Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Home Army

 Churchill organized us. Roosevelt armed us.
Stalin promised us support.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those of you who thought that  the Barack Obama "Orange Revolution" in Iran, where Obama called upon the patriots there to rise up, only to be tracked on Jewish platforms like Facebook and Twitter to be rounded up and slaughtered was a rare thing, like George HW Bush calling on Iraqi's to rise up and when they did, he left them be thinned out, were isolated incidents, return with this blog to World War II, where Prime Minister Winston Churchill railed on the British people to support the resistance in Europe against Adolf Hitler as it would rise up one day and be an asset to the allies fighting the war.
Return with me to that time where Winston Churchill had added the French to the American Lend Lease in the Marquis of Grenoble at Vecors, was of the French patriot resistance and America dropped 1000 loads of weapons and ammunition on the southern French for D Day,and what followed was of interest.

It was of interest as the Poles had been shedding blood in British columns since their nation fell to the Wehrmacht of Germany.  Churchill had called for his secret service to raise European resistors to set Europe Ablaze in August 1944.
What instead happened was the Warsaw Home Army upon being induced by the communist Poles in a radio broadcast, promising Soviet support to an uprising as the Red Army was on the Vistula and within striking distance, took to the streets and took up arms and in this, Joe Stalin ordered his Red Army to stand down, which in turn gave the SS full power to smash the Poles, who as Stalin termed them, "Were London Poles" and not his communist Poles.

When it was over the SS had killed 10,000 Polish resistance fighters outright, and 200,000 civilians. Joseph Stalin was preparing his annexation of Poland with his picked puppets and now that the Nazi's had obliterated 210,000 fighting patriotic Poles, the Soviet ascention of power in the Warsaw Pac would be complete.
When Churchill asked to air supply the Poles in Warsaw, Stalin turned him down, and Franklin Roosevelt is not shown to have voiced one protest over his good friend Uncle Joe allowing this slaughter of Poles.

The Slovaks of Melania Trump's past also took it upon themselves to rise up. They like the Poles fully expected the Russians to aid in this driving out the Nazi, but instead Uncle Joe again did not move as now he had the Americans doing the fighting in France and Moscow could pick and choose which battles to fight, not for the defeat of Germany, but for the poltical control over Europe after the war.
Oh, the Slovaks were all slaughtered too by the crack SS in putting down another Churchill inspired resistance.

Lastly we come to those French. On the Vecors Plateau the French had begun making raids on the German lines of Army Group G. It was decided to make an example of the French resistance and SS glider troops landed on the plateau and proceeded to kill every French person they found there.

So if one wanted to create a Europe without any patriots after World War II, the greatest alliance which could be afforded was trusting London, DC and Moscow, who would make promises, give weapons, order you to rise up, whereby you would be obliterated, leaving only socialists and communists alive. So you get this, Monarchists in London, formed the resistance through their intelligence, the Americans supplied the arms, Marxists in Moscow promised support and in the end, they all let the Nazi's massacre the Patriots.

That is your lesson in global history, which is quite an education, as you will notice this same repetition occurs and when the slaughter takes place, everyone blames  those not responsible as those responsible for it, desired the slaughter as Patriots are always a problem in they think their country is their country and not some other nations.

I hope you have learned your lesson.

Nuff Said

