Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Lies, Damned Lies and Corona Lies

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is frustrating to read, the propaganda being produced by Johns Hopkins and sites like Western Journalism, producing false narratives which are republished in World Net Daily, when it comes to the infection and death rates of Coronavirus.

“Kids and adults have done extremely well in terms of recovery so far,” Dr. Jeremy Faust of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston told ABC News.

If you read the propaganda the data shows CHINESE DATA, and sites around 72,000 Chinese having contracted Corona. The problem is the Epoch Times in actual data from speaking to sources on the ground in China, who thought they were speaking to Chinese regime officials, those sources were stating that Wuhan alone had 75,000 cases before February.
Only a damn fool would believe the communists, in who died, who was infected, and what the fake numbers they released are.

STAT's analysis was based on the 72,314 people in China who were reported infected as of Feb. 11.
The Chinese data showed that 87 percent of those infected were between the ages of 30 and 79. Meanwhile, 0.9 percent were 9 years old or younger, 1.2 percent were in their teens and 8.1 percent were in their 20s.

"But the fatality rate was 14.8% in people 80 or older, likely reflecting the presence of other diseases, a weaker immune system, or simply worse overall health. By contrast, the fatality rate was 1.3% in 50-somethings, 0.4% in 40-somethings, and 0.2% in people 10 to 39," STAT reported.

A Jan. 31 study published in the medical journal The Lancet estimated that more than 75,000 could have been infected in the city by Jan. 25.

These pie in the sky statistics are dangerous, as they are meant to produce a false sense of security. Johns Hopkins is lying the public in comparing flu to Corona, when the death rate samples are skewed, and now to skew the samples further, the numbers are based upon Chinese fake numbers, and data which says only old people were dying in China.

In all of the photos of people dead on the streets, none of theme were elderly people. They were all middle aged people.

If you read the actual numbers flowing in, and the numbers of crematoriums running, there is absolutely not any way that China could have this few of deaths, with the numbers of dead being incinerated.

Beginning around Jan. 22, the number of dead bodies received by the government-operated funeral home has drastically increased—peaking at 127 bodies on Feb. 3, the official said, adding that he’s been seeing about four to five times the usual workload.

The numbers in China from those who were plugged in, were 1.5 million infected at the start of this, and fifty thousand dead in Wuhan alone, not the few thousand the Chicoms reported.

There were seven facilities in operation, and facilities had 20 incinerators in operation around the clock, with over 100 transporters at work at each facility.

All five facilities are among seven government-run funeral parlors with crematoriums in Wuhan. Three are in the downtown area, while the other four service suburban areas, according to the city’s Civil Affairs Bureau.
Of the 127 bodies received by the crematorium on Feb. 3, eight were diagnosed with the virus, while 48 were suspected of having the illness, based on their death certificates, the official said. It is unclear what was specified as the cause of death for the remaining 71 bodies

 Chinese citizens were not dying in hospitals, but dying on average of 6 out of 10 in private homes. In the reports, each of these facilities was using 100 body bags a day. That is dead bodies each day being incinerated. Numbers like that indicate that 30,000 Chinese were cremated in Wuhan in February alone.

So 36,000 dead in Wuhan against 73,000 officially infected is a death toll of almost 50%. Not the numbers which the public would appreciate.

The official at the first-mentioned funeral home said that about 60 percent of the bodies come from private homes, while 38 percent are transported from hospitals. Most of the corpses coming from homes are people who died from the new coronavirus,

The facility’s 11 furnaces are cremating bodies nonstop every day,

The government has already been caught going Peking, in the Kirkland nursing home dead, in halving the dead as confirmed and unconfirmed to reduce the numbers in the United States.
Kirkland revealed as did a person in New York who dropped on the street, people who died within hours being thought healthy. The question is, how many people have died from this virus by dropping dead, have been listed under "heart attack" or some accident?

That facility, located in downtown Wuhan, is officially designated by authorities to cremate bodies of coronavirus victims from downtown Wuhan hospitals.
An undercover phone call by the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times to the Hankou Funeral Home confirmed that its crematorium was using 20 furnaces to cremate bodies 24 hours a day.

The United States is having the plague dumped into it for 6 weeks, as it has not stopped Korean or Italian flights. Exposed Chinese and Iranian students were all allowed back into the United States by the tens of thousands, and since Italy has been in pandemic, the United States has allowed Italians into America, unchecked and they have been infecting people.

The United States is at the point that China was in mid January as the cases began mounting. We have now heard the leaked Omaha medical numbers which the public was not supposed to hear in millions infected, or everyone in American infected, millions in hospitals and 480,000 dead, which Dr. Ben Carson of Trump's cabinet deems a worse case scenario.

480,000 dead is 10,000 dead in the continental United States. Firefighters are already stating they will not respond to Corona calls. In those kinds of numbers, people are going to be dying, and rotting in their homes or laying on the streets, as if hundreds of crematoria workers, working around the clock in Wuhan could not keep up with the death toll, the United States is going to have body bag problem and the need to cold storage and more crematoriums constructed.

A nation can not induce a public panic, but Americans are being lied to, and that is criminal from Johns Hopkins, the CDC and those like Sean Homo Hannity in his "Keep Calm and Corona On". A little panic will keep a number of stupid people from doing stupid things like taking a trip to Seattle, picking up a whore, and then going back to her Denver college dorm, and infecting 10,000 students, and burning down Denver in disease.
Deserted streets are a good thing.

All of this goes back to Iran and China created these virus as first strike weapons against America and American allies. Other nations have released other virus for their purposes and in the propaganda, Americans are being told to whistle through their own graveyard. Yes Coronavirus Wuhan kills old people, but in Italy and Iran it is killing other groups. The Chicoms lied and lie, so of course there is a higher death toll on the elderly or the sick, but that does not discount the young athlete from England who reported that Corona made him feel like he was being suffocated. That is a very severe reaction to the Corona L strain or worse yet, the non lethal S strain, which means that would kill almost anyone too.

This is a biological weapon. We still do not know if it will double infect, meaning you can get the common flu and get Corona too. We still do not know, because there is a propaganda surge taking place, which is coming out of the Trump division of the right wing, putting out bullshit data.

The President is afraid the leftwing nuts in the press will attempt Corona Assassination of him. 

Trump scared journalists will deliberately infect him

What this blog exclusively warned all of you is there are TWO VIRUSES, and both were released at different locations in China. They look the same, but under creation they had two very different results. The Wuhan is the deadly version. I still believe this virus was introduced through bottle water. It does not transmit easily, but as it lives in human shit, and I am using terms you can understand, and people do not wash their hands, they have the shits, they are smearing the disease on doors, railings, shopping carts, products etc.... and transmitting the infection.
The mirror is the inoculation, a sort of cow pox, which most people do not have a severe reaction to.

That is what is operating, and the original form in China, is not the form in Iran or Italy. I firmly believe the Coronavirus G or Geriatric was tired out in the Kirkland nursing home, and that is the virus designed to manifest the results of a cartel problem solution for the United States.

What is being revealed in one part of the Wuhan is that it 6% go critical, and 10 to 15% degrade to the critical state, that absolutely proves that the Johns Hopkins propaganda and CDC numbers are wrong. What it proves is 10% of those inoculated go danger. no vaccine would be allowed with that kind of death rate, but like the old small pox exposures it is 90% cure so it was deemed acceptable.

What those numbers mean is that 16 to 21% of the Corona infected go critical. That number reflects in part the Omaha leaked data of millions requiring hospitalization. The problem is that America in survivors is going to have millions of Citizens with damaged lungs, who will develop pneumonia or die easily from the next flu, and with low lung capacity, in 10 years, most of these millions will be dead from heart attack due to stress on the heart.

According to research, while many patients experience nothing more than a mild cold, one in seven patients develops difficulty breathing and other "severe" complications, while 6% become critically ill and require hospitalization to stabilize their condition, risking death if they can't receive the highest level of care.

Since roughly 10-15% of mild-to-moderate patients progress to this next severe state, it's important for hospitals and doctors to understand which patients are at highest risk of a worsening infection so they can factor this into their risk assessments and direct resources and attention accordingly. Because of these 10-15%, 15% to 20% of that group may progress to critically severe infection stage requiring the highest level of attention and care to save a life.

So in this, you can use your own limited intelligence and decipher that you are being lied to, that the CDC and Johns Hopkins numbers are false. Healthy young adults are indeed part of the death rate in one of the first to die was a Chinese doctor who began exposing this fraud. The Chinese regime dosed him with everything, and nothing worked, and he was HEALTHY and YOUNG.

Even healthy younger adults have succumbed to the virus, including Dr. Li Wenliang, the 34-year-old ophthalmologist who was one of the first to warn about the coronavirus in Wuhan. He died after receiving antibodies, antivirals, antibiotics, oxygen and having his blood pumped through an artificial lung.

What this blog is focused on is, if the innoculated or the spreader virus of S strain, still is lethal without care in 10 to 15 percent of the infected, that is an enormous death and debilitating rate. 480,000 dead in the United States does not reflect the 93 or perhaps 200 million infection rate, where 10 percent or 9 to 20 million Americans will have ruined lungs and a projected lifespan of less than 10 years gasping for breath.

Overlay those realities on the data, and against the propaganda and for the first time, one begins to comprehend the scope of this virus and the innoculant.  These are biological weapons and have been unleashed to re establish a non American order.
I have concluded that President Donald Trump is being lied to. He has been plotted again by Obama holdovers for political objectives to elect a democrat and there are elements in this who have set policy exactly as bringing down the Twin Towers and associated buildings on 9 11, who are in crisis mode using the "in the public good" to sell their actions, which are nothing but to reform a European world order.

By this virus thinking, a human is behind THEM, as there are more than two strains in operation currently. There are at least 5 with hidden splicing from genus to age as activators. There are also genetic groups which this virus will never make ill, no more than your catching distemper from your dog.
That is the key in this.

There have been dead end viruses infected to certain tracked individuals to give the impression that  this genetic nationality is infected too, when it is not. It is why from the start a cloak of WHO propaganda was listing the nations of the infection, instead of the names of the people who were infected and died, because that would reveal specific groups.

I believe this is the same groups who were at battle over Donald Trump for four years. The originators are using this to strike at the Trump group as an outlier to deal with the world power grab of China.

Why Seattle as a target point? Think of Seattle in why a foreign order would choose this location. We know that Vacouver has a large Chinese population as a reader posted here, but no Corona, but Seattle has the Corona problem.

If one was going to invade the continental United States, Seattle on the Columbia River would be a major landing zone.
I digress in this, but there are reasons why this virus is choosing infection points for both military, economic and political reasons. The L Strains were introduced by oral means and not by shedders as in the S Strain, as this American G Strain is different, as it is acting different than in Wuhan, and there is a host of propaganda coming out which is lying to you, and in process appearing in right wing Mockingbird media to have you believe it.

The fact is. someone is allowing in China strains and Italian strains, to compliment the American G which will do the dirty work. Those behind this want old people dead to be rid of a Conservative voting block. Those behind this want young college kids thinking they are invincible spreading the strain throughout America. Study the policies and that is what this rats in a maze projects.

If these college leftists understood they are Corona Coyotes, employed to 1 in 10 will die and another 1 in 10 will be dead from ruined lungs by the time they are 30 years old, the slide rule would have them processing a different mathematical result. But then you do not find that information on a smart phone text.

As I type this, I am presenting new information to save your non donating asses, so I have to move on from this post, exposing the lies which are designed to kill you.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How to stop Coronavirus from infecting You
