Sunday, August 7, 2016

Red Kuri par trois

Red Kuri Squash (Hokkaido) | Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co

Red Kuri

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In time, we find often times the genius of breeders two centuries ago, and in this instance it is a continued examination and observation of the Japanese variety, Red Kuri.

In comparison, I have one of my favorite pumpkins in the Winter Luxury, which in phenomenal in being a squash pumpkin, which sprouts in cold temperatures which melons will not.
I like Luxury as it has spectacular flavor in never being strong as pumpkins can be, and it is stringless. I had thought Kuri was the best squash ever, but this American variety from 1895 surpasses it.

 Winter Luxury 

This Kuri came out of a market in the metro. We saved the seeds as it was so delicious, and then I grew one out on a patio garden which was so so in taste, but it did well.
Last year in the brier patch, I grew it, and it did not behave very well at all in the location. It was cold and it took forever for it to get up and start walking about the place as vines do.

This spring, Kuri sprouted just after the Luxury in sprouting pots. I put it into what was the main garden, as without a tractor that thing is concrete and I am through trying to dig carrots out of concrete.
So I put the plants there, in the shade, and we have had desert nights of hot days and cold nights, and as of June 20th, there were little flower pods showing, which is very quick for this variety.
I realize it takes time for plants to acclimate to new locations, but Kuri likes heat which I knew from the metro, but will take some cool nights, as long as the location does not cool off too much.
It did not like the slough bottom last year in being cool at night, so it is a mystery how this squash in my area is liking what I always think was the opposite of Garden Japan.

We are in a severe drought here, and it is location watering to try and get things to behave. I at least have found where Kuri likes being, which is interesting in I have another French heirloom I have grown there, which did ok, but did not respond like Kuri has.

It is always the problem with gardens in it takes a very long time to sort out which plants do best and which location is best on a property. I watch my neighbor in their garden along the road, which ..........ok a garden in all arid locations should be in a slight depression, where the water naturally will hold, because you want that extra in snow and rain.
It is different in Ohio where it is wet most of the year, but in large parts of America, you simply have to be where the water naturally flows and your gardens produce better from that moisture.
It is not always the case, as one of my best gardens was by our barn on a hill, but that was a time when it was raining more than Elijah in a 7 years drought.

As I have stated the taste of squash makes me gag. I can raise buttercup squash by the wheel barrel load, but they gag me. It is why I tried to find a replacement. Acorns were not so bad and grew, butternuts were not so bad, but took a great deal of effort, but these Kuri's were a very good replacement. I look forward to seeing how they behave for stringiness and flavor this year in a good location.

I had plans to try some new varieties this year, but Sand Hill is not sending out catalogues any longer, and I was busy, so I did not need the hassle of printing out order forms. It is for the best as I do have enough to sort through in my corn trial has a variety which I have been looking for, for some time. It is growing by the Kuri and ......that garden plot in a drought has me watering it as it curls in trying to die.
Then again my Italian tomatoe is curling their too, but my mystery tomatoe from Sand Hill that was with a potato leaf variety, but was regular leaf, is doing very well. Pink tomatoes like where I am at for some reason..........well except for Marisol Purple as she goes tits up.

If you live in a part of America which is not the Northeast, I would think Red Kuri would perform quite well as a squash. I believe the Luxury will grow anywhere, as it likes New England cold and it likes intense heat which is most of America in summer.

I am hopeful in these children, as one of my reasons for growing them is the bunnies love them in the winter. I sat them out last year when the snows came and they started devouring them. I am figuring I need a dozen for them this winter and as of now they are cooperating quite nice.

 Baby Butternut

Of course I happened upon my tray of baby butternut last week...........forgot to plant them, but oh well, what is next year for, but to do what I should have been doing this year. I am not that impressed with them..........think I like the olde Waltham better that I struggled with.

Thus ends the Red Kuri review par trois.
