Monday, March 2, 2020

Who is American is Responsible for Coronavirus

 But President Trump if I screw this Coronavirus up for you,
Hillary Clinton has promised to make me the Fairy Queen of the CDC

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a not a secret that this blog has invested 2 years electing Donald Trump and 4 years excoriating Donald Trump over not keeping his MAGA promises to the Forgottnen Man, and the Lame Cherry has pointed out the lack of leadership which the President has engaged in over Coronavirus, in how it rests with his incompetent advisors.

The Lame Cherry though has always provided solutions and assistance and where Donald Trump has faults and flaws they are weighed on leadership, but when this President is attacked in pure venous lies, the Lame Cherry will expose those lies and set the record straight for President Donald Trump.

I am leaving this as whatever is the outcome of Coronavirus USA, the record is not going to be written by Trump Derangement Syndrome Trolls like Paul Krugman or the #NeverTrumpers. As you begin to read the screed of Paul Krugman below, ask yourself who in America is responsible for creating the Coronavirus which is now harming the United States?

From the day Donald Trump was elected, some of us worried how his administration would deal with a crisis not of its own making. Remarkably, we’ve gone three years without finding out: Until now, every serious problem facing the Trump administration, from trade wars to confrontation with Iran, has been self-created. But the coronavirus is looking as if it might be the test we’ve been fearing.

Paul Krugman has a propaganda memory worthy of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, as the "self created" problems for Donald Trump's policy, reveal that "trade wars" were not the creation of Donald Trump, but Paul Krugman's Nazi Wall Street nation rapists. Americans were robbed of their wages in high taxes to fund Conglomerates of war and welfare, which enabled the world to feed off of Americans laboring, while in Europe they had 30 hour weeks, perpetual vacation and Americans died for their defense in record Wall Street welfare and war contracts.

As for Iran, it was Barack Obama who allowed them to keep their nuclear weapons, rewarded them with billions in cash and told Americans, Sunni Muslims and Jews to accept dying by nuclear terrorism as the Persian oil cash cow of bribes for the elite was worth more than innocent people's lives.

Opinion Columnist

When a Pandemic Meets a Personality Cult

The Trump team confirms all of our worst fears.

The story of the Trump pandemic response actually began several years ago. Almost as soon as he took office, Trump began cutting funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, leading in turn to an 80 percent cut in the resources the agency devotes to global disease outbreaks. Trump also shut down the entire global-health-security unit of the National Security Council.

We have heard this figure as a battering ram against Donald Trump in he cut 80% of the CDC budget. I am pleased the Paul Krugman bought this up, as it provides a platform to examine the reality of Paul Krugman.

Ask yourself why is it, that you, a poor American is expected to fund billions to the CDC to subsidize filthy nations like China and Iran, who manufacture biological weapons to shut down their epidemics? President Trump is right about this, as with the trillions in debt America is in to Paul Krugman's Wall Street, that America must be the world policeman, welfare mama and wet nurse suckling nations sworn to destroy America.

In this, it was George HW Bush who embarked about creating China as a slave manufacturing haven for the rich to exploit for global profits.

It was Bill Clinton, who shipped all of the jobs to Asia and destroyed American Unions.

It was Barack Hussein Obama whose regime allowed a Jewish Harvard bioweapon's professor to build a biological laboratory in Wuhan China, which is the source that began weaponizing the Bar SARS virus.

To put it plainly, Donald Trump's CDC objected to bringing sick Americans back to the United States and warned against it. It was a State Department troll who overruled the CDC which brought this virus to the American Heartland. As this did not happen with one person, the Pentagon put infected people into military bases in Omaha Nebraska, and then instead of containing the infected, placed them into public hospitals.

President Donald Trump has had people working against his orders and policies and the case was not any different with the Coronavirus being brought into the United States.

Last factor, the President cut the CDC budget, the way the CDC and these State Department health advocates increase the funding is by creating a pandemic in the United States. Once again, the revolving door these "appointees" have in being installed in Government to direct funds to conglomerates and once that is accomplished, returning to those board of directors, is right out of John Kelly's graft as he prostituted Donald Trump's policies while at Homeland and as Chief of Staff.

Pandemics are good for Wall Street business, the same businesses who fund Paul Krugman and make him rich, and pay him to be a propagandist to bring down Donald Trump and install another Obama who allowed complete rapine.

So the reality is as Paul Krugman smears Donald Trump is that Paul Krugman represents the Bush family who created massive slave labor in Asia, ruined those people's lives, and made American labor too expensive, so Bill Clinton betrayed Unions and sent complete factories over to China, so Wall Street Walmart could be platforms to sell American inferior goods, robbing Americans again, as this all became Barack Obama allowing complete biological weapons factories to be built in China out of his Harvard University, which brings this full circle to what the Lame Cherry exposed from the start, in this reality:

Iran which took billions in Obama funding, and Obama helped crush the Patriots there, created a first strike biological weapon against Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia. The Dr. Germ who created this first strike weapon for Obama's friends failed, but this virus ended up being studied in liberal Justin Trudeau's Canada, who Obama helped elect, and it was there that Canadians were not employed by PLA Chinese communists who stole this Arabian SARS.

It was this virus which ended up in the lab of Barack Obama's making in Wuhan China, where the Chinese in response to being cut off from sucking America dry and ruling America by debt, created their own first strike biological weapon to wipe out the United States, as the PLA warned in 2005 would be their response against the United States, and George W. Bush and Barack Obama did nothing about it.

Instead, the evidence suggests that another political entity in Europe, realizing that China was about to kill the world off to rule it, replaced the Wuhan virus with a mirror set of virus to kill the Chinese instead.
These actors are not all white hats, as they are setting an order with genus specific Corona to punish Iran and China and infect to weaken nations like Italy, Germany, Nigeria and the United States for their order.

The reality in this is, that if George HW Bush had not provided the financing China would not have rose and Americans lost their jobs. Bill Clinton would not have shipped factories to China, and Barack Obama would not have had the opportunity to create biological weapons labs in Wuhan, which infected Americans over there, who would never had jobs there, but in the United States if Paul Krugman had not been part of a syndicate which like the holocaust has moved to end the Black and White Anglo African Protestant majority in America, and replace it with godless Chinese communists, Muslim terrorists, Mexican Jesuits and Hindu socialists.

There never would have been a Coronavirus for Donald Trump to face, if Paul Krugman's nation rapists had not engineered this as their final solution for Americans not like them.

This is a post as America deals with and dies from Coronavirus and leftists smear Donald Trump again. to have printed up and remember, because Donald Trump is at fault, because his deep state advisors submarined his policy to weaken him for a liberal to be elected President.
Just remember Donald Trump did not cause this, it was Paul Krugman's nation rapists and they like Obama once again are not going to waste a crisis to install another Jeb Bush / Hillary Clinton, because Russiagate, Impeachment did not succeed against Donald Trump.

Perhaps the President, instead of Twitter rages, invest the time to educating Americans as to what happened, will solve his 2020 election problem.

Until the Department of Justice indicts career criminals like Paul Krugman, the swamp state is still in full operation, and more to the point, they are the ones who are responsible for Coronavirus in the United States of America.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

