Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Two New Drugs Emerge To Fight Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are two new "drugs" emerging to fight Coronavirus. The first is listed as Kevzara, but it is of the same group of drugs which repress part of the DNA structure of cells, like HIV or auto immune arthritis, which is not a cure, as suppressing a biological weapon is not a cure, just suppressing it.

What is of interest to me is Chloroquine Phosphate. I knew it was a malaria drug due to the "quine" part of the name. Quinine was the original suppressor of the parasite which ravaged people with fevers and helped people live as the pissed blood black.

Chloroquine Phosphate made me smile, even if I could not figure out how an anti parasite drug would work as an antiviral. What made me smile was when I read the inner workings of CP on cells, as it was Maggie who reminded me when I posted on selenium being an effective protocol on Coronavirus, as it is used on other diseases.

See selenium is healthy for human cells, but it is deadly toxic inside those cells against viruses like Coronavirus, a biological weapon, which is part virus, part, auto immune bacteria and part fungal.
I can understand CP, as it gets inside of cells and changes the PH. Change the acid and base level in a cell, and it kills the virus.

OMRF says a drug that’s been in use for more than a half-century is showing promise: chloroquine phosphate. The drug was originally developed to fight malaria.

“It’s also been shown to be very effective in treating patients who have autoimmune diseases like lupus,” said Judith James, M.D., Ph.D., Vice President of Clinical Affairs at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. “We use it to treat hundreds of lupus patients at OMRF.”

In China, researchers tested the drug in a multicenter clinical trial to treat pneumonia associated with COVID-19. Preliminary results indicate that the drug appears to show some efficacy as a therapy.

“When malaria gets inside a cell, if you change the pH with a drug like chloroquine phosphate, the malaria can’t live,” said James, an immunologist and rheumatologist. “The same goes for a virus like COVID-19. If you change the pH, the virus cannot assemble, and if it can’t assemble, it can’t infect you.”

I provide this information, as you will have to be aware of things to speak to your physician about as I would rather have a placebo named Chorloquine Phosphate than being told to use the air pump at the gas station for my breathing tube.

We are still daily taking supplements, of selenium and terro, along with other things. I have trouble with kelp iodine and other things, so that is my mainstay along with God's Word, in preparing my body to ward this off, so it does not get started as I can neither afford nor probably survive it if it was contracted.

The revelation in this is, Chloroquine Phosphate proves something. It does not work on the common cold of coronavirus. It does not work on ebola. It does not work on rabies, all RNA virus, and yet it works on Coronavirus Wuhan, an auto immune disease which has HIV in it, which the common cold does not have.
The point is, CP should not work, if it does not work on other virus, therefore the conclusion is Coronavirus Wuhan is a biological weapon, as it is not the virus which is affected by the change in PH, but it would be the bacteria and fungus, other life forms.

I do hope CP works, but it proves this Coronavirus is from a lab in being a first strike biological weapon.

Actually it is three drugs, the 3rd with CP is having results in Australia.

A team of infectious disease experts at the University of Queensland in Brisbane say they have seen two existing medications manage to wipe out COVID-19 infections.
Chloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, and HIV-suppressing combination lopinavir/ritonavir have both reportedly shown promising results in human tests and made the virus 'disappear' in infected patients.

It appears the CP with zinc amplifies the results of the drug, and by adding the HIV drugs, it produces an environment in the body, which does not allow cell for the corona to replicate, nor the ACE2 protein to inhabit.

I am assuming if this remedy does work, that it would be an 8 day to two week protocol.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
