Wednesday, December 30, 2020

President Trump Pardon Hillary Hayward Thomas


 If my wife was ugly,  I would be ashamed of what she did as only Raquel Welch
can pretend to be another race.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 It is such a criminal shame when a person misappropriates another culture for their benefit. Like Blacks are Quadroons and they pretend to be only Negroid. Like American Indians are mostly White and yet claim to be Indians which is not even a race, when in fact they are Mongoloid.

That is why Rob Schneider revealed that his mum is Filippo, I was delighted that he was a hard core Conservative, as I could care less that he has Spanish Filipino bloodlines as I just admire the guy.

That is why when Hillary Hayward Thomas AKA Hillaria Baldwin was outed as a White Boston girl who has been pretending to be Spanish, I was sad for her, as she made a bundle of money selling a fake of who she is. You know like actors pretend to be things which don't shit in toilets.

I was more interested in what Alec, who is Alex AKA Xandy, which I can see why he changed his name, but here is a Macedonian name, and then he went to like Alec Trebec who is like not Macedonian I think, and he ended up Alec Baldwin.
I have to be honest, I never liked any of Alec Baldwin's early work. He was a sissy actor and I only appreciated his person when he got unhinged from that Kim Bassinger and started saying things like those below.

Instead, he rants about various other topics, including Facebook (“a corporation you should avoid if you could”); Twitter (“a vast orchard of crap”); Jeffrey Epstein (“I never met Epstein in my life”) and the fake phone number Alec maybe gave him (“That’s what we call the Dummy Line”); the media outlets he distrusts (TMZ and the New York Post are “sewage treatment plants” in our host’s estimation); and other things, too, but none that route directly back to the Hilaria affair. The closest he comes to addressing the situation is his aside about how people love to lie about celebrities, or perhaps his closing line: “When you love somebody, you wanna defend them. Consider the source.” (The source in the case of Hilaria Baldwin’s origin story is ultimately Hilaria Baldwin. Or should we say, Hillary?)


 There is not a Trump supporter who would disagree with anything Alex Baldwin said and in fact, he is about as right wing as they come, if you look at his life.

I was trying to think of ways Hillary could make it up to us, but as she has already done babe shots, I think that should be payment enough.



Maybe someday someone will ban Alec Baldwin movies and tear down the yoga studios of Hillary and Alec, because like Abraham Lincoln they are too white to have emancipated the slaves, but for now I think what Hillary needs to do is come clean and say that her and her husband voted for Donald Trump and that they hate pedos like Joe Biden. That should be sin enough for the left to gnash over and then they can repent of that and we can leave this all Martin Sheen is really named Estevez and no one ever bitched at him for pretending to be White.

Nuff Said


