Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Trump Democrats

I have heard that John Cusack is voting for me,  Cher is singing,
"I got you Don" and Alyssa Milano has voted several times for me this week,
as a lesbian, black woman and a man named, Turd Fergeson.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder sometimes if I had been paid the six figures over the years, and of course was being blackmailed, just how much Adam Schiff or that cast of the DNC going out of their way to be ludicrous, that even a space head like John Cusack was in meltdown over the "piss on me "party the democrats held to nominate Joe Biden.
My name is all I have, and to be recorded in history as a moron, like these democrats are, even Nancy Pelosi uttered some rhetoric about the GOP being enemies of the state. They are just ordered to produce these unhinged comments and it is designed to drive off the last of the democrats who have some kind of morals

Lifelong Democrat After Watching RNC: “I Am Definitely Changing My Vote To Republican”

It must be hard for the Cusack types, hell that loon Sammy Jackson, to have preened over their Designer Negro Obama, and then to watch WATTS RIOTS all summer as coonland proves they can be bought to believe nonsense as they return to their natural roots of crime.
Sure sure, Kayne West and Clarence Thomas are the exceptions, but when it comes down to it, the Afroid just can not be Kobe Bryant in raping White snatch and the rich wife signs off on it, because the diamond is big in the Quadroon Ghetto.

The nonsense of Kobe Bryant, who you know would be in silent affirmation of all of this terrorism by Obama's BLM, is even more evident of what the Black is as a political weapon. Pay a Negro 50 million dollars a year, put him into a mansion, let him be Obama and they still will whine about not getting a good deal in life. When you consider that Oprah Winfrey and her rich Negroid friends, could have built a Niggerland City, like in burned out Detroit, where Blacks had it all, controlled the banks to who flushed Charmin, and they never do it, no more than uplifting Africa. All they do is make statements of racism when some event pops up. They never make one bit of difference.

So all of this theater in 2020 has been as Webster Griffin Tarpley was informed would take place. The DNC is splitting into two ruling parties. Of course Mr. Tarpley had no idea it would be Donald Trump leading the Nazi wing, as he had visions of Hamrod Clinton, but all the same, the 1% say what is the agenda, and they can make Chris Wallace into a White American for FOX and under Obama make him back into Shylock of the tanskins.

I keep posting on this, so none of you are going to be suckered to believe the shit which is being spread. I don't know how people can be this dimwit, but many are. It is why I find none of this interesting, as I know the future in living in it, and unless you have SS skull and crossbones on sexy black uniforms, there is nothing artistic about Don jr. in a beard or whatever else is being bearded.

The Lame Cherry though fully credits President Donald Trump in a wonderful convention. His appearing nightly, his being the moral and quiet leader is what reveals his capabilities as much as his WWE performance did in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

I'm more ready of meteors, terror events, wars and just something beyond this political theater as watching hogs in a semi trailer going to the slaughter house in South Dakota is just boring and really sad.

You are watching the Trump democratic party being born from the vaginal walls the rather soiled American Virgin.

Nuff Said
