Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Mike Pence Exposed to Coronavirus Brings It To White House

When I made Mike Pence Germ Lord to combat Coronavirus,
I never thought he would go out and catch it and end my Administration!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well this is novel in the Germ Lord, Mike Pence, went out and got himself exposed to Coronavirus in Florida. I thought that being in charge of America's Health Safety would be enough, but Pence was out cashing in on campaign contributions.

Pence's people are now scrambling in trying to say he never met the kid. Pretty Pence Gal Katie Pavlich at Town Hall swears Pence did not shake hands with the Coronavirus kid.

Here is the reality check though:

The STUDENT IS QUARANTINED as his mother is sick with Coronavirus. The kids this kid was spreading his Mum's Mucous on, shook Mike Pence's hands. That was on Friday.

I count, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, that Mike Pence has been rubbing his hands all over the Trump White House. Pence has literally infected the Executive Branch of the US Government.
Remember what I told you about in outliers being a major problem in your being exposed? I never figured Mike Pence would be this asstard to not be home doing the job he was appointed, and instead was out bringing the virus home to Donald Trump.

Effectively, none of us will know if President Trump is going to live or die for the next 30 day quarantine period.  The best solution in this is if Pence goes flat line in a week, and President Trump has time to appoint Nikki Haley as Vice President, and keep her to hell away from Pence and the rest of the White House. That way if President Trump goes down, it will not be President Pelosi.

Yes get that point in Mike Pence just did away with the 2016 elections. Every plot the Democrats tried failed, but leave it to Mike Pence to expose the President of the United States to deadly plague.

Granted Melania will do alright as a widow, probably some rich Arab or someone like Sebastian Kurz might snap her up, but America is really in a precarious position, and frankly, this blog calls upon Donald Trump to not wait around, but to relieve Mike Pence of the Vice Presidency and appoint a healthy Nikki Haley, before Nancy Pelosi swoops in on the 25th Amendment claiming both Trump and Pence are Corona Incapacitated.

Of all the stupid things for Pence to pull. Keep the docks open, keep foreign flights poring in, keep the NCAA MARCH MADNESS on plague schedule and lastly, go get a mucous slime hand in Florida and grab President Trump's plate for lunch and serve him up a Corona burger to Go.

For the record there are NO DEGREES OF SEPARATION in Coronavirus. This quarantined kids mum, put shed virus on the kid, and the kid was a carrier to his entire school, and those little grubbers put the germs on Mike Pence and in Mike Pence.

WHO Says We're In 'Uncharted Waters'
Never Seen A Deadly Respiratory Virus
Capable Of Community Transmission

 Well Mike Pence has brought a biological weapon into the White House, and it was Mike Pence. 

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
