Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Daily Mail UK Confirms Lame Cherry Right on Two Coronaviruses

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

The Lame Cherry readers are far too intelligent or God has made me a very good teacher.

I give God the Glory as it pleases me that my warped mind has people questioning, thinking and examining.

This note I particularly appreciated, as there is nothing which equals on site or on region understanding of any issue. You can never beat intelligent minds noting the facts.

The question is why in a world of half a million Chinese, moving in and out of plague China, are they not sick in Canada, while elsewhere in the world, they drop like flies and get infected in spending minutes in an airport? 

As a Seattle resident – I find it peculiar that we are the North American epicenter of death – while Greater Vancouver, Canada (150 miles to the north) has a 2017 Chinese population of 500,000 who apparently have no travel, shipping, mail etc communication with the “mother country”.  
The answer is of course, deliberate spreading. By this I explain, Wuhan is a virus which is not being spread as the reports indicate in being airborne, or the Chicans would be dropping from virus.
In cause and effect, that leads to the conclusion that Wuhan might be more Dean Koontz in being waterborne in how it was spread, and as the initial flash reads from the matrix projected, China was going to spread this via water supply.
When things do not appear as you are being told, then the logical explanation is the solution my dear Watson.

We happen to be watching Sliders and Kari Wuhrer stars in this episode. Nice German American girl, who of course does not seem to fit the profile of being attractive to germs.

Then again, the noting that the huge population of Chinamen in Vancouver not affected, has a reasonable odds on now of being infected in mass, to make sure that this anomaly will not remain.  I am past the squeamish of people suffering and dying, as I do not have any Chicoms donating here, and besides, when everyone dies, I might like to move over to BC. I hear Columbia River Gorge is one spooky place.

And finally, Capt. Kirk shared this, about there being two killer strains of Coronavirus which were released, and he noted that someone had said this from the beginning.

Now if I had two Kari Wuhrers, I could have one to look at and one to share.

Anyway, my thanks to the Lame Cherry readers, as it gives me things to ponder. Someone might say to read the Sunday post on this subject, as it provides a chain of evidence, which will explain a great part of this in the above.

I do appreciate, and I honestly pray that God makes the blog right. I am in quiet astonishment in most instances at being right. It is humbling how God utilizes me and this blog.  Puzzling though in He is .......something I have no explanation for in not making the cash flow from donors yet, but He has removed people to the grave and keeps shining the answers through this blog.

Oh one last thing as I am thinking about it, it is IMPOSSIBLE for two separate viruses to develop at the same time, at the same location, cross species jumping from a bat to human, to create a pandemic.
You were informed this was a thinking virus, and now you have absolute proof that humans are doing the thinking in this. This virus was not only deliberately released, because it is impossible to have two accidental releases from two different locations, but it proves everything else this blog has hinted at, in China was not intelligent enough to have created this virus, and China was being struck, because China created their virus as an original first strike biological weapon against the United States.

Time to slide, the future awaits.
