Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Governor Cuomo to have Brother executed for having Coronavirus

Coronavirus: Chris Cuomo, CNN anchor, positive; Andrew Cuomo responds   usa

No exceptions for family little Bro. The firing squad will be there at dawn as you are a plague carrier!!!
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the events in Rhode Island, tracking down New York squatters and driving them from the Island State over Coronavirus. President Donald Trump deserves credit in this, in if Hillary Clinton or the late Joe Biden were President, all of us would have drones following us and we would be in FEMA camps for violating curfew. I believe Hillary Clinton would have had Spring Break brats shot on sight to contain the virus.

America would be a different place with a democrat in the White House, as we witnessed with Obama, where he and Biden just let Americans die during the last pandemic.

Things have changed though as democratic Governors have ruled by martial law without declaring it. In liberal states, it is now a matter where citizens are being thrown into prison for not staying home. I am not this, I am just stating that this is not taking place in Conservative nor Republican States. The Jack Boots of Coronavirus are coming from liberal states, where liberals refused to behave.

Ohio is behaving, South Dakota is behaving. Nebraska is behaving. Texas is behaving, Florida is behaving, but in democratic arenas, they are all in lock down and the machine guns are coming out from the cops.

DC is locked down.

CAPITAL CITY LOCKDOWN: DC Mayor Threatens Those Leaving Their Homes with 90 Days in Prison   hannity

Maryland and Virginia are locked down.

Violating Coronavirus Orders is Now Punishable with ONE YEAR BEHIND BARS in Maryland and Virginia - Big League Politics   bigleaguepolitics

The entire west coast of liberal states are locked down.

The $20 Solution to Coronavirus: ‘Anecdotal Evidence’ Is a Life-Saver   amspec

For example, in a follow-up of its previously reported study recommending the use of HCQ and azithromycin to treat COVID-19 cases, researchers in France and Vietnam under the leadership of world-renowned infectious disease expert Professor Didier Raoult, the head of the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU) Méditerranée Infection in Marseille, have reported another clinical trial in which that drug combination cured 79 out of 80 patients. Noting that “adverse events were rare and minor,” the researchers summarized their findings as follows:
In conclusion, we confirm the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin in the treatment of COVID-19 and its potential effectiveness in the early impairment of contagiousness. Given the urgent therapeutic need to manage this disease with effective and safe drugs and given the negligible cost of both hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, we believe that other teams should urgently evaluate this therapeutic strategy both to avoid the spread of the disease and to treat patients before severe irreversible respiratory complications take hold.

President Donald Trump has the correct solution in treating his biological weapon with cheap drugs which cure the patients, and stop the spread of this weapon.

Governor Cuomo has begun the use of these treatments, but most liberal enclaves have not. Governor Cuomo though is more conservative than liberals, in he is advocating the use of a bullet at 3 cents per shot,  to 20 dollars to cure Coronavirus, where Virginia is housing Corona Escapees in prison for a year at 65,000 dollars.
One must appreciate the devotion of Govenor Cuomo, in his hard edge, as democrats want him now, instead Cough Hands Biden. Could this be the edge for the President that Cuomo needs, in shooting his brother by firing squad, because Donald Trump when faced with Ivanka having the virus, only sent her home and locked the door.

Does Andrew Cuomo really want to be President enough to make an example of his brother?

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
