Saturday, March 21, 2020

Check Your States Coronavirus Webpage

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I have another Lame Cherry mandate for all of you and that is you bookmark and check your state's Coronavirus webpage as an alert system each day to keep in front of the virus.

Personally, I not only check my state, but the surrounding states, to monitor movement and transmission. At this point, Corona has been mostly through air transport and it moves east to west, not north to south.
I suspect that will change when Mexicans start being infected.

 Keep track of the numbers and watch the hot spot locations. Your life depends on this information. If you begin seeing COMMUNITY TRANSFER that is your red light warning that the virus is spreading in your community and not coming from outside your state any longer.

For your sake, if you get a wild hair up your ass, or your children or grandchildren do to take some trip which goes through a hot spot, do not go, or tell those travelers they will not be allowed to be at your home for the next year.

Watch your state and surrounding states daily alerts for your own safety.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
