Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The News is not that Donald Trump won the Debate - The News is Joe Biden Lost Badly




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof; and ye shall know that I the Lord have poured out my fury upon you.

Ezekiel the Prophet
Chapter 22 verse 22


The Lame Cherry never watched nor listened to the Presidential Surround where President Donald Trump had to take on Joe perv Biden and Chris JewZ Wallace, for the simple reason the real outcome was destined in Donald Trump would revisit the WWE, and be double teamed by liberals.

The real out take of this is simple. Joe Biden can not handle Donald Trump, so what is going to happen when Biden meets Putin, Xi or the Turban Heads of Tehran......have Chris JewZ Wallace come in an try and moderate them.


New York Post


Chris Wallace was a disaster as you do not try and silence the President of the United States. Americans in any form do not like that and as liberals hate FOX, Wallace failed liberals and betrayed the Right, so Wallace whining lectures had everyone hating him.

You know Donald Trump mopped the floor with Wallace and Biden, when Wolf Blitzer was stating there would not be another debate, as Trump Triumphed.

Mexicans understand pissing on the peon, and their 2/3rd macho choice of Donald Trump over the femme perv Biden proves what a disaster Biden was.
In all honesty, the Lame Cherry is sorry that it broke the story of Biden taking a dive and being replaced by Kamala Harris to cry, as that would have been a better performance in Kamala crocodile tears as Trump beasted her.


BOOM: Telemundo News viewers say Trump won the debate by a margin of 66%-34% –   twitchy 



President Donald Trump delivered his lines. He was prefect in message that democrats are going to try and steal the election in fake ballots. That got out, and the President has marshaled forces which are going to intimidate the state courts and federal courts to shutting down the attempt to steal this election.

Frankly, Biden was so pathetic and weak, in rephrased talking points, that he was a stationary target and the President was landing haymakers all night. Biden looked like he was beat in the first minute and Trump looked like he could have gone 24 hours.


‘Let Me Shut You Down For A Second, Joe’: Trump Blasts Biden On Lockdowns   caller 


Moderator Chris Wallace Interrupted Donald Trump 76 Times, Biden 15 Times - Big League Politics   bigleaguepolitics 


Kellyanne Conway Responds To Joe Biden Commenting About Her During Debate: ‘You Lied’   dailywire 


JOE CLAMS UP: Biden Claims Russian Payment to His Son Hunter ‘Has Been Discredited’   hannity   


 There is though one end result of this and the Mexicans and Wolf Blitzer knew it, and that was when Joe Biden lost it and told the President of the United States to shut up. Donald Trump got to him, and it was the Mike Tyson moment of frustration in trying to bite off Holyfield's ear in the match. You do not tell someone to shut up. It means you lost. You do not tell the President to shut up, as that is offensive. Joe Biden lost as a beat up old man. He brought all the uppers he could to try and stay with Donald Trump and all he could do was take a beating. Liberals do not want to see more of this. This match should have been stopped in the first minute as Biden clung to the ropes. He is no match for Donald Trump. Biden is no match for even a stick figure.

Congratulations to Donald Trump. His performance was perfection. He delivered on everything, delivered his message and Joe Biden was revealed that even Chris JewZ Wallace trying to tie up Trump's hands so Biden could sucker punch him, needed a half dozen other cheaters to try and take out the President of the United States.

Nuff Said
