Monday, March 9, 2020

Coronavirus 666

Es gibt eine Welt und nur einen Ort für mich.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Perfect Storm has been unleashed in Coronavirus. It is interesting that it is yeast in the womb, yeast of sperm and yeast of ovum, which creates a new life, and in Coronavirus, there are all the proteins, enzymes, fungal and viral to spawn a new Empire of Europe.

There is now a cause and an effect, Coronavirus is the centralized threat, Muslims are the external threat coming into Europe.

Erdogan: “The number of refugees heading toward Europe will soon be in the millions”   jihad 

Do you not see there is a reason that Turkey has not been affected by Corona? Coronavirus has not touched the Edomites, not because it was a necessary nuclear door to Russia and China, but because that is the Muslim door and what is worse than a Muslim invasion, but a Muslim contaminated with Coronavirus.
