imagery of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar who said administration officials would keep their "boot on the throat" of ...

Grandfather of American Teen Killed in Drone Strike Demands ...

The grandfather of an American teenager who was killed in a drone strike in Yemen said he plans to petition a federal court Friday, saying the Obama ...

Cliven Bundy says LaVoy Finicum was murdered, 'assassinated ...

LaVoy Finicum was shot and ... Cliven Bundy says LaVoy Finicum was murdered, 'assassinated ... has publicly accused the FBI of murder, calling Finicum's ...
 we create a permission structure that allows the animosity in one corner of our politics to infect our broader society," Obama said. "And animosity breeds animosity."

San Bernardino Shooting: Muslim Newlywed Shooters' Home ...

The San Bernardino shooting may have been planned for months based on the heavy artillery found in the Muslim newlyweds' home.
 One would think after the racist, murderous, misogynistic hatred created by the Obama regime for almost 8 years, that the image of Obama would learn after Donald Trump KO'd Bill and Hillary Clinton with one response, that this 3rd world foreigner Obama would know enough to just shut up, as his high road is a gutter road paved with the corpses of the innocent of the world which Barack Hussein Obama Chin is criminally responsible for.
It is going to be a pleasure writing the Obama legacy of his utter ruin for this world for the next 50 years, so that everyone will know what a pariah this manifestation of evil was.