Friday, August 21, 2020

Beware the deadly, D614G Spike.....or maybe

How dare you breathe clean air!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am just amazed at the plague carriers in the brier patch, in last week, the town was full of people, and this week, few people were around and most had on those damned masks. I never know what kind of word gets out, but when I had a 1000 year couple whining about the price of sugar and glaring at me for not having a mask, I just was ready to unload on these asstard ignorants of what this virus really is.

I suppose most of you have read the latest scare of the new 10 times more deadly virus, so you better get a mask on as this one is really spreading fast from boogers.............

So what is this deadly killer strain of d614g, which has all of you in peril, sure to die, 10 times more dangerous and infectious? Why this new killer mutant is a one American killer for sure...............

Just hold your knicker and don't get into a mask knot over this as you have heard of this dangerous virus before..................FROM THE LAME CHERRY.

The D614G is the S STRAIN, this is the innoculation strain which I told you about and was released to counter th L strain which is spread by eating shit and kills most people.
S strain is 15% lethal, but those numbers have been dropping. They really drop like shit in a bucket when you eat your Chloroquine and zinc kiddies.

There is nothing new about this strain which has all these dumb fucks wearing masks now while they rub their shit hands all over their faces in not wearing gloves. This is the cure and each of you should be asking yourself why in hell are those in power now trying to keep people from catching the cure?

One reason would be they want you to get injected with the DNA altering serum as these assholes are going to flock to this like guano shit on the rocks. This time I am informing you, that this is a hoax. There is nothing new about this strain and the reason they are scaring half wits with it, is because half wits scare easy having their heads up their asses.

With Chloroquine or Ivomec in various over the counter forms which I have eluded to in tonic water, along with zinc, no one should be scared of this virus. Just do what you have been doing and wait for this to pass, because once this Goddamn Gates serum is pumped into the idiots, the cure will be announced and people will get sick from the real innoculation strain and think this shit is not that bad in most of the cases.

So you are being herded over the edge again, and the Lame Cherry kept you from going into thee abyss. I hate these tards in masks though. Mostly old women walking around like they are bull elk in rut in stomping forward with determination. That I do not get in old women just get tude when they put a mask on. Get couples with masks on and they huddle together, whine allot and glare like they want to scold others for interfering with their future hot sex, which if you look at them, you know damned well if they made porn out of their sex, you would puke your ovaries up.

So don't fear the D614G

The geniuses who created this inoculation, released it to kick the Chicoms and 1% in the ass, and the upheaval continues.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

