Sunday, March 15, 2020

Storm Front

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Have you noticed that with Coronavirus, instead of the typical CIA Mockingbird "conspiracy" feeds which the fringe was deluged with, like crisis actors, powder in envelops, Patriot Act, Obama wilding, that there is absolute silence from the intelligence feeds.

Their first attempt was to tamp down the conspiracy theories, which in fact turned out to be fact, was their last attempt. Instead what the Americans have been subjected to is "Corona Cold" from Rush Limbaugh discrediting the right wing in America, but there has not been one Homeland, CDC, FBI alert on subjects as "See something say Something".

Is that not odd, as one would consider people dead in the street, or people spreading plague should have a 1 800 number, but all is silent on the DC Front.

After this blog noted that terrorists could collect volumes of Coronavirus in China for attacks on the West, the virus did spread like wildfire, but not one warning. Only glimpses from the CDC stating that in Washington State someone was spreading this virus, as the first two cases had an exact replica as one in China.

That is what is puzzling in this, as we had numerous warnings after 9 11. Packages with powder, entire FBI divisions unleashed, but no one is hunting who spread the Coronavirus.

Instead the US Ports are still open to Chinese traffic and in a real interesting point, American carriers are banned from Asia, but Asian carriers are still dumping thousands of carriers into the United States.

Just before the Coronavirus broke, people on the right were being lumped in with neo evil of Nationalists, as a great terror threat. Remember that Virginia gun control move, and the protest which was about collecting the names of people who attended? You forgot about that in your short memories, and yet the FBI and the media was telling us a vast conspiracy in America. Which of course, brings the question, would not a meltdown in America, from Coronavirus, as in China, Iran and Italy, provide the most perfect ground for a coup against the United States by these "Nationalists" who we were told were coming out of Canada, and the threat worse than Islamic terrorists.

See that is what does not make sense in this, none of this, where previously there was not a threat, all these warnings came about, and yet in the events of a pandemic when law enforcement and military would be pinned down, the FBI has not been out tracking who is spreading Corona. Hell now on one has been stopping foreign ships or foreign airline carriers from landing in the United States.

Would it not make sense for China to protect itself in being shut down, to infect the United States by sending carriers to America, to put the United States in the same situation? Sure it would and yet Chinese on the border are streaming across and the Boarder Patrol gets masks, and not orders to shoot to kill all of these plague spreaders

Sort of interesting in Billy Joel in 2011 released an album called Storm Front. Odd as we were told that these Nationalists were a huge problem. It would be like calling your album Nigger Knocker and writing a song about it.

Coronavirus is exposing how much the populace has been lied to about "threats" as Coronavirus is a paradigm event, and there is not one word, nor investigation into any of this.

In closing this out, think, just think, as apparently the advisors of Donald Trump are not informing him, that the American response, makes it look to other nations that America had something to do with this, which I do not believe for a moment the United States did, but what matters is what other nations think, by the lack of American warnings and investigations.

What will their reactions be as some of these nations are dying?

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Nuff Said
