Sunday, December 20, 2020

Pater Donald Trump

The Elite are going to split the democratic party into two parties to rule America. A socialist and marxist wing, with the republican party being reduced to a third party status like greens.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is now the end of 2020 AD in they year of our Lord, but it is a time of five years since Webster Griffin Tarpley in perfect arrogance of being all knowing by hearing from the elites, that Americans are all bleaters, left, middle and right, who are suckered by these soulless trolls of politics, media and the judiciary into thinking they are their advocates, when all they are is advocates for the elite, endlessly mindfucking the cloth of the land.

As Webster Tarpley's first exhibit, you have the fraud republicans, of Bushtopia. They have completely alienated the 80 million armed voters who followed Donald Trump to wherever Donald Trump is on the leash to.



Sun Sentinel on



As you can see, the frauds control all of the GOP, and plug an play, detest all of you, hate guns, hate God, and love things up their pedo asses, just like Joe Biden. They love Pedo Joe Biden.


Next up, we have the other side of the CIA paradigm for the left, in Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer hate not only the people on the right, but hate those trolls on the left even more. But as Republicans have no Republicans, except Donald Trump, those on the left have AOC in Congress with, who is now fulfilling her paid role to split the democratic party into her wing of marxism.


 SHOTS FIRED: AOC calls for new leadership of the Democrat party –   twitchy

 So in taking the Tarpley score in this, the GOP is leading in vanishing down the Bush hole of nothingness.

AOC in Congress with is rising with being the marxist mama, another Tarpley legend come true.

That is two out of three.






Now I don't want to short Tarpley on this as he has a trifecta in this in he has hit all three out of the park.....see what we don't know is does Pedo Biden get prison as that fat ass Kamala gets the socialist wing of the democratic party, which does not seem to be much a party compared to her big fat ass, because Donald Trump really does control 100 million armed Americans, and I don't see much of a wing even if Kamalas big fat ass could cover them all.

See you really need Donald Trump in the White House, to coalesce AOC's marxist rule, and to keep those Patriots and Evangelicals from creating another Trump as they are not going to follow the Bush's into Thuneland.


In response, some conservative activists have called for a new “MAGA Party” for conservatives.

“Could a ‘MAGA Party’ replace one of today’s major parties, and become a major party itself?” RedState’s Robert A. Hahn asked recently. “I think the answer is unequivocally ‘yes,’ and the reason is that a very large fraction of the Republican Party’s current voters are not fond of the Republican Party, do not like many of its office holders, and do not support the neocon, Chamber of Commerce agenda of the GOP establishment.”



Now the elites have this all worked out. It is easier to see what was five years ago in what seemed preposterous which seems quite clear now.

I realize I keep reminding you of this, but the reason is for something for you to hang on to. None of this makes sense, unless you realize it has a purpose.

I realize that numbers of you are still clinging to the illusion that your party is for you, and not leading you to the gas ovens. Also most importantly how guilty you feel in being rich and not making generous donations to this blog for keeping you informed and entertained.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Nuff Said

