As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The saga of Stephen Schuck is most interesting as a janitor in Las Vegas, as his experience on the 32nd floor of Mandalay hotel, reflects a great deal about one aspect of this slaughter which no one is covering, and that is exactly as 9 11 was to take down American finance, the events in Las Vegas were designed to take down the casinos of Las Vegas and their amassed wealth.
We know this in the interesting take on the script that Stephen Schuk was reading on the Today program on NBC. Lined up wit the British Deep State Press is the Blaze and Cuckservative Treehouse going with the lone gun scenario, and on the other side are other media outlets making Stephen Paddock out to be a hero.
You can decide in listening to Schuck's statement on NBC, but while he is disjointed he is talking about Pepe the Pop Up Mexcian telling him to take cover, and not Stephen Paddock. The point in this is that at no point does Schuck state that he saw Stephen Paddock, but only states that someone popped out of the room for an instant.
This is fascinating as what does a man with a nanny cam watching the hall, need to be looking out the room door. Secondly, Paddock is in Vegas a great deal, so he knows Security Guards and Janitors are unarmed, so why did he fire in the first place, and why did he not finish them off at that point with one wounded and another one exposed.
Schuck does provide a bit more detail, as he does his interview progressing the lone gun man, which helps the industry to calm fears there are not dozens of armed Mexicans and Muslims in Vegas, having guns walked to them by Paddock for the FBI. He states the first volley apparently came through the door, and the second volley was sent down the hall at him.
Again, Stephen Paddock in this waited until Schuck was under cover almost before opening fire. Again this fits the known shooting over the crowd, shooting low on Jesus Campos in only one round hitting him out of a 100, and the question of who it was that left open another door to get security on the 32nd floor, all is a pattern of someone deliberately attempting to save lives and not take lives.
Maintenance worker says he warned hotel about the Las Vegas ...
Stephen Schuck says he told dispatchers to call the police when the security guard who had been shot by Paddock told him to take cover.theblaze.com/news/2017/10/11/maintenance-worker-says-h
NBC Claims Stephen Paddock Warned Maintenance Worker "To Take ...
No-where in the interview does the maintenance worker claim that Stephen Paddock warned him to take cover. ... twitter.com/Breaking911/st ...https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/10/11/nbc-claims-st
Stephen Schuck says he told dispatchers to call the police when the security guard who had been shot by Paddock told him to take cover.
“As soon as I started to go to a door to my left the rounds started coming down the hallway,” Schuck said. “I could feel them pass right behind my head.
“It was kind of relentless so I called over the radio what was going on,” he added. “As soon as the shooting stopped we made our way down the hallway and took cover again and then the shooting started again.”
What interests me is in these narratives of one gun man against Savior Paddock, is that we have the establishment of Sean Homo Hannity and Tom Gesham types whose interest is in protecting the system, even though a number of lies and deceptions have been told, including the Schuck story.
What this appears like is 9 11. If you remember one of the facets of that complex plan involved the major financial houses taking over smaller Jewish financial houses like Goldman Sachs taking over Lehman Brothers.
Las Vegas is hurting. It is hurting a great deal and is on the edge, as the stories coming out of Vegas have alerted the public that a mass attack did take place. This hurts the casinos which are Nevada. So therefore the narrative on Las Vegas has been skewed from the beginning on shutting people up, shutting the story down, making certain this was one gun man, and all is safe in Vegas so come and spend a fortune again.
xLas Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Warned Me 'To Take Cover ...
Stephen Schuck, a building engineer at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, was on the 32nd floor when the Las Vegas mass shooting began. He tells TODAY that he had been called to ...https://eblnews.com/video/las-vegas-shooter-stephen-paddock-w
Las Vegas shooter warned me 'to take cover,' MGM maintenance ...
... I started to hear shots ring out" and Stephen Paddock "popped out and yelled at me to take cover ... warned me 'to take cover,' MGM ...
Stephen Schuck, a building engineer at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, was on the 32nd floor when the Las Vegas mass shooting began. He tells TODAY that he had been called to check on an exit door and was walking down the hallway when “I started to hear shots ring out” and Stephen Paddock “popped out and yelled at me to take cover.” He adds “I am incredibly blessed that somehow I came out of there alive.”
That is what needs examination in this, in we know the deep state for it's interests is promoting the lone gun man, which is a fabrication. The reason for that is the same as Bill Clinton in TWA Flight 800 shot down by Iran, in Bill Clinton did not want a war with Iran. Take for a reality that this was Mexican Mafia and Muslims joined in shooting up Las Vegas to send a message, and the government in DC is now faced with a reality that the FBI once again created another Boston Bombing, Oklahoma City, 9 11 and TWA Flight 800, which means the public would be in riot, and the public would be demanding a two front war with a permanent sealing of the Mexican border as America goes to war with Mexico over this, and America goes to war with nuclear Iran, which sets off myriads of Muslim sleeper cells in America.
That backdrop appears to have another purpose, not in the 4Chan post of the selling of security equipment across America to schools and industry, but the business of crippling Las Vegas financially. The purpose would be to so distress those businesses there, including Steve Wynn, that in financial difficulty, another entity would then as Goldman Sachs did with Lehman, come in and buy up Las Vegas for pennies on the millions of dollars again.
That sounds like a great deal and it is an undercurrent in this, which is growing and appears to be in operation, and it is being enhanced as JFK and Grassy Knoll, by the authorities protecting themselves with a ludicrous scenario.
That is what this blog would appreciate an expanded focus on, in who is helped and who is hurt by the Stephen Paddock propaganda. Who would have reason to cripple Las Vegas and then the resources to come in and purchase sin city?
That story will appear quietly in the next two years if this takeover is successful, and then you will know who was promoting this dueling scenario, and is part of a deep state plan to discredit those exposing this with a false narrative of the janitor in misrepresenting it.
In observing the above map, most of the features noted as this came off the Jeff Rense site, reported gun fire. That is a large venue over a large area. Personally, when I heard two different sources in people who were there, stating that gunfire came from two different directions, that settles it that the 32nd floor was not alone, and that means a greater situation was in play.
Las Vegas industry is not doing itself any favors in downplaying this, no more than no one is mentioning how many of Donald Trump and Barack Obama's Muslim imports are in Nevada, along with all of these Mexican invaders. No one has addressed the devil's union in this, except this blog, but what are the odds that this was a combined operation of John McCains ISIS which have been flowing into America out of Syrian camps wed to another successful organized crime group in MS 13 out of Central America, who both have narco moneyed interests in Muslim and Jesuit finance to buy out an ailing Las Vegas for complete control over the industry there as Vegas shifted from the mafia which ran the town perfectly legal, the conglomerates who took over and exploited the business and will it now be a more international ruthless organized crime which will rule Las Vegas.
Do not become weighed down in Stephen Paddock as there is enough proof he was not alone. This is a much larger operation which was an attack upon Las Vegas finance, as much as the NFL was deliberately brought down by more of this Soros protest. Just because Obama left the building June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, does not mean his community organized mafia is still not seizing control of segments of the United States and he world.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.