Saturday, December 19, 2020

Mark of the Biden



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


It has all started in the end of American Rights wholesale with the Covid Marxists now stating that a business can order any employee to get vaxed, the threat being fired, starving and losing all you have in this coercion.

Federal agency says employers can require workers to get COVID-19 vaccine #SmartNews   thehill 


There’s A Coronavirus Civil War Brewing Between Biden And Teachers Unions   caller  


 Joe Biden will implement this with coercion and brake every union, from police to teachers, ordering federal funds and federal penalties be enacted unless they are vaxed. This blog informed you this the first week of November in what the Bidencon was going to unleash.

People will not be able to travel, to shop, to buy gas from a pump, unless they have that vax mark of the Biden.

 Anti-mask protesters march through Target, Walmart singing 'We're Not Gonna Take It'   bizpacreview 


Go ahead and protest, because it will be met this time with armed response by the police state, and not protected like BLM and ANTIFA.

This is the Mark of the Biden
