Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Capitol Hill - Bunker Hill



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


As most of you have watched the Patriot starring Mel Gibson, you are probably aware of the fatal mistake of the British military in these United Colonies, as Lord Cornwallis castigated his officers for raping, burning homes and murdering Americans, in noting that the British would need these Colonials again for the empire and turning the 2/3rds of Americans who were not in the fight against the British, into supporting the Minute Men Militia, was the doom of the British.

As a forerunner of the Trump Wild of DC, Oregon Patriots were demanding to be let into a public hearing at the Oregon Capital. They were met instead with state police, who ended up shooting Americans in the head with rubber bullets, UNARMED Americans and macing them, as they hauled away people who had every right to be there.

You will remember Americans watched aghast since May of 2020 in the Soros, Buffett, Obama, CIA and FBI ANTIFA and BLM burning, raping and murdering innocent Americans. Can any of us every forget the innocent child Kyle Rittenhouse chased down by pedophiles and in defending himself from being murdered has been fighting for his life in the corrupt courts for protecting himself from lethal force.

 In studying the video in Oregon, these Citizens were not far right anything. They were Trump supporters. They were not heavily armed, save for their voices as they recorded the police state in action denying them their rights.

Of course this is a stepping stone to the Trump Wild, and the Citizens are learning that the police shoot women in the head with rubber bullets at point blank range as they hold cameras, but in this design, Bidencon has just assaulted innocent Americans, who will in kind respond.


Heavily Armed Far-Right Mob Floods Oregon Capitol

The Daily Beast


The Lame Cherry has been warning of this. Sure these FBI and BATFE moles are the sources of violent rhetoric and they are the ones paid to stir things up with guns so this becomes a gun control issue, but Oregon witnessed that the cops had left their body cams at the station, and it was Citizens recording in that was their heavy arms.

There were calls of badge numbers. There were calls of "We will find where you live", and in this, is the crux of what Americans are very good at, in guerilla warfare, whether it is Blacks in the streets, Latins in the ghettos or Whites in the hinterlands, they have all kinds of new toys like cell phones to keep track of things in local code, and someone is always dating someone who can provide all the information on logistics.

One must understand that the military and the police are different entities. The military is designed to function in mass numbers and to continue fighting to the lone Soldier as the Soldier is a weapon. The police though are designed even with military training to response with massive concentrated force on singular or groups of untrained people to resist.

An example of this is, the police are technology top heavy. Firearms with lots of firepower, SWAT teams, basic APC's and a network of communications to call up and bring force to bear.

What happens in this, if traffic jams take place so the state police can not respond in their vehicles? What happens if some enterprising children on bikes start cutting valve stems? Mobility is ended and then the police are isolated in their body armor with large magazines, and the public will not go near them to be assaulted.

Communications are the like albatross, in some enterprising assaulted people are going to figure out how to make the authorities blind and deaf in their technology. There is an old adage that when the riots come, the police run home and protect their own property, as there is not a "lone law man" in a police force.

Oregon is being stoked by the leftwing media. It should instead be a matter of those who want to crack down on Trump supporters, that Oregon was a huge mistake for law enforcement. Every protestor in Oregon represented 1000 to 10000 Citizens, who are now aware that the police are shooting women in the head with rubber bullets to keep Citizens out of a meeting open to the public.
There is not any of us, who does not have direct experience or a relative who has been assaulted by the police. I have been robbed several times in citations, as that is what cops are paid to do, rob Americans We all support the police, but lurking in our minds are these assaults by arrogant uniformed police who knew they were lying and were getting off on stealing money from people as their superiors reward them on the quota.

Those things in the back of people's minds, start building when the police state starts attacking the Citizens who obey the law and shooting them. Then it becomes a matter of, "Yeah there is a cop in my neighborhood, I know the hours he is home and gone, and the next thing the cop is wondering is how is security camera was dealt with, and all the damage which was done to his property. One person in 5 minutes can causes huge amounts of damage, which of course insurance pays the first time, but soon insurance companies stop honoring policies for people in law enforcement, and when the cop decides to retire and get into some lucrative private work, those Citizens still remember those assaults on them, and now the cops do not have the protective fraternity of the police state backing them up.

It is a nasty and vicious cycle. The police state only functions when the population is not retaliating. Once the population begins retaliating the police state becomes more lethal, and those events trigger lethal responses from millions of Citizens.

Remember Mel Gibson's character. He was a farmer and carpenter. He wanted no part of the resistance as he had fought in war and knew what people are capable of when one side ignorantly thinks their abuses will not be answered. That is what Gibson was speaking of historically when in the French and Indian War the Colonists retaliated for crimes which the French and their allies committed against Americans. Americans have hidden in them thee most heinous of attributes and if this is tapped, they will not stop until it is scorched earth. They will cheat and do every dirty thing imaginable to win, and do it with a smile, but they become sinister when their core self is wronged. That is what triggered in Mel Gibson and it started the losing streak of the British in North America.
The British after two wars with America, never wanted to deal with the United States again. It is why they suckered Germans to kill German Americans in two world wars.

This election theft and the betrayals by Bush fam, the abuses of Obama and four years of absolute tyranny against President Trump, has had Americans by design on a slow boil. They were set up for this in pro sports were all kneeling and offending so the release was turned off. Americans had an election stolen from them and now they are being assaulted. They are wanting martial law. They want the courts suspended. They want to even the playing field so they are not criminalized and they can get a chance to deal with their tormentors.  If the President told them to GO, they would rise up and clean all of this out and relish accomplishing it as the police state is going to be repeating Oregon across America.

Capitol Hill on January 6th will replace Bunker Hill as the ignition point, as the Samuel Adams of Boston were in Oregon, and this is progressing to the same arrogant mistakes the British engaged in, in America 1770's.

What was done to President Donald Trump created a great national scar. Joe Biden stealing this election jammed a sharp stick into it, and all of these Oregon events are pouring salt in the wound, and 100 million well armed Americans are being moved into actions which they are agreeing with.

I was talking to my neighbor today and the old guy said, "Yeah I'm glad we're out here". This will touch even Reagan Country as the police are brainwashed into mistrusting the public and the political soldier will follow any Biden orders to murder Americans.

The President has to lead thee American mob from the White House after January 21st, because the only solution is to command the police state to crack down on the Obama Intifada which will erupt, but will go home to their luxury after the paychecks stop. Americans are not getting any paychecks and the minute Citizen Trump is indicted it will bring a reaction, like all the things Joe Biden is planning from forced vax, forced gun control, forced denial of rights.

Oregon was the wrong step by the police state, and it can not be taken back. Bidencon desires this, as they want another mass Hutatree to unleash on Americans to wipe out the political opposition. The reality is, this looks to be spreading and even with millions of officers, agents and soldiers, there are not enough of them once the American mob decides it has been wronged.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
