I chose you Jimmy because you are an empty suit I could
make believe anything.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
James Comey is a deeply disturbed mind, only equal to Robert Mueller his mentor. These two crafted an FBI which bent every rule to entrap Americans, while excusing their crimes as necessities.
Whether it is James Comey stealing government files and leaking them or Robert Mueller using the child of Mike Flynn to break Mr. Flynn, the patterns in this duo are the antithesis of Common Law, for their is absolutely no restraints on these two monarchs, while the common man is in chains.
Apparently Comey can not deal with his failures and crime, as he writes under the name of the theologian Reinhold Niebhur. Of course Niebhur would have been filled with revulsion over Comey and Mueller in their sinful ways, that does not enter into Comey's mind, as Comey was impersonating him in Iowa, and praying for serenity.
Mind you the reality in Comey is being paid a fortune by the deep state to destroy Donald Trump, but that 30 pieces of silver and bearing false witness is absolutely something Comey can not see, but then Comey is Niebhur, in Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, in it is the "bad Comey" doing all of this, while the Saintly Comey is Niebhur.
Here is James Comey in a cornfield in "if you build it they will come" in his field of dreams.
Here is Comey watching pelicans migrate in Iowa.......Iowa, as Comey now appears to lust to be Donald Trump and be President too.
Lastly, here is Comey not bright enough to have a jacket in late October in Iowa, so he stands on the road looking to be run over by a farmer, as he shivers, and poses for pictures which are all about narcissist James Comey.
James Comey needs a mental evaluation, as he is delusional. Given his past and his present actions, there is not any telling what he would do.
If you care for a forensic psychological evaluation of James Comey, he is dressed in dark clothes to match his mundane mood. He is hiding behind glasses. He choose birds flying away, endless highways and a cornfield to get lost in, as he ran away from writing a poison pen book on Trump, to Iowa.
Add to that he is trying to be a theologian as he can not deal with how crooked he is, James Comey needs to be admitted to a facility for a few years stay in lengthy treatment, as he is not handling any of his choices at all.
James Comey is not running for President. James Comey is running from himself.
Nuff Said