As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am not celebrating that FBI Director James Comey was forced to open the Clinton EMAILGATE criminal investigation, but am instead sickened by it all, as this is not America, this is the depravity of an evil which has global corporations in finance and industry, utilizing the Clinton Foundation or ACORN for the corrupt Obama Clinton regime, to launder bribes for the carving and partitioning of America, to the murder of Blacks in Chicago and the imprisonment of Bundy's in the American West, where the entire police state is engaged to criminalize and murder Americans while protecting the mafia lords of Obama and Clinton on top.
Let us just quit cat footing around this and state the fact that the reason Chicago is murdering it's Blacks is because some powerful people are making a fortune off the Black economy there in dope and welfare trade, and the factions thinning each other out is no different than Libya or Syria, and the Bundy's being railroaded out west is the Clinton Foundation running Americans off their land for corporate theft of American uranium and mining there.
It does not matter if it is that Special Agent Gregory Bretzing murdering LaVoy Finicum, Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton in a jet in a quid pro quo, James Comey covering up Clinton crimes, or Comey's assistant taking a half a million dollar bribe from Gov. Terry McCauliff of Virginia for the assistant's congressional run, it is all a corruption that is the thing of Kremlin Stalin and Mao Peking legend for being so perverse that it was a mockery of even the title of a regime.
Campaign Plane Wi-Fi 'Out' As Story Broke...
She Ignores Reporter Questions, Takes Photos With Annie Leibovitz...
FBI sued over records of Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch meeting...
Obama continues to campaign...
Little girl goes on epic rant against Hillary...
WSJ: The Cold Clinton Reality...
WSJ: Grifters-in-Chief...
Campaign Struggles to Reach 'F*cking Dumb' Young People...
PAGLIA: Hillary 'Disaster!'
There is not a government in America. There is not regime any longer. Obama Clinton has turned it into a mafia syndicate of the most perverse and vile nature........the problem in stating that is the Russian mafia, Mexican mafia, Italian mafia, Jewish mafia, all had standards, but there is not any standards in Obama Clinton.
Khadaffi, Mubarak, Assad, all glad handed Obama as a friend, and Obama turned on them as quick as John Edwards and Rod Blogojevich. Let none of us forget any of this, that it was Eric Holder, Mr. Gun Runner, who threw Gov. Blogojevich into prison for not giving away a US Senate seat and crooked Rahm Emanuel was in on it, and all of that was covered up, except for Blogojevich being persecuted for not being "friends" of this criminal syndicate.
This is all what the Lame Cherry warned about in the US military was turned into a personal assassination tool of the Obama regime for the oligarchs, and now the US law enforcement is this putrid police state protecting the criminal syndicate on top.
Ammon Bundy is exonerated in Oregon, and US Marshals tackle Bundy's attorney for saying Bundy should be set free. This is like the KGB thugocracy of the Soviet Union.
Every person on this planet with a brain knows Hillary Clinton is crooked. Everyone knows EMAILGATE is a multi indictment felony. Everyone knows that the Clinton Foundation was a criminal enterprise. Everyone knows that image Obama and his Justice Department were covering up all of these crimes and lying to Americans as crooks themselves. Every person knows this, along with Clinton vote rigging.
The FBI is forever damaged is Hillary Clinton steals the Presidency. It is going to take a complete removal of the FBI, Homeland leadership and replaced by people of honesty, without any blemish on Homeland for a decade to undo what has sullied these agencies. This can only be accomplished with Donald Trump as President.
I personally am nauseated by all of this. There is such immense internal work that is going to be required at Homeland, from reforming the hiring practices across the board, from the zombie tests that have brought us agents which follow orders from corrupt leadership, instead of doing their jobs. America literally is going to have to go back to the recruitment of college and street experienced Americans whose philosophy is not Americans are the problem, but that scientific law enforcement is the focus.......not beating up Americans and protecting stooges like Hillary Clinton and image Obama for the oligarchs of the cartel.
This is so horrid, as America has the finest in law enforcement and intelligence, built on the foundation of J. Edgar Hoover and Ed Lansdale, and it all went horridly wrong in the 1960's, and has become nothing but an extension of the transformed military industrial complex, replaced by the socio conglomerate syndicate.
TRUMP: We must not let Hillary take criminal scheme into oval office...
Russian, USA jets near miss over Syria...
Nom de Deus, we have US jets now almost crashing in to Russian jets in Syria over not a damn thing, but Obama Clinton oil and dope trade, in exchange for bribes from Muslims. Nuclear World War III is now in the balance, and it all goes back to James Comey not doing his job in protecting America.
It all connects and is all about Clinton's Crooked Cops.
It is going to take Trump 2016 to Trump 2024 to undo this disgusting treason from Paul Ryan to Hillary Clinton to flush this criminal ilk from the American System.
Never can enough be said about this disgusting prostitution and perverseness of what America has been raped by.