Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Culling with Corona

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So an American is laying in bed saying their prayers, and who should walk in but St. Peter.

Peter says, "My child, it is time to go to the Pearly Gates as Heaven awaits for you".

Thee American protest and says, "St. Peter, I am not that old, I still have dreams to live, things to see and things to do, isn't there something you can do?"

Peter thinks for a bit and says, "Well ok, I can give you 3 things you ask for as a last request".

Thee American thinks, and then says, "You know that Coronavirus, how about killing all the Chinese with it, as they took my job."

Peter says, "That is already being done."

Thee American thinks, "You know those Muslims have been really nasty, how about taking them out with Coronavirus too".

Peter says, "That is being done too".

Thee American thinks some more and says, "How about those Mexicans in..........."

And Peter motions, "It is in the works too".

Thee American lays back and smiles and says, "Well Peter it sounds like I already am in heaven".

