Saturday, March 7, 2020

The 3 Threats of Coronavirus the President Must Neutralize

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Terror Turban who coordinated with Barack Hussein Obama and Iranian Val-erie Jarrett died from Coronavirus according to published reports.

Iran in turmoil: Coronavirus kills the 'butcher' of Tehran

Websites affiliated with Iran's exiled opposition celebrate the death of Mohammad Haj Abolghasemi, 71, calling him a "butcher" and a "hangman" due to his role in brutally suppressing civilian protests.

For those who need to be refreshed in this. Obama lured out Iranian Patriots to their doom by engineering the Iranian Revolution. Obama abandoned those people once they were outed and Abolghasemi is the thug who oversaw the torture, rape and murder of thousands of Iranians.

This blog has been warning that Iran is producing a propaganda blaming the United States for Coronavirus. I told all of you that Iran had embarked upon a retaliation all through 2020 to manipulate the American elections.
Ask yourself, if you were terror Iran, which has a history of ghastly butchery against the United States, what it would do when it had nothing left to lose, as most of it's leadership is dying from Coronavirus, and it has to protect itself from international crime trials over being the originator of Corona, in Arabian SARS?

The United States faces three threats from this date out. The first is Coronavirus, but the second and third are Iran and China, who created the first strike biological weapons, which began this.

Nuff Said
