Sunday, March 1, 2020

How Coronavirus Kills

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The issue of Carl Goldman in contracting Coronavirus, as Jews were infected with Coronavirus from Chinese carriers. This is why Tel Aviv was going into panic mode, as they knew Jews were vulnerable, as we now know Italians are prone.

From this pontificating editorial at the Washington Post, there is information on how Coronavirus kills, of course Carl Goldman has no interest in the medical realities, as he is not interested in how this would affect others, nor that most people could not afford this kind of emergency room care

During the first few days, the hospital staff hooked me up to an IV, mostly as a precaution, and used it to administer magnesium and potassium, just to make sure I had plenty of vitamins. Other than that, my treatment has consisted of what felt like gallons and gallons of Gatorade — and, when my fever rose just above 100 degrees, some ibuprofen.

The above explains how Coronavirus kills. The high fever produces thirst, which in turn causes drinking a great deal of fluids. Drinking immense fluids depletes the body's necessary minerals in magnesium and potassium. Magnesium causes your nerves to bridge electrical impulses. Remove it and there is not any electrical impulse, and your heart stops beating.

This is why people were dropping dead in the streets. It is not re infection. It is not HIV drugs. It is not damaged organs. It is simple human biology. Remove any number or hormones, enzymes or minerals and the body quits just like turning off a light switch.

We would not know this information if this pompous ass had not been preening for attention nor caring that he was the first wave, as a second wave is enveloping Americans.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
