Wednesday, December 9, 2020

King's Bishop King's Pawn


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 For those who think I'm looking for Bible verses, the Holy Ghost provides what appears here, so I do not need to search for Inspiration.

I'm pondering all of this in the events which are appearing and I do believe I have the majority of answers. I have always been honest here and published far more information than I ever should. It is no longer a point of proving I'm right of God making the blog right, so this no longer matters. What matters to me is people who are upset by all of this, but that is the purpose of all of this, in this is supposed to be making you upset.

Joe was wondering about things. Was contemplating using the Socrates method in dealing with his well to do friends. It goes back to skin in the game. The majority of rich people do not care, Joe has observed that. With the rich you focus on what they focus upon, their money and how all those pretty things validate them. You do not call them shallow, but just start with something they will like in, "You really have allot of nice things  and I bet Donald Trump as President made you even more wealth, but you know, or I guess you don't, for every Hoover, Reagan and Trump, the people who run things that are sticking America with Biden, loot everything people like you have. The 29 crash, the Dotcom bust, the Obama bust, and there will be one taking everything you have once Trump is gone.

That will get a response, but ignore their questions and just add more information in how tough it will be to be them, because if the Obama Intifada does not get them as their nice things are like a red flag to BLM and ANTIFA, then the Trump supporters are not exactly compassionate to them, as when the chips were down, they didn't care.

You can drop then that you talk to people who are in the know, and of course they will ask and ask dismissively,  you just reply, "They wouldn't talk to you anyway, because you don't know the right questions to ask".

That's when you look at your watch and say, "Gotta go".

Let them stew on that and see if they start asking you questions in the future.

The Viking shared this, and I would advise a regimen of prayer for a positive activity.

Dearest Sisters,

What to do in this insane world. Hard to maintain sitting here in a split level basement alone. Shelter, warmth, bed, food; Thank You Lord. Anyone but Trump and it’s physically over, as you say. No place to hide have we here, or elsewhere. No place to avoid the chaos. My girls don’t deserve this, especially the younger one. And unlike other circumstances like this, there will be no end to this one. Will it trigger the return of Jesus? Not until Armageddon, says The Bible. See no segue between situation now, and The End. So unsettling.


The Viking

I’m sorry to be another burden, but can’t keep this to myself. At least Fred Thompson is still playin on Law and Order.


When I wrote of the Samson Option, that is about prayer. I stated in 2015 AD that I was done with politics and I was not propping up Jeb or Hillary in their fraud. Trump as Jehu changed things and I went to work as God directed in writing the Time Line for his being President. I'm not about to prop of pedophilia.  All of you missed after I posted that post about nature in revulsion of this evil, in two earthquakes struck, one in Nevada.
All this evil is transmitting disruption to the universe. It is top heavy. It owes satan the consuming force which collects and it is a cancer eating itself. For those you do love, they are being corrupted like Lot's family, in all of this. This thing which America has been devolved into is an inhumane thing. God did not leave the evil before Noah's Ark, Canaan, Sodom and Gomorrah, Israel, Judah, and every evil people from American Indians to continue and  what will soon be most of the world and America will cease as that is the historical reality.

If any of you stack boxes on top of the other, it will come to a point that it will topple and evil is that way.

Pray for God to deliver His children. Pray for the days to be shortened to Christ's return. Pray for the evil to consume itself. Five minutes morning and night, and you are amplifying what is already taking place. It is going to happen, and it would be of benefit to God and His children to have Christians praying the direction this falls.

Every movement has it's weak point, a gambit which will put it in jeopardy from the opening. The Bishop's opening is such a gambit.
The President has been in this game for a number of years. Jesus has been at this from Creation. Christ is my focal point. When you are with Christ you are not being moved around on the board by emotions.

I believe I have a number of answers but posting them would not be beneficial  to the President and those who back him. I do not intend to make this difficult for him and his backers.

The seed of the Gospel was sown in you in good times. Do not allow the thorns, rocks, rodents and drought choke out that crop inside of you. You were born into this time for a hard purpose. 

Your part is Spiritual as what you think is chaos in all of this, is designed to psychologically manipulate you. You will have the answers to part of this by the end of the week.

Nuff Said.

