Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Donald and the Dominoes: 2020 Taliban Interference

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Unfortunately with President Donald Trump's "peace" with Radical Islam in Afghanistan's Taliban, the reality is, that he has made 2020 the year of Terrorist Interference in US Elections.

By making peace, the President has opened the gates to a Beirut Marine's type attack on US Forces in Afghanistan in the weeks before the election. There are numerous groups from established governments from China to Russia, who would urge as much as real terror regimes in trouble like Iran, who will move to create a mass casualty event in Afghanistan or other areas, blame the US peace deal, and Donald Trump will lose 15% of his voters over this in the weeks coming up to the election, as another Trump failure.

New York Time


Trump's cabal leader, Secretary Esper at Defense, was already firing up the rocket's red glare for a war with Russia and China, as the Bush Cheney 100 year terror wars are over. Now the big contractrs are for high tech big theater big war weapons.
Personally I voted for Mr. Trump as did his entire group to have peace with Russia, but now war preparations are in full swing again.

The Trump administration’s peace deal with the Taliban opens the door for an initial American troop withdrawal that Defense Secretary Mark Esper sees as a step toward the broader goal of preparing for potential future war with China.
Esper has his eye on “great power competition,” which means staying a step ahead of China and Russia on battlefields of the future, including in space and in next-generation strategic weapons like hypersonic missiles and advanced nuclear weapons. He sees China in particular as a rising threat to American predominance on the world stage.

For the record, if Afghanistan gets Coronavirus, the Khyber is safe, because as China continues to meltdown economically with Corona, it ceases to be a threat to the United States as does Iran. The dominoes fall as long as Obama spreaders are stopped by Mike Pence as Germ Lord from spreading more pandemic in America. Pence deserves an F MINUS in his score so far in not protecting America.

So in the Taliban Peace Deal, Donald Trump did not need it, as Corona would take care of the problem. All this President has done is make US troops a great target before the elections to humiliate him.

This President just signed a peace deal with RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
