Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The United States Deliberately Set Coronavirus Back Fires

with one mask, under God, with liberty and Coronavirus for all.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After listening to the work of Reverse Speech pioneer David John Oates, three things became evident in charting Coronavirus. As stated here, the CDC deliberately brought in and spread Coronavirus into the United States, both by direct deposit of infected and shedders who appeared, as was the case in Washington State.
Second, President Donald Trump knows people are going to die from this virus, but he is operating from a bunker mentality of saving the American economy, meaning the stock market (will not happen) and producing a best outcome for the survivors.

Rod Rosenstein's sister speaks for the CDC, and she refers to people in  cities as slime in Reverse Speech.

What I desire you to picture in your mind is a forest fire. In forest fires, there are hot spots, there are areas which are singed, and there are areas which will be untouched. That is what a viral spread looks like, sort of like a tornado destroying a town and a Bible stays open on a desk unharmed.

In reviewing the data on Coronavirus in the United States, a pattern is emerging, and it indicates that the United States with the CDC, HHS and Pentagon, engaged in a Back Fire setting to deal with Coronavirus. What the Lame Cherry explains is simple, in to fight a forest fire, firefighters set fires which make burns, which a firestorm can not jump. The burn into the wind, while the inferno is carried with the wind, and when the two fires meet, there is nothing left to burn for fuel and the fire is contained.

I made this map to illustrate what is taking place in the United States. To begin this, foreign students concentrate on the coasts, and that is where foreigners travel to.

If one tracks the cases, on the west coast Seattle was a hot zone which the shredder was operating. Then there was Sacramento and Orange County. The lines produce a West Coast deliberately set fire, to absorb incoming contact.

The interior, sparked to life with Chicago, as the Pentagon and CDC began salting in evacuees who lied about having the virus like the Jewish Goldmans, the disease spread in California, Texas and Omaha.
Soon cases appeared in Kansas City and Lawrence Kansas, St. Louis Missouri, Chicago and Michigan. This was the Mississippi River or I 29 firewall.

On the east coast, New York erupted early, and then interesting things happened, as Tennessee reported case. The people of Alabama though raised hell and stopped infected people being dumped in that state. The shift then moved to Atlanta Georgia, and down into Florida, for the east coast firewall.

If you notice in this, Virginia appears to have a firewall built for it, as DC is being protected from human wave virus transmission.

There are always going to be sparks and embers from a major fire, that drift on the wind and erupt in new blazes. This will be the case in this Coronavirus, as idiots will have to attend college sporting events, idiots will have to just meet their friends and idiots will just have to go on a getaway vacation, where they will get infected and spread the virus to remote areas which should not be infected.

An example would be a geezer from Wisconsin getting some sun down in Florida and picking up the virus and bringing it back to Cheesehead Land.
I still believe that packages out of China, Korea and Italy are going to spread this virus as mail is one of the worst offenders for spreading the seasonal flu.

Mexico is the southern firewall as I suspected the Mexican population would be a vermin source of the virus. As this virus is now spreading in Spain, this is following order from Europe, in this should be the end of a labor force for the United States.
Mexico would put an end though to South American and Asian invasion of the United States.

As I have stated from the beginning of this, Coronavirus has thought rationally and politically from the start. As virus do not think, it proves there are people behind it, spreading it for purpose.
The purposes are economic, safety, political, global control and security.

One example of small scale economic is Donald Trump asked for 2.5 billion to fight this virus. Congress will dish out billions more. Obama in Ebola and SARS which did not affect the United States, twice took over 6 billion from Congress. The math is simple in Obama stole for his cronies 8 billion dollars in kickbacks as 2.5 would have sufficed in a virus which was not even in the United States and was only killing Chinese.

Canada is not a factor in this, as no one gives a damn about what Canada does with that fag Trudeau being worse than a disease. If Americans bolt to Canada, no one cares, and there is nothing which will drive the Canadians into America, so creating a firewall there would have no purpose.

This firewall would have been in some operational plan, perhaps the Pentagon from the days of Northwoods testing in how to protect the United States while making contamination lanes to slow down the spread of an epidemic, allowing it to "burn out".

That is enough of a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in wondering where those donations are from the wealthy folk as I just proved the people they think they own, just unleashed a Corona Back Fire on them and factored in their survivability and the outliers of it.
You just learned something which you were never to know.

Nuff Said
