Sunday, November 22, 2020

Trump's Midway - The Political Atomic Bomb


You're going to pin those bastards down with the fleet and then we will nuke them!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry instructs each of you reading this to get some concrete in your hearts and settle down, as like US Grant, Donald Trump is going to fight it out on this line.

Go back to World War II, did you think FDR lost the war when the Philippines fell? No, so why because Biden and media have like Tojo Japan declared himself dictator for life, are you getting restless?

Donald Trump is having his Coral Sea campaign in giving what he is getting. That is not winning yet, but it is setting the stage for this political battle, to force Tojo Biden to strike Midway, which is giong to expose Biden's propaganda weaknesses.

The United States at that point had the manufacturing, the goods and was training the troops. Sidney Powell and Rudi Giuliani have all the tools that the President has provided them. They have the Gernan server from Scytl, they have the affidatvits, they have the Pentagon now in the Special Forces allied to the President and they have the President's executive order legalizing his actions is securing America.

This is going to the Supreme Court. It may go as Biden being ruled against in the Federal court as a Conservative Judge is gatekeeper there, which means at that point that Donald Trump will be able to declare himself the legitimate winner. If not, it is another traitor exposed and this goes to Sam Alito's Supreme Court, with all of the evidence for the Trump Manhattan Project, to use the nuclear option there.

In projections of this, the President has this all worked out with his legal counsel. The reality is, the President will have the Supreme Court legalize his legitimate victory, The President will be inaugruated and this will set off the Obama Intifada for mayhem as communists always do. This is where the Nagasaki bomb is dropped on the enemies of America, as Sidney Powell flew in and dropped Hiroshima on Tojo Biden in the Federal Courts.

The President has been buying time as FDR did in delaying actions, so the evidence would be collected and those behind this would act out in criminal misconduct.

Until this President does otherwise, I will believe him that he will never concede, as he knows he will be strung up and his family fortune will be wiped out as his children and grandchildren go to the Biden Pedo farm.

Attorney Jenna Ellis told you that this is not Law and Order episodes over in a half hour. This takes time to build a case and for these criminals to show their hands. Tucker Carlson showed what he is, Jon Ernst and that Toomey from Pennsylvania. Allot of shit is being flushed out and this is all being noted, in who is loyal and who are the croc assets of the rabbit hole.

President Donald Trump has a massive invasion fleet, with air cover and with the Speical Forces to protect his Administration. When this starts moving, the firefights will occur, but this will advance  the Trump line forward and it will keep moving forward to the Supreme Court.

Just remember the Powell evidence will be heard by a Federal Judge, and if he rules for the President, Donald Trump wins. This will be Biden then going to Appeals and the reality is, Appeals may rule for the President again. This is a Sam Alito Court, Bunghole Roberts knows he is going to go down hard as a traitor, so he may simply say the lower courts ruling stands, and that is it, Donald Trump is President as he is the legitimate victor in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

The President Trump has the atomic bombs, Joe Biden is Tojo with rice paper shacks and a Navy at the bottom of the sea. Donald Trump has the arsenal to win, so stop listening to the propaganda of Tokyo Rose that you are getting defeated, as Coral Sea was a stalemate, and it accomplished exactly what FDR desired in drawing the Japanese out, so they could be crippled.
Midway is coming for Joe Biden, and when that happens, Joe Biden's carrier press and his political escorts are going to be sunk.

This is a DIA intelligence operation for the President. Intelligent people have been involved in this for years. So start behaving like you have a modicum of intelligence and understand the President is not retreating, and our battles are coming where we start winning like Donald Trump won on Election Day.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
