Wednesday, October 7, 2020




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 With bloody finger nubs I type this and it does hurt to type with bloody finger nubs.

 The focus of this post is what Paul Sperry is reporting on which the President is retweeting often enough.




This is not as the Right Scoop discounts.

REPORT: Joe Biden under ACTIVE criminal investigation for his role in Russia gate and Ukraine

Back engineer this in what Attorney General Barr was focused on. He stated that he wanted to know how this investigation into the Trump campaign started as no on could tell him or would tell him.

We now know an FBI attorney abused his position on forging information on FISA warrants and has plead guilty. We also know the AG has stated that no one was being investigated which would influence the 2020 Presidential election.

How can these two realities meld with the above post by Sperry New Howland? (You figure out the farmer joke in that.)

We know that the Hillary Clinton campaign was using a Ukraine security service, which lied and blamed the Russians for the DC hack, which was Seth rich.
We know that Ukraine was blackmailed by Joe Biden and we know Joe Biden was bribed via his son, Hunter, by Ukraine.
We know the information which Christopher Steele was pedaling in the Pissgate forgery, was Ukraine based.
We know that the "impeachment coup" was based on Jews operating in the US Government with Ukrainian ties.

It is impossible to investigate the origins of the Obama coup against Donald Trump and his staff, and not investigate Joe Biden as a person of interest. Joe Biden is the one who brought up how to legally frame General Michael Flynn on an obscure law which is never enforced. Joe Biden was in every single one of the Obama / Michelle / Jarrett /Rice coup meetings. When the US Attorney, no matter which angle, from the money, to the information, to the frame up, pulls a string, the name Joe Biden appears in the midst.

Joe Biden in stating the obvious was the Vice President, but this blog informed all of you that on June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, after Obama was put on life support in the White House bunker, that Michelle Obama, Val-erie Jarrett and Joe Biden, agreed that the women would formulate Obama "policy" but Joe Biden would be acting figurehead of the regime.
Nothing came out of Obamaland after that, which did not have Joe Biden's knowledge.

This is why Biden did not run for President, as if it ever got out that he was acting president for three years and covered it up, he would have been charged then.

Everything which has happened in the coup against Donald Trump, has had to do with the initial cover up of what happened to Obama and the fraud of Joe Biden leading afterwards. Biden was a complete failure as the Obama regime stalled after June 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, and the political machinations went into overdrive to protect the police state at CIA and FBI, which were protecting his Obama hidden secret.

The secret in this is Joe Biden was signing off on every decision. James Comey was engaged in ensuring that Hillary Clinton would prevail to keep this secret hidden. John Brennan was providing the lunatic rants of Russiagate to form the distraction, so that what the US Attorneys are finding is, that Joe Biden was at the center of every one of these criminal events.

The Justice Department does not need to make this an official Joe Biden investigation, because they have people cooperating and in targeting other persons of interest, they are getting the full details of what Joe Biden was involved in.

If Joe Biden wins, there is going to be a Special Counsel appointment and he will be put on a leash for Kamala Harris to be acting President. That is what is behind the Harris Biden administration statements. This is once again the reality of Joe Biden doing the dirty work for the Obama leaving the building and now trying to get Kamala into the building. The problem with this is Kamala Harris knows something, so how much does she know and what does she know of Joe Biden's crimes.

This is how the swamp and the deep state operate. If leverage is needed, there is a Halloween indictment for a principle in this which will be handed down. If not this will, process to a future date in what comes around goes around.

If the US Attorney's pull hard enough on this, the above is going to come out, and you will discover the unbelievable story published here seven years ago, was what was the real history. That story can never come out as it would be too much chaos for the order.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

