Sunday, August 9, 2020

Hitler Lives

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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When most people like Harry Cooper bring forward evidence that Adolf Hitler survived World War II, they are smeared as Sharkhunters have been smeared, and yet there is now evidence in Berlin that Adolf Hitler had the very means to escape Berlin, and did just that.

Does SECRET TUNNEL discovered under Berlin prove Hitler SURVIVED WW2 and fled Germany?

The producers have found out that there was a mass Nazi exodus from Tempelhof Airport on April 21, 1945, the day after the last recorded public sighting of Hitler.

Harry Cooper has been reporting on most of this for years, and others have pieced together chronologies, which revealed that some of the Reich;s largest intercontinental aircraft did indeed leave Germany, and fly to Argentina. The History Channel version has Hitler making his way out of Germany, into Spain and by submarine making his way to South America.

That was a difficult voyage, but it was made by several submarines. One in  fact carried the German uranium to the United States, and is the material which blew up Nagasaki. The Lame Cherry has reported on this long ago, but he fact is Robert Openheimer and his scientists in the summer of 1945 were at a standstill in making nuclear bombs detonate. It was the Germans in their scientists, not captured, but who were part of the Hitler deal, which fixed the American nuclear triggers and created the first atomic bombs.

In the new evidence, Adolf Hitler only had to with his entourage, needed to cross 200 yards of above ground journey to make his escape. Hidden below, protected from allied bombings, as the German subway system and in this, the Germans have hidden since 1945 AD in the year of our Lord, a secret tunnel which connected to Templehof Airport, where numbers of the party elite escaped the Soviet slaughter and mass rape.
Admiral Donetz entire placement as leader of the Reich with Hitler's abdication was focused on the necessities of protecting the journey of the Fuehrer, Ava Braun, the party elite and the transfer of German technology, finance and industry to the American OSS control, whereby Germany funded the Marshall Plan, and infused the United States with the National Socialist order of the Reich.

 Once in the subway, Adolf Hitler entered the secret tunnel, which was then expertly sealed to hide it. From there it was to Templehof Airport, where a large transport flew the Fuehrer to exile and safety.

The ridiculous story which the Soviet's fell for in doubles of the Fuehrer and Ava Hitler burned in the bunker compound, is even more ludicrous in the Russians could never get their story straight. I have seen the "brain of Adolf Hitler", which was a macabre undertaking of Joseph Stalin in the Russians sliced Hitler's brain into thin sheets to study it. It was not Hitler's brain, because Adolf Hitler was in South America, where stories would emerge and which are still emerging of the German Reich communities still flourishing there.

Harry Cooper deserves credit for the factual time line in this, but is receiving none as this is now other investigators ignoring the real story. The hidden tunnel is indeed monumental, as it provides the solution in how the government of Germany was able to evade the Soviets. Let us be frank in this, that the Warburg family were Germans, ran FDR's federal reserve. America and England did not bomb a number of German financial interests in the war. There was always an old order communication taking place, and this is still where all decisions are undertaken and security, military and law enforcement are ordered to look the other way. In exchange for what the Reich had to help America, the use of billions of Reich finances, holes were created for huge transport planes and for operations like Paperclip which smuggled Nazis into thee Americas.
America made it to the moon, due to the Reich;s rocket man, because America and the world were that far behind the Germans.

Adolf Hitler lived past the war to genocide Germany. His socialist leadership has converted the entire world to the Nazi management system of the government taxes to collect money to funnel it to conglomerates who manage the state. It is the efficient system and the United States in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord is about to become a Reich.

The real story is finally appearing for the public to understand. Europe will need another Adolf Hitler to save itself and is in the process of creating such an illuminated thought. For now the fact is, Adolf Hitler lives, lives in his governmental system which manages all the world.

Nuff Said
