Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Cancel Sporting Events

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the issues of events, which involve large numbers of people, concerning Coronavirus.....

Just remember that there is not a "oh I did not know" excuse, meaning that people who knowingly place large populations together and do not provide masks, Hazmat suits, are not doing all they can do to protect the public..........think of it as not having security and someone shoots someone at an event. That event is libel for costs.

Seriously, I foresee billions of dollars in lawsuits against the major leagues, if they continue on with this, as sooner or later people are going to be exposed, and then it is a matter of all of those costs from not being able to work, health costs to death.

These fumducker colleges and Germ Lord Mike Pence, allowing these NCAA schools to spread this virus are all looking at immense lawsuits, as the survivors with the lawyers in America will see massive paydays. Universities own lots of things, have lots of cash and have lots of revenue. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

My concern was to save lives, but no one is willing to protect Americans, so in the end, it is going to come down to cold hard cash, in enough people die, there will be lawsuits to bankrupt colleges and there will eventually be DOJ indictments against the presidents, deans and boards of these colleges and that includes the Jew billionaire sports owners for getting people killed over game revenue.

I am more interested in the Darwin Candidates who would risk their life over a game, they are charged huge amounts to attend, and no one cares if you are even there or if you live or die.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
