Sunday, June 14, 2020

You can not take a knee on a Black man, but you can grind Michael Flynn under the Obama Heel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading the "brief" filed by John Gleeson, as orded by Judge Emmet Sullivan in the lynching of General Michael Flynn, and there seem to be 3 points Gleeson is fixated on.

General Michael Flynn was working for President Donald Trump. (So therefore Flynn apparently does not deserve justice.)

Gleeson is retrying Adam Schiff talking points which Robert Mueller closed his investigation down over.

Gleeson does not believe that General Flynn deserves justice, even though evidence is quoted that the FBI did in fact blackmail him into entering a guilty plea by threatening the General's son.

I have no idea what the Appeals Court will find in this klusterfuck world we exist in where a porn star criminal is the new poster boy for Black Lives Matter and coons can self kill themselves by rioting in catching the Coronavirus.

What is troubling about John Gleeson and Emmet Sullivan, is that the brief is not the work of a Judge. A Judge is an impartial advocate for the People, so a trial is fair. This brief is a prosecutorial rant of why a Judge should be allowed to lynch someone, when the People are no longer willing to prosecute.

Gleeson stoops to absolutely snottiness in this brief. He condescendingly sifts through career prosecutors and politically appointed prosecutors, with a delusion, in every prosecutor is hired by some political appointee as politicians are elected to the White House.
Gleeson falls back several times in General Flynn should have known he was being framed, because he was a Defense Intelligence Expert. Gleeson never does addresss the reality that no one should be tricked by any law enforcement to entrap themselves. That is what the 5th Amendment protects.

On the very day Gleeson and Sullivan teamed up as the bad Laurel and bad Hardy team, Attorney General William Barr was targeted by 1250 former political stooges at the DOJ in attempting to frame him, for protecting the President in enforcing the law against DC terrorists.
As this smear was taking place, the AG in an interview, again stated how troubling it is how government officials embarked on trying to sabotage the Trump campaign, overthrow the elections and frame Michael Flynn.
It is absolutely proven now that Michael Flynn was framed, set up, and it was a series of criminal actions by the Obama regime, but all John Gleeson is focused on is, General Flynn  should have been clairvoyant in knowing, he was being framed by people in the FBI who are sworn to not break the law as they did.

AG Barr: "Very Troubled" By Durham Probe, Familiar Names Tried To Sabotage Trump Campaign

Attorney General Bill Barr gave an update on U.S. Attorney John Durham's probe into federal surveillance abuses conducted by the FBI and DOJ while they investigated Michael Flynn and presidential candidate Donald Trump. Barr said the FBI was "spring-loaded" to investigate Trump's campaign and ignored exculpatory evidence.

"I think before the election, I think we're concerned about the motive force behind the very aggressive investigation that was launched into the Trump campaign without, you know, with a very thin, slender reed as a basis for it," Barr told host Bret Baier. "It seemed that the bureau was sort of spring-loaded at the end of July to drive in there and investigate a campaign."

The Gleeson brief has exposed that neither Gleeson or Sullivan belongs anywhere near the Courts. They are muckrakers of the lowest Adam Schiff form. They are whispering assassins like Evelyn Farkas and Kurt Eichenwald. They are the exact mirror of everything Barack Obama and his fellow travelers are, an Eric Holder bastardization of the rule of law, whether it is incinerating children at Waco, murdering LaVoy Finicum over a Clinton uranium deal or destroying political adversaries by the Department of Justice, whether it is Lawrence Sinclair, Rod Blagojevich, Jerome Corsi or John Edwards.

The rule of law is clear in the courts of the United States. When the prosecution moves to dismiss charges, it ends the case, whether it is a bail hearing, or the sentencing hearing. The prosecution ceases, so therefor the Judge ceases to having any authority over that Citizen, as the Judge can not substitute themselves in the roll of the Prosecutor which has left the building.

Michael Flynn should have been set free a month ago, and for as much as John Gleeson includes press statements in his brief, he proved he is not an arbitrator of fairness, but the same hooded white sheets that come in the night to lynch Blacks.

Emmet Sullivan must be brought up on charges of judicial misconduct as his representative transformed him into prosecutor and executioner.

Nuff Said.
