Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Criminal Spread of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of you reading this, remember from the AIDS Epidemic that it was a felony to spread AIDS by spitting on people. In that reality, a most disturbing revelation appeared in the Washington Post in a most self aggrandizing editorial and interviews of Carl and Jeri Goldman, Jewish Coronavirus infectees, who lied about having the virus, brought it into the United States and are part of this epidemic of the 5th column of Wuhan China about to destroy the United States.

These people are about to cost the United States over 6 billion dollars more in debt to fight the epidemic they spread. The stock market has gone down almost 3000 points, costing retirees trillions of dollars. The people of Omaha Nebraska, HHS employees, and hospital employees are all in jeopardy because of the Goldmans, who have set the United States in upheaval.

Journalist Carl Goldman allegedly first infected other people by breaking quarantine and then lied about not being infected to go back to America on a plane - then says the coronavirus is "nothing lol" in Washington Post, reassuring commie retards

This is criminal what this duo engaged in. It involves reckless endangerment, charges of attempted manslaughter and murder, and literally violations of the Patriot Act on terrorism. Yet Carl Goldman can not preen enough for attention at the Washington Post, saying this virus is nothing.

For the record, people like me do not have health insurance, can not afford health insurance, can not be away from my animals quarantined in hospitals, as parents can not be away from their children, people can not afford to be off work in debts they have, and there are numbers of sick and elderly people who can not survive a pandemic.

It boggles my mind the absolute selfishness of trolls like this. For their purposes they endangered the entire people of the United States. The United States is going to look like China, the markets will crash, people will not be able to find goods to purchase, the military will be called out to attempt to deal with this, and people are going to die, who would not die...........from their portfolios destroyed in the market crash to catching a virus, if the Goldman's had shown one ounce of concern for America and Americans, and had not exposed the United States to another cluster of death to terminate America with.
It takes resources to combat this, and these two are consuming resources which the United States is going to need.

Ask yourself if you would lie to get back into America, if you knew you were going to be on a flight with people who were not sick, and you might kill hundreds of people? Would you lie to get back into the United States, knowing that your presence would crash the stock market ruining elderly people's lives who need that money to pay their bills? Would you lie to get back into America and then be a media whore for attention and mock a virus as it was killing people around the world?

That is the Goldmans and one wonders in all of this where the Department of Justice is, not enforcing the law against people spreading a pandemic. No one has that right and it is a criminal act to lie about it and bring it into a population.

Carl Goldman claims that the virus is no worse than a cold or flu and his symptoms were 'mild'

Yes Carl Goldman with round the clock healthcare says like Rush Limbaugh that this is just like the common cold, but then all the dead in China, Italy, Iran and the United States must be just part of the Goldman final solution as the Jews were in the Nazi holocaust in the survival of the master race.

This is the face of the rich elite who will destroy a nation and it never occurs to them the suffering they are causing, just so they get the 30 pieces of attention they lust after.

Attorney General William Barr, indict the Goldmans for crimes against humanity.

Failure to disclose HIV-positive status is a felony that ...

Jul 17, 2015While disclosing one's status is important when engaging in sex - especially when most states have laws penalizing failure to do so, varying in degree of penalty - the major issue with HIV

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
